RE: Why does no one explain the semiautomatic firing mechanism?

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Why does no one explain the semiautomatic firing mechanism?

in politics •  7 years ago 

Violent crime is actually flourished and private citizens are paying the price there is a huge movement to restore Firearms rights to rightful owners of Australia. However homemade Firearms by criminals are flourishing.

However you cannot blame the tool that was used to commit the murder.

We must hold the murderer accountable.
If you impose the death penalty for every murder? Murder would drop.

However the safest areas are where everybody has the right to protect themselves.

Let us take the Civil War era where everybody had firearms. The southern tradition of extreme respect came from needing to be an offense of to avoid a gunfight.

Protect victims. Give a tiny woman the ability to defend herself against a larger man.

A friend of mine who is a single mother as well as a very intelligent nurse. She had to get a gun to protect herself from an abusive relationship.

However we do need to start taking better care of the mental health of people.

The Florida Shooter had been reported numerous times and nobody cared.

We should be focusing on the four officers who had guns and stood around while children were being slaughtered. Every patrol car has an assault rifle. Every single one of those officers was responsible for protection of the children.

You can't take away the guns of the police. However you need police who are willing to do their job. However we still need more information about that.

But nobody is talking about why these individuals are doing what they are doing.

There was a stabbing spree in China that resulted in 33 dead and 150 wounded.

Don't ban spoons because people are fat.
Don't take away the right for a human being to protect their life. Please don't disarm victims.

Early on in the Oregon medical marijuana program Elder and disabled people were targeted by criminals and gangs. They would actually commit horrific home invasion assaults.

3600% increase in violent crimes toward elderly and disabled people in the first year. I was one of those who survived.

What we need to do is truly hold somebody who does such a horrific crime accountable. So many of the perpetrators of such violence get away with slap on the wrist. In Oregon you could murder somebody and with good behavior be on the street in 7 years.

It's not the perpetrators. We need to fix the justice system and the mental health.

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Violent crime is actually flourished and private citizens are paying the price there is a huge movement to restore Firearms rights to rightful owners of Australia.

Can you document that violent crime is flourishing in Australia since they enacted tough gun laws?


Have you ever tried to do your own research, rather than carryout the Liberal agenda of being entitled to have others do your work for you...this isn't rocket surgery genius

If guns are the problem, why aren't you and your Liberal lackeys arresting the gun, charging it with the crime, then taking it to court to try the case and let the gun defend itself...are you too afraid of having to FINALLY face the fact that an inanimate object, much like your brain, isn't to blame for the acts carried out by criminals?

So you've assumed several things right off the bat:

  1. Since I don't agree with your conclusions I must not have done my research. Have you considered not all research leads to the same conclusions, and someone who has done 10x more research than you might just disagree with you?

  2. You assume I'm a liberal carrying out a liberal agenda. Have you considered that this isn't necessarily a liberal vs. conservative issue, and many conservatives agree that we should do what Australia did as a common sense measure that actually saves lives?

  3. You said I said guns are the problem. I never said that. We all know people are the problem. Who told you those of us advocating for better gun laws think guns are "the problem"? And we've got plenty of laws in place for the people problem. Yes, more could be done apart from gun laws, but what Australia has done works, so we should do that along with any other measures to mitigate the human problem. You've set up a false dichotomy, as many gun rights advocates tend to do.

I won't mention your numerous insults (oops, just did). Is this how you typically deal with an issue? Normally I upvote people who disagree with me but not this time. You're too rude to get an upvote. We're off to a rocky start to this relationship.

If you want to back up and take another run at this I'd be happy to hear any research you know of that demonstrates what Australia did won't work in the USA.

You're feckin' brain're obviously too stupid to do research if you honestly believe most conservatives want to willingly give up their right to defend themselves...stay in your mother's basement as long as she will allow...your research comes from Liberal websites you hypocritical douche noodle...Bye Felicia!

I never said most and it will take a few more school shootings to get the majority of conservatives to go along with what Australia did just like it took so many school shootings for the conservatives in Australia to agree that they didn't want to go the way of the USA. How many more kids need to die before you change your tune? 200? 1000? What's YOUR tipping point?