My brief thoughts on this Presidential election and politics in general

in politics •  8 years ago 

 Here's a political post for yinz. I don't like talking about politics. I don't spend enough time researching what is involved to feel as if I have a credible opinion. Take economics for example. I know more about it than the average person, but I might as well be a baboon compared to an economist. Economics only comprise a fraction of what is incorporated in the field of politics. You've got other areas such as foreign and domestic policy, etc... 

I am voting for Gary Johnson this presidential election, not because I think he is the best candidate. I think Vermin Supreme is the best candidate. I voted for him back in 2012. I'm voting for Johnson for two reasons. One: Out of any political party that I am cognizant, the Libertarian party's ideals best align with my own. Two: A good showing by ANY third party candidate is a victory for Americans. It may help dispel the illusion that unless you vote Republican or Democrat that you are throwing away your vote. The third parties missed the debates this year, but I remain hopeful for future elections. P.S. I think democracy is a terrible idea. Idiots should not be permitted to vote. And yes, I am aware that we do not have a "true" or direct democracy but rather a representative democracy, hence the elections n@. 

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Oh...I'm so TRIGGERED by your post. I want my safe place.
But no.
I'll not rant.
I'll just agree and say YES vote for Gary Johnson. I'm going to also. Not because he's the best candidate, (personally I think there is no best. He's just the least bad), but more importantly. IF he (or any other 3rd party) get just 5% of the vote this year.....interesting things will happen.

Best case scenario is that he gets an electoral vote or two...just enough to prevent EITHER the Hildebeast or the Cheetoh from getting that magic number...270 electoral votes. (theoretically that could be as few as ONE).

Not likely, but IF he did...the demo-publicans would go INSANE. It'd be fun to watch. I'd buy popcorn and beer. Congress would have to decide who the next president would be. (it's in the Constitution). There'd be blood in the aisle, perhaps literally, in congress.

Even better, it would SO panic the powers that be that I'd expect them to change the electoral college system.

That's too much too hope for. What' NOT too much to expect would be to get, as I said , 5% of the vote, or more. If that happens then his party will have permanent ballot status , which they don't have right now. Any third party has to go thru a very expensive process in order to get on the ballot...EVERY ELECTION. The publi-crats set it up that way. It's a barrier to entry. It makes it easier for them.
What MORE..that 3rd party would also be eligible for federal money in the next presidental election. The 'playing field' would be more level than it is now. The demo-pubs would go BERSERK.

That be fun to watch.

Not likely that a 3rd party would EVER get elected. The 'elites' have the system rigged to much for that.

But one can hope.