Truth Is The New Hate Speech - Another Liberal Achievement

in politics •  7 years ago 


Liberals Despise the Truth So Much They Have Created Laws to Stop the Spread Of It

I used to support many of the hate speech laws that have been passed in my country, here in Great Britain. Like many decent, right minded people I wanted to see everyone treated fairly and free from harassment, abuse and discrimination. What I did not realise at that time was the globalist agenda behind the endeavour.

When we live in an age where there has never been so much equality why are we becoming a more divided society?

Equality and diversity have simply become code words employed by the liberal left to pursue a very divisive agenda, which will only result in a stateless globalised society. Therein is the plan, aided by the left. Yet if you speak out about this or if you express any disagreement with the globalist order you are condemned as a hate filled bigot. Or worse a liar.

That shit stops right now. Freedom of speech has never been so under attack as it is today. We must fight for new freedom of speech laws and bring an end to hate speech laws.

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Freedom of speech slowly but surely fades away. We are living in pretty sad times and unfortunately I think that things will progressively get worse as time goes by.

Whether forced or unforced the truth must always stand out. It is in the best interest of the erring party to change his ways and do the necessary thing

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Very true! One thing about truth is that its like a bitter herb that brings healing to the wounded or sick. We are living in the world where the truth has been replaced with a lie and in the process this has brought so many problems such as corruption and many others.

We need to live for the truth no matter the misunderstandings and hatred of some people towards us. Lets choose to be different. Truth living begins with you as an individual.

Yes, better one. There must be freedom of speech all over, and it must be fight for... Thanks for this brilliant post

Great nice post

Yes.If you tell the truth that doesn't go along with their narrative,then you are a sexist-racist Russian agent for sure.I say thank you every day for island of sanity in the ocean of mass hysteria.

That shit stops right now. Freedom of speech has never been so under attack as it is today. We must fight for new freedom of speech laws and bring an end to hate speech laws....GREAT CONCLUSION, Ilove it!

Nice Thoughts!

Liberals hate the truth so much, they get upset when you tell them that they are not really liberal but that they are socialists.

They like to kidnap words like "freedom", "equality", "diversity" and "tolerance" when it is, in fact, against all that.

Indeed, they think they own the word 'progressive' also. They don't. They just don't realise it. They actually believe they are enlightened and compassionate people when in reality their beliefs are damaging the very interests they claim to protect.

It is due to indoctrination, many of them are exposed to these ideas from very young, so they don't discuss or debate them, for them it is as real as gravity, it is at some point even sad. These obviously are not all, but a very substantial part of them.

Libertarians don't believe too much truth, this is about to make money mostly

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment