RE: Are immigrants more likely to become terrorists?

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Are immigrants more likely to become terrorists?

in politics •  8 years ago 

Hey man , i have answers for your questions , this is the typical un-educated question i get asked alot ... Yes there are Buddist that kill in the name of Budha heres a link
And yes there are Christians that kill in the name of jesus Africa has Anti-balaka they destroy mosques and kill muslims , another one is Tripura in india a terrorist group that go around killing anyone that opposes there religion. I could go on and on but you better do your research before asking such questions... I don't blame you for not hearing about those as Media is owned by goverments and political parties and all have agendas , so By them shedding the light on Isis they empower them give them a platform and make the stronger.Muslim communities that condemn terrorism ??? You would be surprised buddy ... Only 99 % of muslim countries condemn it, Come to Dubai ,Oman, Egypt , No one likes to see innocent people being killed muslim or not.
Man and the rest of the questions go back to my answer of AGENDAS of governments of ruining the image of islam read my other reply on this post and get a grip .

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I thought we were talking of Europe and the western world. Since the title is "Are immigrants more likely to become terrorists?"

and where do immigrants come from wise one ? Jupiter or Mars ? Immigrants are people , and like people there is good and there is bad. an immigrant , a friend of my cousin in the U.S was shot with his wife in their home because of their religion ... The media said the man that killed them was sick in the head, anything to keep the word terrorist associated with muslims and ONLY muslims.

And who said that? I'm just saying you can't deny that in Europe , 2015 to 2017, almost all the attacks are done by people of the same religion.

99.9999% of muslims dont associate themselves with those terrorists so you can't say same religion , ISIS are not muslims and i find it offensive that they are called muslims they're animals

mercenary for hire my friend, all is a global criminal enterprise.

I was a immigrant, now I live happily in California....

this is the typical un-educated question i get asked alot

And this is typical patronizing arrogance.