Sweden gets first islamist political party!

in politics •  7 years ago 

After acting from our ordinary political line-up apparently, most notably the Green Party, the islamists finally takes the first step toward their own party. They also announce that they will participate in the Swedish 2018 election.

--Who are these islamists?--

The party are calling themselves "Jasin", supposedly after the 36th Sura in the Koran. They claim to be a secular organisation while at the same time putting a lot of emphasis on Islam and Islamic activities, values, spokespersons, etc. They are also registered at the same address as a Mosque in Malmoe.

From their homepage, claiming to be secular.

In the same text-strip above they want to unite practically everyone but Swedes and other Western Europeans in their party, no matter who they are or what/if they believe in.

Vouching to take care of the poor and vulnerable and especially the newly-arrived immigrants, implying they want to continue the current immigration policy because without it there won't be any newly-arrived to take care of.

--Who's leading the operations?--

We don't know a whole lot about this organisation at this point, other than it's applied for the election system and that it's based in a small Mosque in Malmoe. We also know that the one in charge and the one who's supposedly going to lead the party in the Swedish parliament is an Iranian Sheikh called Zoheir- Eslami Gheraati. Jasin is currently working on getting him permanent residence in Sweden and Swedish citizenship (which is really not that hard to achieve in Sweden).

The petition to enter the voting system of the Swedish parliament.

In an interview with the Swedish newspaper Samhällsnytt (samnytt.se) the founder of Jasin told them that the Sheikh has education in agriculture and currently lives in Teheran, Iran. The two met at the Shia-led "Friendship center" in Malmoe when the Sheikh was giving a speech. Mehdi Houssani, who's the one leading the operation from Malmoe, said that the Sheikh was "one of those nice people who'd be good at highlighting the good side of Islam that Sweden needs".

The idea is to get the Sheikh a working permit to come work in their Mosque as an Imam while at the same time sitting in the Swedish Parliament on his free time. Their last application was rejected, but they will try again until the Sheikh gets into Sweden.

--Calm the young ones with religion--

As a secular party and organisation that at the same time runs a Mosque they also claim they want to get rid of the problem areas in the Swedish cities with religion. That's quite a claim from a representative of a culture and religion that's stood for almost every single terror attack in the West the last years. More religion is the answer, it seems.

Other examples of what the party wants to achieve is to make the labour market more available for the "new swedes". This they are going to achieve by lowering the retirement age to 55 years to make room for new abilities in the work force. They also want to put pressure on companies to hire more people (to do the same job as could be done with fewer, we have to assume).

They also want to form a coalition with the Sunnis in Sweden to be able to teach more broadly about what's Haram, since it doesn't end with the rejection of pork but also rejects stealing and disrespecting other people.

And this is quite important, the thing about disrespecting other people, because that's one of the pillars that have created the open society of the West. It's up to anyone to chose to respect or disrespect anyone else, it does come with consequences, yes, but you still have the choice to face those consequences yourself without breaking any law. It's called FREE SPEECH.

They also touches upon the aspects of free speech later on in the interview when they enter the topic of Lars Vilks, whom Mehdi Hossani, thinks belong in prison for his insults of Islam and it's "prophet". He thinks all religions should have the same negative "rights" of not having to face any insults or criticism and that people generally should be patient with muslims since apparently muslims (himself included) aren't able to differ between an insult made at the own person or his religion.

All in all, it's about the same rhetoric as the left uses: "step on our feelings and you should be punished" but in the form of a(nother) political party, this time Islamistic.


Article 1
Article 2

Jasin homepage

Petition for the Swedish Parliament

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bad idea

It's either that or it will make the people finally wake up. Either way, I fear the results won't be pretty...

One's own religion is after all a matter between oneself and one's Maker and no one else's.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Why is it that we suddenly have oppose what's been working for us for a long time? Believe in whatever you want but keep it to yourself.

keep it to your self huh?
does that apply to you as well?

Read that back and, yeah, poorly worded on my part. Freedom of speech does apply to all, of course, even the believers in different religions.

What I meant with what's been working for us for a long time is the secularisation of the state and church and how everyone is free to believe and practice any religion they want, as long as it doesn't start to take over and change the free society to something entirely else.

Freedom of speech and thought must be regarded above religion for that type of society to work at all. You have to be able to criticise the things you don't like without being afraid of going to jail. Like in the example of Lars Vilks. He's able to talk about the things he's talking about within the framework of the Swedish society, but he wouldn't have been able to do that in Jasin's society where it would be forbidden to make fun of, or criticise any religion or religious person, etc.

"Believe in whatever religion you want but don't make politics out of it." should've been more proper in this context.

Please let me know if it's anything else!

I have a different theory.
Thumbnail version....any group of people greater than about 200 begins to act irrationally from the point of view of an individual.

Swedish people are suffering from Stockholm syndrome.
Whole nation should go to therapy

Have to ask the other Nordics if they can set up some sort of intervention with group talks!

Politics shouldn't be about religion.