Historians rank Trump dead last in Presidential rankings, Biden as 14th BEST???

in politics •  10 months ago 

Well if it wasn't clear that we live in completely biased times here we go with more evidence of exactly that. Now I am not trying to say that Trump was a magnificent President, I don't really have a huge opinion about that. I also don't really care about Biden but to suggest that he is the 14th BEST of all time is simply lunacy. The guy can barely get through a speech without babbling nonsense and he ranks ahead of almost all the Presidents ever?

didn't Jefferson own slaves? I thought he was cancelled

Now obviously the usual suspects in the media jumped all over this survey to laugh and laugh and laugh and use it as some sort of proof that Trump shouldn't be re-elected but we need to look at where this information comes from to understand that this is merely an opinion poll and is not based on any sort of quantifiable mechanics. This comes from the American Political Science Association, which in case you didn't know, is a bunch of university professors in the United States.

If you know anything about universities in the USA you probably already know that it is absolutely dominated by liberals and in particular, Trump haters.

Apparently this is something that the American Political Science Association does every year but there is likely a reason why you are not hearing about it until now. It's because the MSM is in full panic mode about Biden vs. Trump and are using everything they possibly can to make "their guy" look as good as possible.

I guess Obama is falling out of favor because he dropped two points since last year.


It would be expected that this group of individuals would rank Trump near the bottom because they hate him, but to place Biden at 14 kind of immediately discredits the entire ranking system in I think, most rational people's minds. What is it exactly that this guy has managed to accomplish other than reversing as much Trump policy as possible? I suppose that is what tickles them to the point of ranking him above so many other Presidents including Reagan who won the 1980 election by an enormous margin and was very highly regarded as a President.


This has never been put out there in mass media in the past but they are really struggling to find ways to make Biden look good and some comments about why Biden was ranked so high included he "resumed normalcy to the Presidency." Really? A guy that barely knows how to talk, frequently falls down, bumbles through meetings with foreign leaders, completely avoids the press, and frequently forgets where he happens to be at the time is the 14th best President of all time?

If you ever had a time in your life where you stopped paying any attention to what any polls have to say (even if you like the results) now might be the time to do exactly that. I can guarantee that if the results of this poll were reversed that there would barely be a peep from the media about this. Biased outlets like The Guardian can barely contain their glee but at the bottom of all of their articles they have a sign up section for "Trump on Trial" updates. I think you can easily see where their allegiance lies.

"Lies" is a perfect word to end that paragraph with and basically sums up all news media right now.


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Still surprised at the blatant #intellectualselfpleasure that's going on?

not surprised... more like amused that they think anyone actually believes any of this. It is also disappointing to me that supposed intellectuals who are meant to be unbiased are actually anything but.