EU Declaring US Tax changes "Illegal"??? I didn't realize we were part of and subservient to the EU. Hey EU... get your own house in order and keep your nose out of ours!!

in politics •  7 years ago 

I have been hearing about EU complaining about our plans to reduce taxes. Like they have any kind of say in it? Hey, EU... Go screw yourself!?!? Oh wait, you kind of already have been screwing yourself. Let me rephrase that. Mind your own business, you don't have any say on the policies of the United States.

Also to the UK. Can you get on with Brexit already? Let your sane people that voted to leave the EU actually see that democracy actually worked. Get off of this ship driven by madmen/women.

Maybe they need a 25th amendment for the EU Leadership.

European Union Whines about US Tax Reform, Declares it "Illegal" (Globalism 101) - Styxhexenhammer666

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his mommy forgot to dress him properly.
and no...the EU has NO say in what we do internally.
I get a kick out of watching them whine and scream.
Maybe next war we'll just stay home...let em take care of it themselves.

actually the russians I've met on line seem like good people..
some of the eurps...not so much.

Hahaha.... Yeah I saw that. :) He was hot. You know all of that global warming.

Yeah, I've met Russians online and about 10 years ago I met a married couple that came to the U.S. to work in some restaurants for the summer. In those summer months here they made enough to live comfortably (both of them) for 2 years. The guy was a several degree black belt. I worked out with him once... he punched friggin' hard. :)

from what I've seen online..
Russia reminds me a LOT of west texas in the fifties and sixties.

Just more vodka.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Here here, or is it hear hear? You're spot on here. I voted to leave the EU, the most undemocratic, unfair, insane system ever created. They just so desperately wanna control the whole world.

Some of our politicians are trying to overturn the decision its people made. Others are doing everything to delay the process, probably hoping we'll forget about it. Time for a war, anyone? Give us something more pressing to worry about.

Yeah, tell them to butt out of your business. Trust me; you don't need them there.

PS I love styxhexenhammer666 -- clever fella

The supra-state organizations seek to unify the different countries in a centralized state, where there is no sovereignty or national independence, the European Union is not very different from the one posed by Trotsky of the "United States of Europe".


I just read your piece on this. So illuminating. Thanks for pointing me the way. Cheers

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Clean Your Room EU!

This is exactly what anti-globalism is.

Many people, especially old-school libertarians, are confused that "globalism" means any sort of cross-nation exchange.


Nations trading and making trade deals with each other is perfectly natural international commerce so long as the nations involved set their own terms.

Globalism is the elimination of those terms in favor of centralized groups of a few people setting the rules for entire nations without the permission -- and often in spite of the wishes -- of the nations involved.

The US is not running a soup kitchen for the world. US citizens are tired of having their hard earned money confiscated and given to less successful countries. Our tax change are our business. Maybe these dickwads do not realize that the US is not part of the EU. We are not controlled by them. Nor do we take orders from them or care what they think. I voted for Trump and I'd vote for him again in a minute. Someone needs to tell these other countries to piss off. While we're at it, get the US out of the UN and let them move their headquarters to Mogadishu!

No entangling alliances. As Ron Paul said... get out of these places, get out of entangling alliances. Trade with people, be friends with people, but don't get involved in these entangling messes.

I believe that violent cultures have been allowed to exist and perpetuate because of the US government sending tens of billions in aid to backwards countries, which are largely our enemies. If the people in these countries were forced to evolve for their own survival, I think they would modernize and become productive. The US has actually enabled them in their fruitless way of life, which tends to make people angry and looking for a target to blame. Ironically, they usually blame us, which probably closer to the truth than most people realize, but also likely the opposite that is intended.

Yep, what happened to Brexit?, the vote was back in 2016!

I am not pro-Trump but I am for gutting the federal government bureaucracy and I also want steep cuts in federal taxes. Don't get me wrong! But EU leaders are arguing that the new law violates US treaty obligations. Treaties approved by the Senate do have the force of law. Specifically, certain cross-border transactions are now no longer tax deductible. And payments made by US companies to non-US subsidiaries are now taxable. The EU argues that this could mean that the EU is taxing non-US companies. Solution is simple: get rid of these two provisions and keep more money in the private sector!

we've saved the euros from themselves twice now...

this time we should either let the Russians eat them or the internal menace of the rapefugees that they've unleashed upon themselves.

that is very harsh to the many Europeans that want liberty, but then again those Europeans have done nothing to the leftist politicians setting them up for failure, either

Excellent post, very well articulated. thank you so much.

Now this would be interesting if the EU were to bring action based on a treaty. Where is the court of competent jurisdiction?

What I like about this is we could actually see a real test of whether or not US law is subordinate to treaty law. And if anyone were to bring that test to conclusion, that would be Trump. I suspect he would enjoy the spectacle of such a proceeding.

Just governments doing the same ol yippy skippy yada yada, they all stick their noses where they don't belong nor are they wanted!

This happens all the time, in fact, small countries are the ones that see this issue much more present. They have no authority to say anything about internal politics, it is likely that the Democrats or some anti-Trump groups have a few friends there, and they have asked them to make a statement about it.

Turnabout is fair play.

If the US can fine BNP Paribas for trading with countries the US doesn't like, why not?

They can't fine them anything. They can refuse to do deals with them. They can't fine ANYONE that isn't inside the U.S. Well, I suppose they can but it is meaningless.

The EU could say "We are going to add a tax or tarriff on U.S. product X, or increase the price of product X when it goes to the U.S." and that IS within their domain.

That is very different from claiming a U.S. setting its own tax policies is illegal.

fabulous one.........

Thats actual truce brother, they need to mind their business and stop poke nosing....

informative video, thanks for sharing..

this is so useful video...

politic is the bigest bad thinking in the world...