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in politics •  6 years ago  (edited)

Well, that's what you mean! I started asking the "what if" questions about twenty years ago and as much as I tried to solve the problems of the world in my head, as much as I thought everyone had to boycott what is generally perceived as powerful, I always got into a mental misery because I came to a dead end. Doesn't that sound familiar to you?

You can trust that I am in a homeostatic exchange with my son that contains so much more than text lines could ever express.

The time of confusion and searching is a normal thing and so is the questioning of the status quo. Every young person goes through this. At some point it is appropriate to move into more moderate waters and consider other alternatives, including growing up.

You cannot look into the minds and hearts of other people and therefore cannot make them equally unworthy because of their professional or other affiliations. You are not walking in their shoes, you need not be their judge.

You are now an adult and no longer a child. Everything that was withheld from you or that was not made known to you has now become your own task. If you find that your parents and teachers have educated and raised you wrongly, it is now up to you to develop as you see fit.

I do not know if you are a father yourself. But if so, then you will know that in being with the child you as a parent are also in a dynamic relationship that involves a continuous learning process. Not only children develop with their parents but also parents develop with their children. On this way of maturing all people make mistakes and they do a lot right. They are morally fallible and they are good people. There is no real end to this, except when everyone in the family is dead. You too.

Otherwise, I really have no idea what you are talking about when you wish for the elimination of all the institutions and systems that have evolved over the millennia of human history up to here, and which contain a complexity that is beyond any simple view and solution. By pretending to be able to provide a simple solution to what you identify as a problem, you can only fail and feel powerless and angry. I don't know if you know anything about systemics, but I recommend that you dig into it.

Some of the notions people have have grown over centuries. They take just as long to disappear as they appeared. Everything is a process and not a sudden phenomenon. You wish for relief and satisfaction during your lifetime and a better world around you. In my view of the world it won't happen the way I want it to be in total. I can take influence on what is possible, there I can change things. Going into the dialogue with the present institutions, not turning my back on them and ridiculing the people I cannot pick as servants of deception.

I come from a refugee family, my parents have experienced imprisonment, hunger and war. They were born into a time that included great unrest and movements that could come back at any time. They have experienced forty years of unrest and then forty years of stability (at least my mother, who became 86).

I can now waste my life and live in fear and anger. But I can also try to appreciate the life given to me.

I must admit that you give me the creeps with insisting on morality and truth.

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Well, is there such thing as Truth? Are there things that exist in this physical realm, events that have actually taken place, natural processes in play? What's wrong with speaking of them as such? This is the realm of science and philosophy.

Is there such thing as morality? Behaviors which will produce results more or less conducive to man's thriving? Does not every living thing have conditions that serve them better or worse? What's wrong with stating that this phenomenon exists? Why would these concepts generate discomfort?

It is wrong to tell a family that if their child does not conform to the arbitrary educational standards of a select group of strangers, their children will be stolen from them. This is not subject for rational debate - it is definitively so. It's a threat of terrible violence, and anyone who participates in keeping that system in place is complicit in that evil. What is untrue about these statements?

It seems you want to say that everything is up in the air; that we all need to compromise with each other because everyone's opinion is equally valid. No, a person who has the opinion that the sky is a black-and-white checkerboard is not on equal footing with a person who says it is blue. One person is correct and the other is wrong. To act as if the first person's opinion should be respected serves no one, not even them.

There is a very simple solution: Stop committing and/or advocating evil. Each of us can only do this for ourselves. As it regards others, all we can do is implore them to stop. This is what I do by sharing relevant knowledge that I have discovered, and I don't see why that's a problem. I'm not cutting anyone out of the loop, and I invite any and all to challenge my ideas with rational rebuttal. But I'm not going to pretend that there's no such thing as right or wrong relative to the truth of this reality, or to the subset of that truth called morality.

I understand that I will not likely see meaningful change in my lifetime, but I feel it a duty to speak Truth as I am able to demonstrate it, and to hold others to the same standard. This is the natural responsibility of every intelligent being. Just as you have responsibility to do no harm with your hands, you have that same responsibility to do no harm with you mind. People who think wrongly, act wrongly; so we must encourage everyone to bring their thoughts into alignment with reality, not just act from capricious, unfounded opinions.

You may take exception with my attitude, but if the ideas I present are true, then we have a responsibility to heed them.
