A short rant to end my day...

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

  A few weeks ago I did a post on American media outlets, and how over the last ten years, almost everything you see in the news is factually skewed in one way or another. Specifically I tried to describe the bias we see coming from the big three cable news outlets CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. In that post I was most critical of Fox News for their obvious bias towards the Republican Party, and their incredibly inaccurate reporting of everything concerning Donald Trump.  

The last week has only served to add to my already disgustingly amazed feelings toward all three of them, and from my perspective the proverbial rabbit hole that is cable news, has since morphed into a black hole leading straight into the political abyss. I guess it’s my own naiveté causing me to be completely shocked every time one of the Fox News anchors blatantly lies about something that is easily confirmed or denied, or when CNN does their best Charlie Brown teacher impression and speaks for thirty minutes without saying anything of substance, or when MSNBC continuously lays the groundwork for what could be a genuinely important story, then somehow reports themselves into irrelevance. 

All I’m left with at this point, is to say WHAT THE FUCK people!!!  

Doesn’t anyone else in America see just how much damage is being done because of the constant barrage of lies flowing into our brains on a daily basis? Is the era of alternative facts really going to be the beginning of the end for any resemblance of the “truth” as we know it? When we as the citizens responsible for allowing this shit to continue for so long, finally realize what has happened, will it be too late to do anything about it?  

Unfortunately I already know the answer to every one of these questions, and no matter how much I want to believe America is going to wake the fuck up, I know there is very little, if any chance of that happening any time soon. After seeing things in such a pessimistic way for so long, I started to force myself into believing it isn’t anything that really bothers me all that much, and lately I try my best to force myself to do like everyone else, ignore everything and don’t let the craziness get to me.  

More often than not though, I’m not the least bit successful at pretending it doesn’t matter, and I find myself spending more time than ever to confirm or deny the things I see and read. Every day I wonder if anything at all would be different if everyone else did even half of the research to stay informed. It usually doesn’t take too long for me to snap out of my dream and back to the harsh reality of – most people just don’t give a shit.  

Well that’s my rant for today – thanks to anyone who takes the time to read it… 

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I entirely understand your frustration. However, it is important to remember that sensationalist news is nothing new to this country. For example, there's the "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war" that effectively ignited the Spanish-American war over 100 years ago due to propaganda! I totally agree with you though, its disappointing to see what is happening with modern media.

Hey @cupojoe3474 - Thanks for the reply brother... Unfortunately what we are seeing is unprecedented, and very well could lead to more than just a failure of any specific news agency. It may sound alarmist and tin foil hatty, but we could very well have a front row seat to the orange clown apocalypse...

My fear is of what I see happening to the only independent institution charged with exposing corruption within our government - when all a corrupt politician has to do is claim "fake news", discredit the reporting, discredit the reporter, and then go about their business like it never happened.

This already has and is happening with the buffoon in the White House, and the baby rapist in Alabama - half the population of the country believes what they do based solely on the source of their news , and if that news source has an agenda aligned with a politician or political party (exactly what we see happening), accurate information can be intentionally withheld, or basically any story can be told regardless of the actual truth of the matter (again exactly what we see happening).

To once again quote a couple of the Clown In Chief's favorite sayings - SAD, BELIEVE ME... I don't know about you, but whenever I hear someone say BELIEVE ME, I tend to think they are lying...

Thank you for your reply! I agree with you that this is unprecedented in terms of the extremes it goes to, but why do you think that is? The quick availability of information? The demand for information that confirms one's belief? Perhaps it is the new technology that makes it so easy for news organizations to manipulate information, thereby giving the "orange clown" something to complain about.

On the other hand, the extent of Trump's assault on the media does seem to be something not seen before... in this country at least. I think this is where you and I completely agree. His ability to sway his supporters to believe lies and reject facts is terrifying.

Also, I read some of your blogs and followed you because I really enjoy your content! Your letter to Trump is very well written!

Howabout those SBDs huh?
Wooowee ;P

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It is pretty cool to see them starting to go up - but unfortunately I have never made enough of them to really matter... Looking at the big picture, i 'm still looking at a significant loss vs. if I had just kept my BTC instead of powering up Steem... With the hundreds of hours I invested over the last several months , and now a net loss of hundreds of dollars... Well you know...

Hang in there. The steem train hasn't left the station. Politics aside....shit is about to get real.
Woot Wooot!