White House asks press about their questions before pressers

in politics •  4 years ago 

This story, which has been released by a number of organizations, is dumb for a number of reasons and once again, these reasons are completely partisan in nature, ignore critical information depending on the political leanings of the outlet in question, and they also ignore history when it is convenient.


Now, I didn't read all the articles, but I am going to call out a couple of them because of their obvious bias, which if you haven't figured out by now is basically every single news outlet that exists in the main-stream media.

First we'll begin with this article from Fox News and I don't think I need to even tell you the conclusion that they came to but in a shell they use a lot of words and phrases like "unprecedented" and "never experienced anything resembling...." which are basically two ways of saying the same thing.

They then go on to say that if the Trump White House had ever done this, the outrage would be all over all news stations all the time for days... or something along those lines.

They then go on to explain that Jen whatever the hell her name is, is already getting softball questions and even though "she has 99% percent loyalty from the press, she demands 100%."

Fox then goes on to explain how this is not a free press and to do something like this is unfathomable blah blah blah... It's Fox, so everything the left does is bad.... no real surprise story here.


Next, we have an article from the Daily Beast which might not be as obvious as where their political affiliation lies because they are less well-known than Fox, but they are very far on the left. So far in fact, that their stories generally are considered to be just a tinge above Babylon Bee as far as factuality is concerned. That being the case, I am surprised that they covered this story at all but then you only have to get into the article a little bit before you realize why they did it.

You see, they barely even touch base on the fact that the White House did in fact do this (solicit the questions ahead of time) but then go on for paragraph after paragraph in making statements like this

former President Donald Trump’s White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was known to have asked certain news outlets about their questions in advance of some major or high-profile Trump press conferences or events, according to two people with direct knowledge of the matter.

The difference between this and the Fox story, both of which are partisan as hell is that Daily Beast uses the tired ol' "according to someone we won't tell you who it is" method to try to get their point across.

They also go on to talk about very vague and perhaps simply made up stories about how press secretaries in the past would "hang out" with the press corps before the official presser and would "get a feel for what questions they would be asked."

There is a very big problem with this statement as well: For one thing, this just talks about a hypothetical situation that might not have even happened and as is the usual pattern with The Daily Beast they don't name anyone in particular.

They finish the article by saying that "The press" is praising Jen whateverhername is for handling press conferences in a very professional manner: Their sources? The Washington Post, The New York Times, and friggin Vox. HA! I'll give you one guess which side of the political spectrum all of those media outlets lie on (pun intended.)

The fact of the matter here is that the White House isn't even denying that they have done this but once again the media, rather than simply pointing out that it happened, had to put their partisan skew on it in an attempt to pull the wool further over the publics' collective eyes. I wonder if this will end up being another thing that FB and Youtube will not allow anyone to talk about...

So if you saw this story and were looking at it from your preferred political leaning outlet, you learned nothing and only further solidified your stance as far as your political leanings are concerned. Well done, media!


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Matt Taibbi, in his book Hate Inc., called the press “C- brains.” And after watching the press display this lack of intelligence repeatedly in Trump's COVID press conferences, that permanently turned me off from the press. All I was trying to do was get information on what was happening with a once in a century pandemic, and all the press did was confuse me and piss me off.

The press offers no added value, actually, they subtract value. And when I need critical information for me and my family to determine our next move for our health and safety, the press is counterproductive and hinders that objective.

So when my wife and I watch Biden’s briefings (or the Press Secretary), we listen to it for 3 or 4 minutes while they are talking, and as soon as Biden or the Press Secretary says, “Now I will take your questions…” we shut it off and watch something else.

“Now I will take your questions…” we shut it off and watch something else.

Love this, it is probably a good strategy. During the entirety of the Trump administration the press wasn't looking for any sort of information that was going to be helpful to the public, they were trying to get information that was going to be helpful to their agenda and for most of the press that agenda was doing everything the possibly could to try to make Trump and his administration look bad..

They had a fantastic opportunity to try to get some information about Covid etc, but instead they were just looking for "gotcha!" moments to try to attribute deaths to DJT. Now I don't know what their objective is but probably to accomplish the opposite.