Focus on solutions, not blaming.

in politics •  3 years ago 


Your political views tell us nothing about how compassionate or how empathic you are. Frankly, almost every socialist who boasts about being more Christlike and compassionate than conservative Christians needs to get off of the high horse.

If you think that voting for certain people and policies every two or four years makes you a more compassionate person than somebody who volunteers at homeless shelters and donates out of his or her own pocket, you have a warped set of values.

Conservatives give between 30% and 50% more to charity than liberals depending on the study. Red states are most likely to give to nonprofits. Conservatives give a higher percentage of their incomes than liberals do; and, when looking at that metric, conservatives also give more to secular causes than liberals. Conservatives are more likely to donate their time.

If moderates and liberals donated blood as much as conservatives the blood supply in America would increase 45%.

As a simple matter of statistics, if you're a socialist shaming religious conservatives for not being compassionate, you're most likely a flaming hypocrite.

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