
in politics •  4 years ago 


If you're criticizing or ridiculing Trump because you realize you don't need a president of any sort and you want the office abolished, I'm right there with you.

If, however, you're criticizing or ridiculing Trump just because you'd prefer the "Democrat" side to be "in charge" and imagine they would be better, I can't support you. In fact, I find your complaints tedious and when you lie about the situation to try to prop up "the other side" by making Trump look worse, you'll get nothing but an eye-roll from me.

I don't support Trump, but I would NOT prefer someone else (like Rapey Joe?) in that office... because I want the office abolished. If you're criticizing Trump from the same perspective, great. But if it's just to get some other political monster into that illegitimate office, you're on your own and I'm tired of hearing it. Stop letting Trump control your mind. Find another hobby, please!

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If you're criticizing or ridiculing Trump because you realize you don't need a president of any sort and you want the office abolished, I'm right there with you.

I think understand your reasoning, however I strongly disagree with you.

My understand is that the plan is move the world into a technocracy and do away with anyone having political power.
I strongly suspect that the corona virus scam is the tool which is being use to introduce this technocracy. I assure you that the plan is not in the interest of freedom and liberty.

This video may shed more light on what is going on with the virus.

A technocracy just removes the middlemen.

So, you still have the oligarchs calling the shots, its just now they would be telling the computer what to do instead of the president/congress what to do.

We will see that first steps will be removing / automating paper pushers.
This has always been a make-work operation, and so... it will not go the way they wish.

When the paper system is automated, then the companies sending the paper will also automate, and it will just be computers talking to computers.

Then, the leaks happen, transparency is demanded, and we find that its just a circle jerk.
Govern-cement will eat itself this way.

I agree with right up until.....

Then, the leaks happen, transparency is demanded, and we find that its just a circle jerk.
Govern-cement will eat itself this way.

It looks to me like the vast majority of people are being obedient during this lock down.
Right now I do not see that we have a snowballs chance in hell in resisting this successfully.
I hope I am wrong but do not see much evidence to the contrary. The two doctors in the video link I provided in the comment you replied to, do provide some evidence that not everyone in the medical establishment is psychopathic or just gutless, but they are experiencing a lot of push back from the powers that should not be. They will need a lot of support

Well, you are in luck.

There is lots of evidence that world peace is inevitable and the govern-cement's days are numbered.

The MSmockingbirdM does everything they can to get everyone to not see the solutions coming, but they are coming.

Green energy is here. It just needs to be implemented now.
And with this, a community can start anywhere and have a clean source of power.

Bitcoin - cryptocurrencies are building an alternative to the banking system. All of Wall Street will be gone in less than a decade.

Alternative medicine is far more advanced that people are left to know.
There are places for going and getting cured from cancer. Even stage four cancer. Its just you have to leave The US to get them.

And, as i said above, AI / robotisizing the paper-work systems is a double edged sword. Sure it can be used to rule us, but it can also be used to completely see what the govern-cement is doing.

And when you can SEE that less than 10% of your money that is supposed to go to help the poor gets there, AND crypto-charities are getting 90% there, then govern-cement will just close up shop.

Everyone stops paying taxes.

Yes there are wonderful alternatives like passive housing which allows us not to be connected to any of the usual grids like power water sewage.
We have the wim hof method to keep us well before we even get sick and all manner of wonderful things.

What I was trying to express was a lack of evidence for any wide spread will that would allow us top break free from the shackles.
Most of world right now as I am typing this is agreeing to socially isolate when the most healthy thing for them to do maintain their physical social connections. Am I wrong about that?

I have a lady i do work for, and every time i go to her house its always how "Trump is sooo dumb." ("IQ 85")

Now, this would be ok, accept that she praised Obomba for all that he did.

I remember everything, but cannot speak well.
So, it is hard to explain things like, you are blaming Chump for what you praised Obomba for doing.

It ends up being a one sided conversation with her just airing out all the frustration CNN has put into her head.

Really annoying.

All the presidents between Regan and Trump should be hung by the neck until dead. (That is the way the constitution says to kill a president when found guilty of treason)

I do not know about Regan and Chump. Verdict is still out.
However, i am REALLY glad that Hitlery is not in.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

Are you saying that I am stupid?

I can say that if you would really like me to, but I feel that it's little bit negative, tbh....

I am not especially attracted to being called stupid, however if I say something that people disagree with I always appreciate learning other peoples perspectives.
Given the situation we find ourselves in I am finding quite difficult to be hopeful about our collective future. I am horrified by the passivity I see all around me and admiration poured out for the people who seek to enslave us.

...even if they're stupid perspectives?

ah I just added an edit to my previous comment.
I am not sure that there is such a thing as a stupid perspective.
Any genuinely stated perspective has not evolved in a vacuum. It will be a reflection of the totality of their experiences and conditioning.

Any genuinely stated perspective has not evolved in a vacuum.

But an insane asylum filled with patients, does not a good perspective of reality, make.
Modern monetary theory?

@lucylin rests his case...

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  ·  4 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment