Continued History

in politics •  8 years ago 


      In 1913 Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into Law, which gave the private bank which was owned by the large banks the right to regulate themselves and gave them an extra bonus which they lobbied for but didn't think in a million years they would get "The right to create our money", this is the reason why when you look at your dollar bill is says Federal Reserve Note.  In no way shape or form is our money created by the government.  There was a secret meeting in 1910 that took place at a private club of the coast of Georgia on Jekyll Island with Paul Warburg of the Warburg banking dynasty, Senator Nelson Aldrich, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury A. Piatt Andrew and 4 other heads of finance, the attendees used only their first names in order to not be identified.  For context America was in the initial stages of becoming a true Superpower and we just had major panic a few years prior with the bank runs so to say banking and finance was a hot topic would be an understatement.  If news broke that these men were meeting every news person would've flocked to the location and made this an impossibility to take place (I wish we had the internet back then).

      Now by sheer coincidence I'm sure "sarcasm" Wyoming ratified the 16th amendment in 1913 to give a 2/3 state majority that was needed to amend the Constitution for the official creation of the "Income Tax".  The way to make the FED work is when we borrow money from other countries or from the FED itself we must provide collateral as a Nation, what does the Federal Government have to offer for collateral?  We the people that's what!!  The loans are secured with the taxes of the Nation.   The Beast Was Born!!

      Next came the creation of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) in 1921 by most of the same people that created the FED.  This was created for influence in Geo Political affairs and the main goal initially was to obtain power through the State Department to accomplish these goals.  At the beginning of the 1920's the power base was set, then it was time to get the public behind the system and make the real power grab.  Money was pumped into the system and we got the "Roaring 20's" where prosperity was widespread and many advances happened, people also let their guard down.  After about a decade of great economic times came the fateful day known as "Black Thursday", October 24, 1929 where a record 12,894,650 shares were traded, then there was a rally on Friday where bankers bought blocks of stock to try and stabilize the markets.  After the weekend passed Monday became "Black Monday" and Tuesday "Black Tuesday", after the huge selloffs on these days the market was reduced to rubble.  This was nothing more than a huge speculative bubble bursting due to an increase in the money supply, sound familiar?  This pattern repeats itself throughout history, lower interest rates to increase the money supply then raise them to contract the supply due to the large bubble this system creates, ordinary people have no idea it's coming then BOOM they lose everything and it gets purchased by the power brokers for pennies on the dollar.

      The Great Depression was now here!!  This is when the stranglehold of America was officially taken by a small group of very wealthy people, normal folks lost everything and were scrounging for food while the fat cats purchased everything for crumbs.  This also ushered in a huge influx of Organized Crime, when people are depressed and desperate they want to numb themselves so there was a huge appetite for anything that would serve this need.  Hitler rose to power in 1933 and by pure coincidence I'm sure Max Warburg (brother of Paul) served on the board of the Nazi Reichsbank, so here we had 1 of the main players in the creation of the FED and the CFR in Paul Warburg and his brother Max on the board of Reichsbank.  Isn't that interesting?  When I think of wars and what I was taught in school I remember being told WW2, Holocaust, Hitler was Evil and Pearl Harbor but now I ask where did the money come from?  Who funded the war?  Why was it fought? Were the objectives achieved?  WW2 is a very interesting one considering Hitlers planes wouldn't fly without the fuel additive provided by Rockefeller Standard Oil (based in the US), the tanks couldn't be made without the German Ford plant.  Basically the Rockefeller's, Mr. H Ford along with a host of other US business men funded the Nazi's.  

      I won't spend too much time on WW2, this is such a major one that I will write a complete post dedicated to it in the near future but I wanted to bring up some of the main components.  When you look into the real history of past wars and ask the major question of where did the money come from?  You will find the same people funding both sides of the war, this is how they move the agenda forward, it's called "Order out of Chaos".  A teaser for upcoming posts from this era, Prescott Bush (father of George H W Bush and grandfather of George W) had his companies assets seized  in 1942 under the "Trading with the enemy Act", so yes helping Hitler and the Nazi's, he also groomed Richard M Nixon but this is for a later time.  I hope you enjoy these trips down USA memory lane and thank you for taking the time, good luck to you all!!
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