Why the jews hate the white race

in politics •  7 years ago 

Be proud of you individualism ,your different characteristics,beauty and art can not exist without it,what a boring world it would be.

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Great Subject Matter - I think its actually Zionism that is the hand behind the scenes that is trying to destroy German Culture and Heritage.
I could debate on posts like this for hours...

it is jewish zionism ,they hate every race and intend to take every race down, in order to achieve world government, without peoples pride ,values and traditions they are nothing and nobody so therefor are easier to control.

You are absolutely correct, I'm with you -
However I believe they will not succeed in the long run, but in the meantime they will create a real mess, that will take some time to clean up.
I really do feel sorry for the Germans and the Swedes.

Yes they have moved to quickly,they believe that most people have been dumbed down ,so they are beginning to get boastful and cocky and come out from hiding,the fact is most people are waking up to them and the truth about history.so they have made there move to soon.

Why the Jews Hate the white race...Why Jews attack the white race...Brought about the downfall of the German people...The failure to recognize the Jewish Danger? Sounds like some racial hate spewing to me.

it certainly not racial hate, it is explaining the beautiful and different characteristics that each race has and not let that be taken away from you,so the jews can control you easier taking your identity ,religion,family traditions,it is in the protocols of the zion all these things must be taken away in order to achieve world government,have a look at the protocols of the zion,they are even trying to take the males masculinity away,this is where in movies you always get the female taking on the roll of the alpha male,which angers me ,womens bone structure are far smaller and fragile than males,i always say turn the stupid brain washing off.in a few years you wont be allowed to have christmas,why is it racist are you not proud of your race,most people all around the world are and would agree with me as they can see whats happening especially the countries that are oppressed by the jews.

They look white to me