Do As I Say, Not As I Do

in politics •  7 years ago 

State representatives who support anti-gun legislation arrested for running guns. Pro-life representatives encouraging their mistresses to get abortions. Anti-gay senators outed for propositioning other men. The list of people in power getting caught up in their own hypocrisy is long, but they're not the only ones. We the people are guilty of it as well. The evidence is overwhelming. The bad behavior we were so vocal about before suddenly becomes okay as soon as our preferred party is in power. Why is that?

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Quick Hits

October is cancer awareness month.

Volunteers help the needy.

The McVegan.

Trump wants to return to the fairness doctrine.


White House budget chief Mick Mulvaney, when in Congress, said that “we desperately need…structural change that stops Congress from continuing to spend a bunch of money we don’t have.” He now says, that we need deficits to spur economic growth.

California state Sen. Leland Yee is serving five years in prison for trafficking with arms dealers. Yee authored multiple pieces of legislation aimed at gun control.

Rep. Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania announced he will resign from Congress this month after it came to light that he asked his mistress to get an abortion. Murphy is a member of the House Pro-Life Caucus and co-sponsor of a bill to ban abortion beyond 20 weeks after conception.

Former Sen. Larry Craig.

Polls show that voters have few friends on the opposite side of the political spectrum.

During the Bush years, Democrats were against and Republicans were for NSA phone surveillance. During the Obama years, Democrats were for and Republicans against.

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson accused Obama of exceeding his authority when he signed executive orders but supported Trump for signing an executive order on the same subject.

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