Liberals outraged that 60 Minutes would even talk to MTG

in politics •  2 years ago 

If there is one thing in particular that I can point at today's political idiots and say "you are truly lost" it would be the people that are so brainwashed, so dedicated to their side being correct, so profoundly adherent to a particular way of thinking that they don't even want anyone with a differing opinion than theirs to even be allowed to speak.

This is happening to 60 Minutes right now because they are guilty of the horrible crime of featuring a person on their show that Democrats really don't like because: reasons.


Like most humans I don't watch network TV anymore. I also don't know a great deal about Marjorie Taylor Greene except that she is quite reviled by the leftists. I don't know any of her policy opinions nor do I believe the soundbites that were probably heavily edited to make her seem racist/homophobic/anti-Semetic/ whatever else the left likes to call anyone that disagrees with them.

Even the articles written about the outrage are written in a devious way to further reinforce anyone's hatred for this woman from Georgia. This one which of course is a leftist publication that almost nobody reads, starts the article out with a fake CV/resume of MTG that includes "QAnon subscriber" and how she "elevated far-right conspiracy theories." That's just the first paragraph.

Fortunately, in the comments section of the article, which again is populated with mostly left-wing nutters, there was some sensibility.


As you can see by the up/down vote on the message, there are a lot of people out there that agree with the fact that just because you don't like someone's views, doesn't mean that they should be silenced. I would bet that the 16 people that downvoted this comment are the kind of people that were perfectly ok with Twitter voices being silenced right up until the point where the cannon was getting turned the other direction once Elon took over.

another sensible person in the comments said something that I think is very important about politics in general, particularly in USA


I think this is probably true with most people that you know that are passionate about politics and the players that are involved in the game. If you were to ask them "why do you hate MTG/Trump/Shapiro/Andy Ngo/etc" they probably wouldn't have a reason or would come up with some platitude that was spoon-fed to them by whatever social media group they choose to follow. They are so stuck in their echo chamber that they don't even know why, nor does it matter to them why, they hate a particular person or organization. This is also true with people on the right so don't think I am picking sides here. The people that I know that are the most politically informed actually have heard all sides of a discussion and make a choice based on all of it. The crazies on the left that are calling for a boycott of 60 minutes simply because they spoke to MTG are actively involved in attempting to prevent not only themselves, but anyone else from ever hearing a different point of view.

Are there really that many people out there that enjoy being brainwashed? Is there really a large portion of the population that is so stuck into their ways that they actually are practically begging for propaganda to be the norm?

I'd like to believe that there are a lot of intelligent people out there that realize that the news, and especially news snippets that are provided by social media spaces, are not news at all but are simply methods of further radicalizing the rather stupid members of "their side."

Let's make no mistake here. If FOX News were to have a casual and friendly sit down with Obama or Pelosi, their people would react exactly the same way. They would make the claim that they are NEVER going to watch that show again in protest and behave like little babies who didn't get the sweets they wanted while at the grocery store.

You can bet your bottom dollar that 60 Minutes are going to try their damndest to make MTG look unhinged and unprofessional too and one would think that the leftists would be celebrating this sort of thing.

We live in a time of adults behaving like undisciplined children and I sincerely hope that the article I linked above is simply another tool in media's arsenal where they show the reaction of a few and attempt to make it appear as though this is the collective thought.

Personally, I hope that 60 Minutes gets the highest ratings they have had in a long time with this interview. Not because I particularly care about MTG and even less because I care about 60 Minutes (I don't), but only because I want to see the heads explode on the political morons who are calling for the boycott in the first place.


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The left gets mad that news be newsing.... lol

I have a solution to all people on all political sides about something that is on TV or online. If you don't want to hear what that person has to say, DON'T WATCH IT. Case closed!