Presidential Race: Something Interesting Happening in UtahsteemCreated with Sketch.

in politics •  8 years ago 

In the state of Utah an Independent candidate is in a four-way race for President. There are 6 electoral votes up for grabs in Utah.

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Independent Candidate Rising in Utah

The Independent candidate, Evan McMullin, is rising in the Utah polls.

Source RealClear Politics

Independent Could Win Electoral Votes

An independent candidate has not won electoral votes since George Wallace in 1968.

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Evan McMullin is on the ballot in 11 states including Utah. His ticket has "write-in-status" for "Evan McMullin" confirmed in 28 states. And can be a write-in candidate in the other states.

Candidate's Core Ideas and Principles

From the Evan McMullin 2016 website here are the candidate's core ideas and principles:

Our basic rights are God-given. Every American is created equal and has the same right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The fundamental purpose of government is to secure, not define, these rights for every member of our diverse society.

We honor our Constitution. We must honor the Constitution and the rights it enshrines as written, including the freedoms of religion and speech. Any changes to the Constitution must be made through the amendment process it provides, not by Judicial or Executive action.

Government power must be separated and balanced. The Constitution grants separate powers to the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. We must return lawmaking power to Congress, ending Executive and Judicial overreach. Federal activities must be limited to those granted by the Constitution and all other powers must remain with the States and the people.

Our leaders must be honest and wise. They must put the public interest ahead of their own, acting with integrity, transparency, and good judgment.

We share responsibility for service and civic duty. Every American has a responsibility to serve our communities and our nation. It is our civic duty to be informed and engaged on important issues, and seek out leaders who will uphold our rights and serve the people.

Our leaders must be fiscally responsible. Our country cannot be secure and prosperous with uncontrolled debt and deficits. Our leaders must have the courage to reform entitlement programs and pay down debt, rather than accumulating more.

Government must promote a free market. Big corporations should not be able to buy government favors. There should be a level playing field for all companies, large and small. Smart, narrowly-focused regulation must protect health and safety without stifling innovation.

We must help people in poverty to overcome it. Government must provide a basic safety net for Americans unable to support themselves. Its programs should help people to overcome poverty, rather than simply survive it.

We must protect life from birth to natural death. Our respect for life is a true measure of our humanity. We must protect the lives of the most vulnerable from the unborn to the elderly.

National defense is a primary federal government responsibility. Our national security requires unmatched military and economic strength, and a commitment to the cause of liberty.

All Americans should have access to affordable, quality health care. The best way to improve Americans’ health care is to encourage competition and innovation. Our health care system must be responsive to patients, not simply insurers and bureaucrats.

Our 2nd Amendment rights must be protected. We have a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, which the government must ensure.

Healthy immigration is important to our future. We must secure our borders, enforce our laws and facilitate the legal immigration of those who will contribute to American prosperity, security, and culture.


Evan McMullin for President website: Evan McMullin 2016

Independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin leads in Utah — new poll, 19 Oct 2016

Author's Comments

I am not a supporter or contributor to the Evan McMullin for President campaign. I do find it interesting that this could be a year that an independent candidate wins electoral votes.

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I live in Utah. That's because we are protesting the 2 party system with our votes, me and my wife both voted for Evan McMullin we are fed up with both Hillary and Trump we don't like either. Trump seems more of a divider of our country then a unifier. Ronald Regan didn't offend people like this. No politician has offended people like him. Hillary is bad for our country do we really want someone who is going to talk worse about Christians then they do about Terrorists who want to kill us. I am saddened that our country is a lost cause. If Hillary is elected I don't see her doing anything that will make our country better. We need a unifier not a divider. Our hope in Utah is that Evan will win Utah and Trump win Ohio, Pemsillvania, Florida and all the republican states and Hillary take all the blue states will keep them both from 270 delegates needed to win and the House of Representatives will choose neither candidate and choose someone better who can unify the country.

I applaud the people in the great state of Utah.

I too do not like the binary choice monopolized by the Republicans and Democrats and perpetuated by the main stream media.

I think there should be a way to give all candidates more exposure without the two parties hogging the spotlight. The internet has aided in other candidates getting more attention.

I have always thought that the electorate should vote for the best person for the job, not just one of the people chosen by the two party system. That goes for every office on the ballot from President all the way down the ballot.

Again, I applaud the people of Utah for seeing beyond the two party system.

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