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in politics •  7 years ago 

How Is This Hard?

Have you noticed how intolerant the left is? Or how delicate they are? They hear something they don’t like and they flee.


Recently these green haired hippies (why do they do that?) walked out when some crazy insane person suggested men and women are different. As a side note, do you think China struggles with this? Anyway, if they are the same, then why has this ‘trans’ girl (i.e. boy) won the wrestling championship two years in a row?

Next time a boat goes down, instead of ‘women and children first’ we should only hear ‘children first,’ right? Women are going to have to begin getting their prostates examined, correct?

Medical professors can just take average female life expectancy and male, average them out, get a single number, and from now on just talk about average human life expectancy.

No more bras and make up ladies. Having trouble opening that jar of pickles? Well, don’t come to me. If you lack the strength then what makes you think I can open it? Hmmmm?

I want to see more women mowing the lawn and taking the garbage out too. And once a month I am going to start acting like an a-hole for no reason and blame it on hormones. That’s how that works, right?

More men need to get the house and custody of their kids after divorces now. And I want the same insurance rate on my car as your average woman gets. Chivalry is officially dead - no more opening doors or pulling out chairs for you. I say we just abolish Valentines Day all together. Junior wants to play catch with daddy? No can do, Sport. Go bug mommy, or Parent 1.

Hollywood may as well stop making romantic comedies because chick flicks are a thing of the past now. I want to see female enrollment in police, firefighter and military skyrocket. More clubs need to have female bouncers too. And NO MORE women’s leagues! No WNBA or separation in the Olympics, etc.


I could go on, but I think you get the point. I just find it remarkable how easy it is to program people. These brainwashed little shits, with their stupid colored hair, have actually been convinced somehow, by the evil powers that be, that there is literally no difference between men and women. Let that sink in for a minute. On top of that, these nitwits also believe that you can switch from one to the other! Who is going to reprogram these dopes? Hopefully, reality will.

Are you and your spouse expecting? Well, don’t bother asking your doctor what gender it is because HOW WOULD HE OR SHE KNOW......oops, how would the doctor person know? Please, can we stop this crap? The left always accuses the right of being anti science. IT IS EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE.


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It is remarkably easy to brain wash the ignorant. You have constantly and bravely proven this, time and time again you show us. Thank you, you brave brain washed sheep, for taking that bullet. Your ignorance is indeed only matched by your lack of effort and the falsehood of your made up "facts". Truly you are a perfect example of what not to be. Thank you, I hope you have an absolutely amazing day.

Take your meds.

Your adorableness does not excuse your ignorance little one. The fact remains that you have done zero research on this subject matter. I will give you an example from your article so that you can better understand what I'm saying, don't worry I will limit my use of big words so as not to confuse you again.

You say, "they actually think you can switch back and forth" you did. I did. Any assigned male began life as a female and "switched" in the womb to male. We already do um yup, biologically 100% doable.

Also, women are already doing all these things you are talking about, and men who are not over burdened with Neanderthal dna are already helping with them. Why does examination of the gender norms bother you so much? Is the random chance of nature the only thing you have to be proud of in life? Are you one of those people who is"proud" of there random geographical location too? Oh sweetie I hope you do find joy in things. I do agree though that the left is off its rocker these days. No more than the right but blah all y'all are horrible to listen to. Hope your day is nothing short of amazing ;-)

White males are screwed if they are gynocentric minded. The only solution is to go your own way and let these bitches fend for themselves. Let them go out in the cold and fix the water pipes, let them go fight in wars. Most men are so pusified its sickening. Good post @drjeffreywinger

Source: thechive

Thank you. Any idea what steampunk-penny is talking about?

I don't agree with everything in your article, but what I totally relate to is a lot of hate in a left community. Among people nowadays in general. I mean look at this comments.

Thank you. Any idea what steampunk-penny is talking about?

Maybe we better ask her :)

I realize the irony is probably lost on you, but claiming "science" while militantly dismissing the actual science as some left-wing conspiracy to promote an "agenda" which you never seem to get around to defining ... doesn't make sense. It just appears insane.
Now @steampunk-penny is a friend of mine, and you can stroke yourself off to her attention all you want, but if you want to get into a battle of wits, I hope you ate your Wheaties.