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in politics •  6 years ago 


Don't Be Victim To It


I once tried to get a liberal friend of mine to give Rush Limbaugh’s radio program a listen in the hopes that he would entertain the conservative point of view on things for the first time. His response to me was, “I don’t need to be told what to think.” At that moment I realized that he already had.

Nothing is more worrisome than to see a friend, family member, or anyone completely indoctrinated and, at the same time, completely unaware of it. People live with brash misconceptions about all sorts of things, and it is largely due to the media. If you are still unaware of the fact that those who run the various media organizations in this country collaborate and make daily subjective decisions about which stories to run, which not to run, and by what angle or perspective to cover them, then you are way, way behind. If you solely rely on such media outlets as the New York Times (NYT), the LA Times, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, National Public Radio (NPR), CNN (and countless others) for your information, then you literally have no idea what is really going on because you are not receiving the entire picture. You may even be being flat out lied to. Eventually, you will inevitably have a distorted world view that has been largely manufactured by others for you.

How about a history lesson? Look at how many Americans believe that George Bush made the case to attack Iraq because of their link to Al Qaeda and 9/11. Just one problem, he never said that. Look at how many people think that the Iraq War was unjustified because stockpiles of WMDs were not found. That was only one of many reasons for going after Saddam Hussein. People thought our economy was turning around during the summer of 2009; the “Summer of Recovery,” remember that? The economy only recently has begun to show signs of improvement. Why do these misconceptions exist and persist? Simple, they are the direct result of media bias and the resulting indoctrination.


For a side note, consider this, most world governments, particularly the oppressive ones, control the media in their perspective country. The obvious reason is to control the masses. If you control information, you can control thought. Now, we often hear that, “The rest of the world hates us,” but why might that be? Could it be that they’re being lied to?

George Soros, one of the wealthiest political activists in the world and multi-billionaire funder of leftwing causes and groups, donates millions of dollars to organizations such as: NBC, ABC, the NYT, the Washington Post, NPR, Media Matters,, and many others. He has donated to the likes of: Charles Rangel, Al Franken, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, and Al Gore just to name some. He is an anti-American providing funding to not only left-wingers, but to left-wing organizations that are in the business of lying to the American people. Sadly, unwitting U.S. citizens remain unaware of this “wiz” behind the curtain who is feeding them left-wing propaganda disguised as independent and impartial news.

To avoid this pitfall, and the potential catastrophes that can result, we must listen to all sides, we cannot be afraid to indulge the conservative point of view on issues, and we have to become informed and well rounded. We can no longer afford naivete in these matters. The world is a dangerous and scary place. Knowledge from various unfiltered, unbiased sources is an absolute necessity. Do not trust the mainstream media or left-leaning blog sites; find out for yourself.

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