Liberal media attacking Musk for (*shuffles cards*) having fun at a dinner

in politics •  3 months ago 

There seems to be nothing that the liberal media won't attack conservatives over, especially if that particular conservative used to be someone that they saw as an ally in their cause, whatever that is. Elon has become enemy number 2 since about this time 2 years ago because he was no longer part of their team and put his mind and money securely behind Trump.

Now they stop at nothing to attack him at every turn they can while previously, if for no other reason that his involvement in making electric cars, he was seen as "one of us." Not any more!


Recently, I guess because they have already exhausted downplaying his achievements at Tesla and SpaceX to the point where they try to claim that he has nothing to do with their innovation, and then bagging on him for having a bunch of kids from separate women, they decided to move to poking fun at the man doing literally anything, such as having fun at a dinner when the song "YMCA" comes on.

It's an old song that everyone knows because of the iconic moves and even though I don't actually care for the song, I have at times been known to pull out the dance moves as well. Elon is simply acting his age at this Thanksgiving event, and I suppose when you are the richest person in the world and there is almost nothing you can't do, you tend to not really care what other people think of you and really don't want to be part of youth culture.

The press tried like they always do to drag whoever else they can into it as well including Barron Trump, who made the critical error of being seated at the same table.


I say "error" completely in jest because Barron is of course doing nothing wrong and his cringe reaction is no different than the ones we would all have when our parents partake a bit too much in the sauce and then let loose a little bit. Screw em! I say. Have some fun. The thing is I don't think there is a single person in this picture that gives even half a damn about what anybody in the press thinks of them and I say good on em' for having a good time. Lord knows they have plenty to celebrate.

I just wonder if there were times that the right-leaning media acted like paparazzi in this sense where they would take photos of a political enemy and just pick holes in every little thing that they did. Has it happened, because I don't recall it if they did.

If anything good is coming out of this I think everyone that isn't completely brainwashed with hatred for conservatives and addled with TDS will see a story like the dozens that were made out of a reaction to a Village People song on the part of Elon and just sigh and think "seriously guys, this is news?" and then move on. The legacy media or MSM has almost no grasp on the people anymore and this is a good thing. Personally I hope that they keep it up and continue to whittle away at what little reputation and following that they still have.

God forbid Elon have a little big of fun, right? Sheesh.


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Don't you know that supporting the orange bogeyman is a death sentence?

What will they do with all of their TDS rage when Trump leaves office in 4 yrs? They'll be an empty shell and their remaining viewers will realize they have nothing left to offer them. That's when the lights will go out at all these networks. Mark my words, MSM will die in 2029.