How to be a real liberal.

in politics •  2 years ago 


I would like to think that I'm pretty well established as a libertarian. Some of the flack that I've gotten over the last few years indicates that a lot of people don't know that, or don't know what that means.

What it means in terms of voting is that I hate everybody.

So, I get it when people who lean Democrat try to spin the woman's rights angle in their favor being that Democrats are more reliably pro-choice than Republicans. Still, news flash, libertarians are generally more pro-choice than Democrats. Also, Republicans aren't, as a rule or a trend, against abortion in cases of rape or incest. Most pro-life people I know aren't against the morning after pill or anything of the sort.

At the same time, we seem to be overlooking the fact that Democrats are reliably anti-gun and anti- cop. When we're dealing with a municipality that has a response time of more than two hours to a 911 call and is downgrading rape reports to non-emergency status, it's almost always a heavily Democrat municipality.

So, if you're a real liberal, you're not telling people to vote as if you know somebody who identifies a certain way or had some experience. If you're a real liberal, you're taking any of your friends who want to go to the range to learn how to shoot a would-be rapist in the head if he or she (probably she) needs to. You're putting in the effort to empower individuals at an individual level.

If you're not doing that, you should lose your liberal card.

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