What Is Right And Left Really? - Everything you need to know, without the contrived politics.

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

You dont have to be political in order to understand left and right.

When you take the politics out of it, and the bullshit mass media definitions emotionally forced on us, we can reduce right and left down to its ultimate distinction.

Right is the way of self, the inner, the foundation.

Left is the way of the crowd, the outer, the construct.

We start right, until we've left; sun rise, sun set.

The right wants to maintain, to conserve, while the left seeks to break free, to liberate.

I dont see any bad guys here. Do you?

There must be a balance between these two, but we should always go just slightly more left, because otherwise, how would we grow? Life would be pretty stagnant and restrictive to our spirit. Evolution and enlightenment would never be possible.

So you see, I am actually leftist, in the truest sense. But here is the problem we collectively face, which is why I push to the right of anything mass media is pushing on our minds. Nearly no one understands this dynamic, but instead absorbs the mass media version of what left and right is. If you buy into this, then the left is where all of the love and progress is, and the right is just hatred and blockage.

Media, by its very nature is left moving. Conservative media is no fun. We watch a TV show today with X amount of sex and violence, and tomorrow we need XX amount of it. Media needs to feed us that XX or else we will go elsewhere for it. It conserves nothing. It must be liberal, and this is why good media always employs those who are masters of Liberal Arts. This is why media over time is more and more left supporting, liberating us from the bounds of yesterday, feeding our need for more. The liberal artistry is mind controlling.

Here is where this turns really ugly.

How do we know when we have gone too far left with our media?

Well, when events seem to be so crazy that we cant make sense of them. We become so programmed by fantasy media, that the world becomes terrible to look at. We cant make sense of why Trump is president. We dont know who to believe about anything. We become perfectly divided, because its so easy to take a side, because anything can be believed.

Media, by its very etymology, implies "middle", but clearly, in a for profit system, where people are competing for your precious attention and time, X amount of fantasy in media becomes XXX in no time. We are so addicted to the beautiful people, the quick wits, the glamorous lifestyles, that when we look away from the left, back to reality, we cant even cope with anything right. We cant be good at building on the right, because we are so heavily programmed with false realities.

Anyone who has been closely paying attention to the world know how this happened, but those under the mass media spell, the vast majority of Americans, overwhelmingly the left, were shocked when it did.

This is how society has gone so far down the left hand path, so high on the blue pill. Our perceptions of reality are highly polluted with fantasy. How can they not be when we ingest hours of it per day via electronic hallucination? Not only that, but these hallucinations are more dense and packed with stimulation than true reality is. They are very fast, and they plant triggers and habits much faster than true reality experience does.

We are highly automatonic, impulsive, and highly triggered. We dont want to even deal with reality, because when we try, its so hard to make sense of it. We dont know a lick of philosophy, but we have brand after brand stuck in our heads.

We keep hearing about the far right, and are constantly made to fear it, but where is all of the media warning about the far left?

What if we are living it?!

What if the far right isnt even a threat, because we are collectively so far polar, that we would be lucky to even get close to the middle at this point in our heavily conditioned minds?

Everyone on the TV is saying the same shit, because they are desperate to maintain the status quo, the full control of the mass media, and thus our minds. They need us under their spell, and they are all working in unison, double timing it. They need you focused on Trump, the puppet they created in order to draw flack from who has always been in control, and who is responsible for why we are in such bad condition today, the mass media and those who control it

Again, there is no danger of falling far into the right. But unfortunately, we have gone so far left that any move to the right is painful. We are addicted to the utopic ideals programmed into us, but we dont stand a chance at that. IN order to live in a society that is right, we have to go and do right things.

Life begins in the right, and we are near perfect when we are young, but the more we experience the illusions of life, the more fear we build, the less we actually enjoy life as it is, the more we need to feed into mass delusions, but they never keep us happy do they? Right....to left.

What makes us think we can create a utopic condition on these grounds? The kids are begging for socialism, but you cant force that onto people. Its been tried before, many times, and it never ends well.; because it is forced from the left.

We must go right, into the self, because through this path we will truly understand ourselves, and thus, one another, all while building a better connection with our souls. This is the only way we can have a united society with dream conditions. But it is not a comfortable process. It takes sacrifice and disconnection from the illusion.

Fashion, idols, fantasy, and ignorance of history dont tune us into this. They dont make us better people. They distract, and take power from us. There is no utopia in that future. There is no peace with reality there, but only through moments of delusion, there is no unity, but in short lasting based crowd frenzy.

It cant last.

The political left is programming the false utopic idea into people, but without self understanding, without going into those depths, it will never work. We will never have that deeply spiritual connection, just a surface projection, and those are easily disturbed, fragile. This is the reason why Socialism, great in theory, always ends in misery. It is forced by people with little self knowledge.

The way is not through the based crowd, but through the discovered self.

We all began in the right, but little by little, and then faster and faster, we have left.


With love,

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I think our two party system is by design. They know these innate constructs and use them to exploit us..

Our brain is left and right hemisphere by design as well. There is good reason for that. The idea is that they keep us balanced.

We need to conserve somethings, as well as liberate ourselves from others. The two party system idea is great, but the problem is that mass media has pushed the public perception so far left, that anything right seems wrong. We are addicted to more. Mass media creates addictions for more by design.

Left and right, Democrat and Republican, dont hurt us when they honestly balance one another, but our perception of them does, and this has been heavily skewed by a mass media that is supported, emboldened, directed, and made wealthier by the political left.

Enjoy this thanks.

Thank you for this refreshing post, the vast majority of us prefer to remain in the illusion rather than face reality. We have endless/mindless entertainment all around us to distract us from anything remotely uncomfortable. Trump is a puppet just like Obama and Bush and Clinton before him...when will we learn?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well I just finished writing this. It certainly helps.

The false narrative being sold to the youth of today the left is good and right is bad is a deeply disturbing trend. Their minds are being weaponised by the Cultural Marxists of left wing academia. Sitting in their ivory towers on university campuses spreading their BS idealised socialist theories to an increasing dumbed down student population.
They talk of freedom while trying to control, peace when waging war and equality whilst attacking anyone who doesn't subscribe to their vision of the way the world should be.
It's not going to end well if/when they get their socialist utopia, those that fought for the cause will be the first to be purged. It's happens all the time, these people are too stupid to learn from the past and are happy to contribute the their own demise.
Great post.

Also, what is "west" and "east" , really... :)