The Left Is So Dumb

in politics •  6 years ago  (edited)

The Left Is So Dumb

You Almost Feel Sorry For Them


Eric Schneiderman, New York’s attorney general (which makes him the state's top law enforcement officer), has long been a liberal Democratic champion of women’s rights, but guess what happened . . . right, just like Anthony Weiner before him and Bill Clinton before him and the Kennedy's before him . . . he is involved in a sex scandal. The man has four women claiming he engaged in nonconsensual physical violence against them. If you click the link below and read the article you will see that he did some really egregious, misogynistic, and racist shit! It is so bad that the guy resigned quite quickly after the story broke. And to think that he was the Democrat's darling on this issue just moments before.

One really has to marvel at the abhorrent judgment by liberals. Left-wingers are some of the most incurious people on the planet. Just spew out some bland pleasantries such as 'Hope and Change,' and they fall in line. Is it that they are so desperate to belong to a cause? Is it that they are perhaps a tad too eager for everyone to think like they do? Is this why they cling to political figures without even the slightest desire to vet them? Bill Clinton was credibly accused of rape, and lied to our faces on national tv about his affair with Monica Lewisnky, and yet the liberals shrugged and called him "our first black president."

They viscerally despise Donald Trump with the hot hatred of a thousand suns, and one of the primary reasons is how he used to talk about women, or that he banged a porn star while married. Big whoop! Didn't Tiger Woods do the same thing? Yet look who Saturday Night Live has on their show - Stormy Daniels, a whore who gets paid to screw on video for money. She is a-ok with the libs. Can someone explain the 'Left's' morality to me please because I do not get it?

Oh, and not to change the subject, but what in the genuine fuck is that Donald Glover video This Is America? Other than the words "This Is America" is he speaking English at any other time during the video? And what is with the head shots, and the mowing down of a black choir? I know the left-wing elites think this is some form of masterful art, and that Donald is a genius, but I call it 'artistic douchebaggery.' Plus it is repetitive and monotonous.

I am really beginning to wonder if the Democrat party, which has steered so far left that Roseanne Barr of all people looks conservative by comparison, is simply comprised of the insane among us who chug way too much Ritalin, Xanax, and Lithium, and are now half of the population vis-a-vis Idiocracy procreation. Their ideas are stupid, their judgment is flawed, they are meaner than a raccoon in a dumpster at 3 am, and they are increasingly getting nuttier every day.

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Deplorable Melissa on Twitter   The left is losing their minds over Kanye lol so much so they are resorting to dumb statements l.png

“Slave to free thinking?” Wow! Thank you for that.