Democracy is the Cruelest form of slavery.

in politics •  9 years ago 


       What does man have?. Imagine if we were stripped from every possession we had. What does this leave us with, but our minds and ability to think. Mind and ability to freely think is our true possession, and imagine if you do not have them anymore. Imagine if they are heavily influenced by outside biased views.

   Are we really developing a critical thinking ability for ourselves? Can our ability to think really develop without any bias. Does the school system and/or society contribute to our critical thinking ability. If not then why is democracy will be biggest and cruelest form of slavery, this is the issue that came into my mind today.

    Democracy is ruled by majority, but winning by majority does not always make things "right". As Aristotle once said Socrates is a man, All men are mortal thus Socrates is a mortal. I can make same syllogism as "People make mistakes, Democracy sometimes makes bigger mistake". But too much bashing on Democracy I mean it, at very least gives us some form of power or is it?. 

   As Hitler once said  "The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one." It is all tied into herd mentality. A person is dragon put the person in group and he will be a sheep. This is the democracy`s biggest flaw. And our freedom real freedom to really think disappears in large masses. A flaw that politicians use it time and time to exploit. 

   All this are my analysis. I will write the second part tomorrow. And share your thoughts down below!

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