Former US Drone Operator Fed Up With Counterproductive Foreign Policy

in politics •  6 years ago 

There have been several US Air Force drone operators who have blown the whistle on what they say is a corrupt and counterproductive foreign policy.

A couple of years ago, four of them made headlines when they called out the current drone program; suggesting that it accounted to little more than indiscriminate murder.

In an open letter they wrote,

"We came to the realization that the innocent civilians we were killing only fueled the feelings of hatred that ignited terrorism and groups like ISIS, while also serving as a fundamental recruiting tool similar to Guantanamo Bay. This administration and its predecessors have built a drone program that is one of the most devastating driving forces for terrorism and destabilization around the world.”

Those 4 individuals were Brandon Bryant, Cian Wstmoreland, Stephen Lewis, and Michael Haas.

Not long after they made headlines for their controversial statements, their attorney tweeted out that they had their bank accounts frozen. Many suspected that this was some sort of retaliation for them having gone public with their criticism on the growing dependence that the US military places on drone technology. But it looks like they didn't let that stop them, since some have still been pushing to bring attention to the problems surrounding drone warfare for years now.

And they aren't the only ones who have spoken out about the misguided foreign policy approach, suggesting that it is causing more harm than any good. When the drone program is killing innocent people it is going to fuel blow-back and it is going to fuel exactly what the program suggests it is trying to extinguish—terror.

Bryant is still active in voicing his discontent with the current state of affairs.

Bryant worked as a drone operator for several years and recounts various experiences that didn't sit well with him and eventually contributed to his overall disdain for the drone program.

One one occasion he described a scenario where he was instructed to murder certain targets overseas, told that they were reinforcements who were intending to join a terror group. Though, after he fired he admits that he believes that likely wasn't the truth. Another time he describes how he was instructed to fire on what he was told were men carrying weapons, only after observing them for some time he again admits that he didn't believe that was the truth of the matter. After he fired, he noted that there wasn't any secondary explosion and that this further supported his belief that he wasn't told the truth.

In 2017, the use of drone strikes reportedly grew more than 400 percent

Just a few days ago, Bryant was again active in publicly voicing his concern for the ongoing drone program and for the current administration. His previous letter that he signed with other drone pilots had been directed at the former administration, but he admits that this current administration isn't any better because they too have embraced the drone program.

Bryant suggested during his RT interview recently that drone program only fuels an endless cycle of violence and that it helps terror groups to further recruit because of the innocent people that are murdered as a result of the program.

Bryant admitted that hardly anyone ever questions the information that they are given on which targets to strike. The various agencies that are involved in working behind the scenes aren't effective in connecting all of the pieces together, as Bryant puts it, and that could be why there is critical knowledge missing at times.

Drone operators simply pull the trigger and he admits that they don't interact with the supposed intelligence information that has led to the selection of which target they are told to go after. And because of this arrangement, it reduces the individual responsibility in the matter and no one seems to be held accountable for the wrongdoing.

The current interventionist foreign policy that the US operates with is destructive for the people in a myriad of ways and there are a variety of costs that come along with it. However, you will always face push-back and fear from those who prefer (and whose livelihood depends upon) never-ending war.

Inevitably, you will get some people who will always promote war. And unfortunately this small few are highly influential in Washington, despite the average person wanting the fighting to come to an end.

I think, people who want to be violent they just want to be violent, they are just stupid. You know, any idiot can kill another idiot. It takes a better person to stop hurting another person ‘cause that’s where love and kindness come in.....It’s easy to be kind and loving to someone who’s kind and loving to you. But it really takes something special and a lot of effort to give that to people who, you thin, are not worth it. - says Bryant.



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Great article, thanks for sharing @doitvolunatarily. Nice work!

That's very informative. And thanks for your help too

Nice post :D

The drones have a lot to talk about nowadays thanks to technology, the United States contributes despite the war that they have against drones, friend, I appreciate your work, you are a very wise woman, excellent writing and information

the use of the well-intentioned drone seems to me to be a fantastic tool, I do not agree that its use encourages more violence, if the drone did not exist, the violence would not change at all, it would continue as usual. since there are many interests created.
what you have to change is the mentality of the rulers
excellent post dear friend @doitvoluntarily, thank you very much for spreading it
I wish you a beautiful night and a happy rest

The mentality of the Freemason rulers is fascist domination over EVERYONE. The elections are rigged. The politicians are Satanic Freemason puppet war profiteers. War is the biggest business on Earth. The masons will sell to EVERY country on "both sides." They sell the war psy op via fear/propaganda in their corrupt msm. They are sociopaths.

Good informative article, the technology advances every day in leaps and bounds. Thanks for keeping us informed. I follow you.
I invite you to visit my profile, I would love to have your support ... Thank you.

I thank God for these patriotic and fearless men. Now, we just need about 100,000 more. I certainly share their grave concern that NOTHING has changed with the drone program since "the great peacemaker" has taken office. It's going to be up to WE THE PEOPLE (that's righ swamp, we're still out here, your bosses, and have just about had it) to demand JUST WAR, with full open debate and declarations and NO MORE CIA-STYLE PRIVATE WARS, "POLICE ACTIONS," or whatever other semantic twists may be in play, currently.

We're done with you neocons and communists running our foreign policy and continuing to make us the most hated nation on Earth.

Certainly,of course
In as mush as these whistle blowers like Bryant and co. might be saying the truth,they and the entire public should know that these drone policies contributes to a huge amount the public's security from external attack and it is the life of those "innocent people " or yours ,which is better??
Everything's got a price tag
We've all got to pay

That's a bunch of crap.

I'll stand in front of one of those drones in the place of any innocent anywhere, anytime.


Edit: worse than that, but I'll not belabor the obvious. You have completely failed to demonstrate the least bit of understanding of Bryant's statements. Murdering wedding parties creates terrorists, who are utterly motivated by the murder of their families and loved ones to avenge them.

Drones don't contribute to security. They completely destroy it.

They do it on purpose. They do it to create a need for security and to profit from providing security theater, so verminous feces dwellers like you feel justified in supporting your fellow bottom feeders.

You have displayed an absolute absence of honor. May it haunt you for a thousand years.

Bryant won my heart and mind in his interview. I reckon he's got the right of it.
