Liz Cheney loses badly in re-election campaign. Legacy media mostly frames her as a hero

in politics •  3 years ago 

I wouldn't say that I have followed this, or any other election that has ever taken place in Wyoming very closely. That state is one of which most people know it is lovely up there but we never go there and don't really think about it a great deal. In case you don't know, Wyoming is an enormous state that is larger than most countries in the world. Almost nobody lives there and I guess they have something of a tourism sector yet most people never even contemplate visiting.

They came to the forefront when Liz Cheney started to have a long-standing beef with ex-President Trump though.

The Don began a big movement to have her removed from her seat in the house and this was only going to happen through primaries since Wyoming is an extremely red state where the Democrats get trounced every election. While I think that most people, even the "blinders on!" media knew she was going to lose, but when she lost by such a staggering percentage there was no denying the fact that the people are not on her side and they want her gone.


The funny thing about all of this isn't that it happened but how the media reacted to it. On both sides of the spectrum the various talking heads said exactly what you would expect them to in that the right-leaning ones were having a party and the left-leaning ones were making excuses for her massive loss.

Some of the funny things is that the usual suspects like Washington Post and New York Times hijacked their own articles in order to make the entire ordeal an attempt at further brainwashing their readers. Instead of focusing on the mistakes that Cheney herself made as a representative of a state, they instead made 90% of their articles talking points about Trump and his continued insistence that the 2020 election was riddled with fraud. I don't really think about it anymore but I don't think than any honest person can look at the things that happened in 2020 and not think that things were definitely out of the ordinary and very SUS. The only reason why people defend it is because their guy won. If the shoe was on the other foot they would be complaining about it as well, rather than saying that there was "nothing to see here."

That point has been talked into the ground though and it is time to move on.

What is so "dumb" about this news coverage about the primary is that they don't focus on how in any election, if a candidate, especially an incumbent, goes against the will of the people they are representing, they can expect to be eliminated from office. It doesn't really matter what that representatives personal feelings are about something - they are there to represent the wishes of thousands, perhaps even millions of people and if they do NOT do this, getting voted out shouldn't be a huge surprise. This is the reason why Joe Manchin manages to stay in his office despite the fact that he is a Democrat Senator from a deeply red state. He abides by the will of the people that put him in his office in the first place and this is why he sticks around.

Cheney KNEW that her constituents disagreed with what she was doing and the while the media did the best they could to cover this up, it was evident to anyone who bothered to look even a little bit.


I don't know a great deal about Liz Cheney but I would imagine that just like the hundreds of other people in Congress that she voted along party lines almost every time just like everyone else. Her big downfall was attempting to be extremely outspoken about Trump and I think she was trying to propel her own career in the process. This didn't really work out so well for her because in the process she made herself one of the most hated politicians in the country. Like it or not, if you have an (R) next to your name and you go after DJT, your days in office are likely limited. Love him or hate him, there is no denying how powerful Trump has become. I would say that he has a much greater influence over elections now that he isn't in office than when he was President.

The media is now doing an absurd push to have Cheney run for President and when they do that, I can't help but think that they are just trying to get an unelectable person into the mix for the sake of having headlines. Nobody can really look at her and think that she could possibly win. Recently, she compared herself to Abraham Lincoln and the leftist media just ate it up. A majority of people ruthlessly mocked her for such an absurd and self-serving comparison.

I'd imagine that most people don't really care about Liz Cheney or really even the House of Representatives. I do know that she comes from a political dynasty family though and I think that most people have probably had enough of those. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Time to fade into obscurity. Don't worry Liz! Your family has so much power you will undoubtedly end up having multiple board seats that pay you a ton of money to not even turn up for work.


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Here is my “pull this out of my ass” prediction:

DJT will fall into obscurity in a decade…not because he is DJT…but because people are fickle and forget. But in the meantime, most Republican candidates will say they like him so it increases the probability that they be re-elected, but they really don't. They figure him as an annoyance, an imbecilic populist, that won't be forgotten soon enough.

Ron DeSantis will announce his Presidential candidacy and win the Republican nomination for 2024.

DeSantis will win the presidential election, not because he's really any better than Biden (whatever that means), but because he's young, vibrant, good-looking, and he carries himself well on-stage…and we all know that is what wins elections, not the “issues” lol…and Biden lacks those attributes…20 years ago he didn’t though…and who knows what the economy will be like then, which is a significant indicator of who is elected president.

Anyway, pulling this out of my ass, haha.

Another great post buddy.

Ron DeSantis will announce his Presidential candidacy and win the Republican nomination for 2024

I kind of think that this would be best for everyone involved. We don't need another shit show like we had in 2020 or even 2016. I wonder if the media would have the same disdain for DeSantis that they showed towards Trump?

"I wonder if the media would have the same disdain for DeSantis that they showed towards Trump?"

I don't think so…or at least significantly less. The reason I say that, is during the Covid-19 briefings that Trump gave, the media was ruthless towards him, and in a lot of cases, unjustified, because sometimes Trump really tried. But when Pence started talking, the media was unbelievably cordial to him.

This is what really brought my attention towards the media…about how worthless they are…the media is supposed to be critical of our leaders…when critical is due…but the amount of shit they shoveled on DJT…for no reason…because I watch those Covid-19 briefings, pretty much all of them, and pretty often, when the administration was trying to communicate solutions, the media would bring up all sorts of other bullshit…which had nothing to do with anything… just because they wanted to bash Trump…it was counterproductive, irresponsible, reckless and down right assholish.

Because if you're critical about everything, even good things, your credibility of being critical of bad things diminishes drastically.

The fourth estate needs a severe facelift...or a lobotomy.