President Trump...

in politics •  8 years ago 

When I first heard about Donald Trumps victory I thought to myself, the journalists, columnists and comedians are going to have a great time for the next 4 years. The headlines will write themselves.

After some major decisions, appointments and a significant firing the reality of a Trump presidency is beginning to hit home for me. In this series of posts I will write regularly, from my perspective, what the implications of some of his actions are. I live in Europe so obviously "America First" will not do much for me but the sobering thought and what I want to share. I hope to promote discussion and debate on are Presidents Trumps actions and their worldwide ramifications.

Donald Trump Speaking to the Masses
Image Source

Notable issues I will be watching closely are:

  • Implications for NATO
  • The rise of worldwide extremism
  • The environment and global warming
  • Incitement and propagation of hate in society
  • Abolishing trade deals and the impact these will have on peoples lives
  • European relations
  • Middle East relations

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Just want to share this. Just received the mssage by e-mail earlier today.

I also think that trump will be kicked out soon. The question is when and the amount of damage he will have done in the meantime... :(

That post is says it all, exactly what the immigration policy represents. I am speechless.

Yes, it is going to be fascinating watching the new president. I for one am quite shocked at the speed he is keeping his campaign promises. Good on him. The left and their fake outrage is incredible.

I am not so sure its a good thing he is trying to keep all his campaign promises. I am all for positive change but xenophobia and incitement of hatred is not in anyone's interest.

I truly don't understand why wanting to secure a country's borders is considered xenophobia. I am not in the globalist camp so I don't get the open borders policies. Incitement of hatred? That is rich. If the left would practice their own platform i might be inclined to listen to what they have to say. In the culture of today, if you are "outed" as a Trump supporter, you will be lucky not to get shouted down, or beat down. Talk about hatred.

What does closing a border achieve? I think it just builds a wall of distrust and sows seeds of fear in the population. It segregates society. That is never a good thing. There is no time in history where anything lasting or positive has been achieved by building a wall. Being a European I certainly am not in a globalist camp either.

I believe that every country and its people are unique and that is something to be embraced.

We are defined by where we are from but why close the borders?

We totally agree on the point that each countries uniqueness is to be embraced. I do not believe that multiculturalism works. I look at the steps that have been taken by President Trump as "securing the border" rather then "closing". Borders, language, culture. Those are the defining elements of a country. If you have no control over your border, you will begin to lose your language and your culture. Security is the main reason to secure the border. Economic is another. Health is another. Being from Europe you know better then I, the ramifications of open borders. My understanding is that Muslim immigration has wreaked havoc across many countries in Europe. And further it is my understanding that Muslim immigration is not based upon wanting to assimilate into the host country culture but rather embrace there own. What do you do if those diverse cultures are the antithesis of each other?

Looking fwd to your posts!

Thanks I am not an expert by any means in these areas but it wont hurt to promote discussion.
Yesterdays decision to fire the acting attorney general was quite shocking for me.

Well, for 20 years americans were looking at us,italians, saying "This Silvio Berlusconi cannot happen to us. Our culture is different". Meaning superior.

Now , not only you got a Fake copy of Silvio Berlusconi. He won using the same tricks as Silvio.

Now tell me again about your "superior culture". Please. I'm listening.

Yes it's in interesting time we're in. Feels like a large change is in process and I'll be fascinated to watch the things happen in real time. Looking forward to more articles and comments!

Thank you. I will keep them short but I want to highlight what catches my attention from a European perspective. There are a lot of Americans here on Steemit and if I can promote discussion I will consider the posts worthwhile.

Not to mention the heavy and sobering negative impacts on nations like Canada which have to foot the bill for this man's pure and unrelenting ignorance.

Its quite shocking to me that anyone can just cast aside the rest of the world and just think me first. Of course everyone is self interested to an extent, I agree its wrong to be spending money overseas when there are people starving at home etc but reality is seldom black and white. There are so many shades of grey in between and you cant just make a broadbrush assumption when peoples lives are at stake.

@eroche what bothers me the most is the effect this all has on the public. what DJT seems to forget is that the US is fundamentally tied into the world economy and their nation needs the rest of the world to remain sustainable. it's honestly a subject of raw contempt for the needs of america to simply do away with everyone and become isolationist. that said we will see what happens within the next little while... best anyone can do in these times is focus however on loving each other, positive optimism and wisdom!.. yes wisdom. we need to be productive for one another's emotional needs and the care of ourselves. this is where our best comes out of the woodwork. what happens anywhere in our electronically connected world has an affect. so we must seed positive!

That is a very good sentiment to have. I agree. We have to make the best of this situation.
I personally see the appeal of President Trump. Indeed where I come from there are many extreme views from some parties that appeal to me. The fact of the matter is though that these extreme views and policies are not often based in reality. There are two sides to every story and you can either find common ground, and make an agreement possibly with compromises on both sides or you can be autocratic and get what you want at the cost of all else. Choosing option B you wont make many friends and on top of that your on your own.

I think the growth of opensource software and crowdfunding are good examples of how much you can get and achieve by sharing. You wont get everything you want but you will get more in the long run and everyone will win.

Generalizations hide dangers. The problem is not that you may share but what exactly you share. Whoever wants to share everything he has, let him doing so. Everyone has the right to share what he can or wants to share and never be obliged to compromise his rights or his will.
Are we free - under the restrictions we all somehow experience - or what?
After all sharing's core is mutuality and not necessitation by any means.

global warming - is it a scientifically proven fact ? worldwide extremism - what has it to do with Trump?

Global Warming
The temperature of the planet is rising, and many from the scientific community believe that actions of man particularly since the Industrial revolution have accelerated this. If you haven't seen it I would highly recommend a look at the following documentary. Of course its probably presented very much in favour of one side of the debate but there are some undeniable facts presented.

Worldwide extremism
I think that fear breeds hatred, and overreaction. There are so many examples where Isolating a community, a race, a religion have led to people with no other options but to join the struggle. One of President Trumps favourite ways of speaking is to bring his listeners to the edge of the abyss, and then when there appears to be no hope he offers a solution. Thats a very effective way of doing business but in my opinion it is dangerous when the stakes are high and your dealing with peoples lives.

I haven't done many posts on this since my initial thoughts but if you would be interested I can follow up with some more observations.

"many from the scientific community believe" - the word "believe" denotes something other than science. religion, for example. You know what? That volcano from Iceland with a hard-to-spell name that erupted some years ago - the temperature rose AT LEAST 10 centigrades and it lasted for a month and a half or more. ONE volcano did something in a month's time that hundreds of years of industry couldn't. That's a joke. So, there's scientific data (with global warm-ups and cool-downs going on throughout milennia(sic!)), and there are beliefs (and false ones, at that!) needed to promote some agendas, grants, solicit funding and a lot of other ugly things.
As for Trump - he's not an Emperor, hopefully. There's the Congress, and the Senate, too.

I urge you to watch that video I linked with regard to Global Warming and tell me if you still feel the same after.

Leo di Caprio is a good actor. A VERY good actor. It is his profession. And you seem NOT to be aware of the power of the media. Seeing is believing, yeah. BELIEVING. They'd make you believe anything. There are even people who believe that the Earth is flat, and post their videos about it on Youtube