More deceptive headlines, this time from a Conservative has-been celebrity

in politics •  9 months ago 

These news feeds are out of control, I wouldn't even call them news feeds. This chain of events comes from James Woods, you know, the actor turned political activist.
I knew that James was an active conservative and that was solidified the other night when I was watching Family Guy and they dedicated an entire episode to berating him even though that show has featured him heavily in the past. I don't think it is much of a secret that Family Guy are politically biased and this shines through in multiple ways in their episodes. I do think it was a bit shitty of them to totally turn their back on a guy that has had so much to do with their show in the past.

That being said, James Woods has become the Alyssa Milano of the right. He is inconsequential in the acting world anymore and is possibly trying to remain relevant by becoming a full-time activist. Celebrities that take on a political persona are the most annoying kind of activists in existence in my opinion and I care not of they are conservative or liberal when they do this.


Take this one for example: People who have a brewing hatred for Biden will probably feel like getting the parade gear out as once again "Biden is DONE" just as he has been in 217 other articles that James Woods and so many others have professed in their links. The thing is, if the people actually click on the link, which I am certain most of them will not, they will see that this "massive discovery" is just another minor thing and it has been rehashed over and over again. It is simply about Biden not returning classified documents after leaving office as Vice President. This is not new information. If something was going to be done about this, it already would have. As Trump once said, this story is a "nothing burger."


Here is another one from Mr. Woods. OMG someone is going to challenge Biden and remove him from the picture.... hooray!

Clicking on the link reveals that Dean Phillips has been making phone calls simply inquiring about the possibility of doing something with the DNC. He has NOT said he is running. The most hilarious thing about Dean Phillips is who TF is Dean Phillips? I think anyone with half functioning brain activity would agree that if Biden chooses to run, he is going to win. The DNC will see to it that he wins. These stories are just fodder.


This one was funny to me just because of the tactics that they use in the blurb. They intentionally don't give you any information and just like similar newsfeeds on the left, they always find some sort of very unflattering picture of Biden and then use very bold yet vague wording about what the attached article is actually about. All that the article is about is the same sort of shite that liberals use to further encourage their base to be hopeful: They cherry-pick some random-ass survey and then try to use that tiny part of the survey as if it was reflective of how people are actually going to vote. They talk about how most people agree that the economy was better under Trump than it is under Biden. Well we don't need a survey to figure that out. However, even though I am not at all a fan of Biden I realize that to attribute global economic decline to Joe Biden is simply ridiculous. That guy isn't in charge of everything.

No matter what side you are on (I'm not on either of them) I hope that you have the sense to not take these celebrity newsfeeds seriously. I don't read all the articles because I don't need to since the ones that I do read are evident, straight away, that they were designed to be deceptive. We all need to start to think for ourselves a bit more than we do!


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