To enjoy freedom you must work for it

in politics •  7 years ago 

Remember that freedom isn't "free" we must work for it. Fight for it, live for it, every day try to educate those around you about it. To enjoy being free we must never give up on it. Also understand that freedom means to be free. Not your version of freedom of freedom or my version. We don't "restrict" certain freedoms simply because we disagree. Nor do we "let someone else do it," because we're too lazy, bored, ignorant or don't want to handle the hassle. Remember, it wasn't a majority that started a revolution. Just a loud, irate, active minority. Be a part of an ongoing positive change in life. Never stop learning and believing. Never stop trying.

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Unfortunately the biggest enemy we face is our own government who supposedly represents us. The only way this will change is by walking people up.

Freedom, what a big CONCEPT!

I know right! Crazy stuff. To some people freedom is a huge concept. ~_^

Totalmente cierto.

Yes it is true.