RE: My One Point Plan For Successful Libertarian Party

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My One Point Plan For Successful Libertarian Party

in politics •  6 years ago 

I think the weakness of this approach is the difficulty in coordinating decisive, unified action. Perhaps that's inherently why the Libertarian party has trouble gaining traction- when an autonomous individual is the highest authority, nothing collective gets done, because getting everyone on the same page is like herding cats. I'm not a fan of the Marxist Hive-Mind, but admittedly it can bring raw power to bear on fixed points. In theory, a totally decentralized party would work awesome- if every indivdual was equally proactive, intelligent, and motivated. But I'm not sure how that would play out in practice.

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I don't see decentralized action as a bad thing, if we can't achieve a Libertarian society through Libertarian means we're only proving what we want is inefficient.