The Freakshow Continues ..... The Illusion of 'Populism"

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)


Politics is nothing more than industrialised lies. I think we can all agree on this point. A clever weapon of mass distraction , wherein the worst amongst us, sociopaths and psychopaths are well rewarded for maintaining the status quo at all costs. Shameless power hungry parasites, who's absence of a soul is all too obvious in their cold glazed over fish eyes and robotic script reading mannerisms.  

My philosophy on these systems of control has for a while now been exactly as George Carlin expressed in the video, Im completely detached from it, an interested observer maybe, a notebook kind of guy or maybe a popcorn kind of guy sit back and see this charade for what it is, entertainment, nothing more. Its a reality TV show with bigger freaks and Ego maniacs than even Big Brother can come up with. 


Over the past couple of years though we've seen emerge a new kind of Politics, known as 'Populism', that has thrown traditional Politics into disarray. Its made a mockery of Polls and given a new voice to the disgruntled , both left and right who are tired of not being heard. From Le Pen , to Bernie, from Wilders to Corbyn, From Trump to Duterte could this be the real wave of change we've all been waiting our whole lives for?  

People who believe this nonsense remind me of a women who has been cheated on by every man she has ever had a relationship with. Finally a nice guy comes along, he tells her all the things she wants to hear, he even goes after her exes and gives them what for. He's a hero, just what she's always wanted. A few weeks into this dream relationship though she finds lipstick on his collar and pictures of nude women on his phone. She's been betrayed yet again, because she's a victim, her whole philosophy is doomed to failure because she 'needs' a hero in her life. The moral of this tale is to be everything you need, be your own hero in your story and don't give your power away! 

Self determination. Sovereignty ..... Freedom to Thrive! Politics is antithetical to these things. 

Lets have a look at some of the main characters from this worldwide soap opera thats unfolding and see if there are any contradictions we can see in their rhetoric ..... Grab your Popcorn! 

Lets start with everyones favourite Populist .... The Donald. 

Donald ran a campaign on promises to make America Great, bring jobs back, drain the swamp, stop intervention, illegal wars, cut deficit and military spending and target the Federal Reserve. 

Well far from draining the swamp Donald seems to of surrounding himself with swamp creatures, when he's not playing golf he's bombing Syria and Afghanistan , using banned chemical weapons on civilian populations, selling arms to the Isis supporting Saudis, telling us the Clintons are 'wonderful people', doing his best to start WW3 and increasing deficit and military spending! The only real question here is wether he was ever genuine. Was he compromised when he took office or was he always on the side of the elites, a clever plan from day one to stifle any real popular movement against the state. Who cares, the end results the same .... And please don't write any comments about this being some kind of 3D chess game. If you know about this game then why wouldn't the controllers of society know? Completely illogical argument.  

Maybe the lipstick on his colour is ketchup ...... Im a victim! 

Bernie is a nice guy though right? He passionately spoke up for the working classes and middle class Americans. 

He didn't speak up much about the very obvious rigged primary though, maybe the $600,000 mansion he received as a bribe left him speechless. The only question is was he compromised once he gained popularity or was it all planned from the start.  Who cares the end result is the same.

Maybe the pictures on his phone are from an old relationship ...... I'm a victim! 

Bernie spoke of a system he called "socialism" it's a clever system where he tells you that you ought to give your energy and wealth to helping others while he doesn't do the same.  

Another master of this system and actor in this soap opera is the UKs Jeremy Corbyn. He's currently riding a wave of populism and although he lost the recent election he didn't lose by as much as expected and this now constitutes an enormous political success.

He like all Labour leaders and the Labour Party itself comes out of the fabian society heres their logo ....


Thats right its a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Corbyn is currently in the news calling for homeless victims of the tragic Grenfell fire to occupy empty buildings owned by other people. I wonder if that includes the several spare rooms in his £650,000 North London home. Of course it doesn't because his brand of 'socialism' is the theft and reallocation of YOUR wealth not his. If he was a true egalitarian he wouldn't want power over you in anyway. A good analogy is in Tolkiens Lord of the Rings. The reason Gandalf and Galadriel will not hold the ring of power is because they know power corrupts. 

Being awake with one eye open, is still being half asleep! 

To conclude ..... Politics is a scam, and this new breed of politics is the same scam just repackaged. Left versus right is now Alt-Left versus Alt-Right Anyone who wants power over you is by definition stopping you exercising your true power and potential. There is a new system on its way, the internet has decentralised information and the blockchain is set to decentralise .... EVERYTHING! The death of the intermediary is fast approaching, pretty soon the UK won't be the only hung parliament, there will be hung parliaments and politicians the world over once the masses realise the extent of their crimes ..... I'll certainly have my popcorn ready for that! 

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Yes politics is a scam , love George carlin.
Good post

Thank you Sir

could not agree more. the distraction economy man. you gotta be alert other wise it tractor beams you in! :)

Great post. I realize it's exactly as I thought. I've been following Melenchon's campain in France which seemed pretty genuine but they all sell fantasy. Now all what's left is enjoy the show! Popcorn is ready!

Thank you. Your very right we don't need them, or their self sustaining power structure. Blockchain is digitised truth and its coming to get them!

"Global Election management agency" ..... says it all. I've been a fan of the guys at TruthStream for a while, Steemit is full of people claiming they're "awake" while listening to one sided arguments. I can't stand the term anyway but anyone who listens to just one side of a story is clearly still half asleep.

Total agree. You're a cool human, gamma-rat.

Actually I'm a cool rat 😎

haha, touche

I always laugh at how people get so caught up in cheering for their favourite lawyer(most politicians are first lawyers).First they give you someone championing compassion and all the just be nice's cry for joy and the stand on your own two feet's grumble about taxes and fiscal responsibility.Second they give you a no nonsense straight shooting strict discipline will set you free type and the back in my day's crow about how ever things going to be set to rights and the can't we all just get along's howl about the imminent jack boots ready to crush feelings. rinse, repeat ad nauseum.

Thesis .... Antithesis ..... synthesis! The dialectic .... the two headed eagle symbology etc etc .... they do tell those who have the eyes to see , what they are upto, but unfortunately most people buy the false narritive and pick their poison willingly!

slow poison!

full power now shower.

humans will end the world.

none other.

really awesome post full of the right stuff and we upvoted it 😁

Thankyou really appreciate it

Both eyes and ears are open. People are awake.

Lets hope so friend :)

Lots of groups talk about decentralization, but only proposes a methodology by which communities can make this happen. Are you waiting for government to decentralize? You'll be waiting for ever. Top down decentralization is like saying Military intellegence. Decentralization comes from the bottom up. Come and join our community at smallism .org

Im certainly not waiting for a government to de-centralise friend, surely you realise from my article I'm completely antithetical to organised power, I do however understand that this in itself is a paradox as we will need , groups and organisations formed to transition away from organised power lol .... its like the Bruce Lee article I wrote where he formed a new fluid system of martial arts that wasn't rigid like all the old systems but as soon as he came to name it he made it into a system!

The paradox between organization, and organizations, is exactly what addresses.

Im all for co-operation my friend I'll check out your site and I'm sure you do good things. Followed also.

Love the laugh!! Great post!! More people need to WAKE-UP!! We are in serious times.

Agreed and thanks for the positive comment.

How the fuck do I get off this crazy ride?

Great post and I've been looking for that particular Carlin clip for ages! The algorithm's of Facebook & Google contain the inner thoughts and directions of entire populations. It seems perfectly plausible that the elite puppet masters would provide a controlled opposition to an uprising they already knew was coming, the veneer of democracy and a voice to those dissatisfied with the status quo. I suppose one positive to take from it all is that the rise of controlled populism at least gives an insight into a rising disatisfaction amongst the masses. Maybe one day people will wake up to the fact that the power is and always has been with the people?

I agree my friend. I've come to think of the control system as more adaptable than I used to. Most people understand Order Ab Chao or the Hegelian Dialectic in a straight forward way with the organisation of a problem from scratch in order to create reaction. I think this system has an extra element though one which is adaptable so if any real movements arise that pose a risk to status quo they are infiltrated .... christianity is possibly the best example. Gnostic Christianity is a superb balanced belief system that was clearly infiltrated and usurped into the modern day Roman Catholic monstrosity. Christianity was becoming too popular and didn't require heirarchy , feeding them to the lions didn't work so the dominant control system took over Christianity instead following the council of Nicea as I'm sure you know. Its been repeated many times, true socialism in its original form infiltrated and usurped by Communism another example. I'm fairly confident now thats what we see here playing out in real time, Populism started with all the right intentions but has clearly now been completely usurped. Thats why I don't believe any rigid system can provide the answer.

Until we find a way to break free of the carefully planned talking points and create our own we will continue playing this game of ever decreasing circles. A worldwide collective of self-empowered and educated individuals is the only answer to our problems, but we live in a world where 87% of the populace obtain their worldview from the opinions of others and not critical thought. Reclaim the power we have been indoctrinated to think we don't have, the same power the manipulators know and fear we do have. Within a rigid system every talking point, every political party, every opposing view are all owned. I have also looked into the fact that probably 6 mega corporations control pretty much every aspect of our lives, from media, oil, medicine and food. In order to give the illusion of choice they go under a multitude of names but if people do their homework they will see they're all part of the same family tree. Even in the music industry I think the vast majority of every pop hit of the last ten years has been written by three people utilising little more than a computer algorithm to pick out the latest hook, earworm. One day (soon) the supermarkets will be filled with food brands that are all owned by the same companies (The illusion of choice). Every stock, every share and every commodity are all manipulated, we live an virtual reality for nothing is real (full spectrum dominance). It's time for people to wake up and smell the coffee, and I don't mean Costa Coffee! :D

Haha well put , I think we have turned the corner though, the mere fact like minded people are in touch talking about these issues, means we are living through a big change. These topics were even rarer 10 years ago , and even rarer 30 years ago when only a few well read people knew this stuff and rarely crossed paths with anyone of the same mindset ..... Times they are a changin'

Oh yes my friend you're completely right! and indeed this rising tide of authoritarianism is a last gasp attempt to put the genie back in the bottle .. but they have left it too late. In many ways we are truly blessed to be awake and living at this time of monumental change, these are times that will be written about for as long as there are people left to write.

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I think the end is fast approaching for the political class. But do not underestimate the power of people who feel they need to be told what to do. I made that mistake last year, feeling that the world was ready for a more decentalized world. I only found that while people mostly agreed politicians and authorities sucks, the logic they use is "but the world would be much worse without them". To some people a politician is the only thing that protects them from a world of barbarianism and savagery. It's the number one excuse I've seen people use to defend cops.

I agree Brandon, people need to realise that Freedom isn't the easy option, true Freedom has many dangers and is alot of work, but if achieved is a beautiful and incredibly rewarding thing. Giving your power to others is essentially driven by laziness and cowardice, but with the changes I see coming people will no longer have these easy options and I think many will rise to the occasion and realise that allthough Freedom is a difficult path its the only real way for us to Thrive.

Great article