Australia needs a Hitler

in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

Now before you start sending me hate mail, read the story im not a hate monger as you'll see.

For all of Adolf Hitler faults (and they were terrible faults indeed) he was also an extremely talented leader and nation builder. He had a vision for his country, and he set about building that vision. Germany was the only country in the 30's to have nearly 100% employment. Every single person contributed to his vision and were made useful.
Hitler invested heavily in the autobarn, defences, science and innovation. He invested in his people, and in return his people loved and respected him.
I'll stop at that point, because as we know he started a war, killed millions and basically turned into a royal prick, and thats not what I'm trying to talk about.

Australia is lagging behind most other developed nations, our "leaders" are just gutless and glorified dole bludgers. I call them dole bludgers because they game the system to ensure they are being paid from the public teat for as long as possible. None of them have the balls to tell the country what is RIGHT and what NEEDS to be done.

But having the guts to say what needs to be done is one thing, trying to do it is another again, but actually succedding at doing the right thing is a completely different matter. To actually succeed at doing the tough jobs, we need a leader like our old friend Mr Hitler. Someone that can rally the nation, have them love and accept him. A leader here will need to cause some pain to the public, but that can't be done if the public have complete disdain for the government.

If anyone knows of another leader here in Australia that could fit that bill, I'd love to here about them. Sadly its not going to be Turnbull, Shorten, Dutton, Abbot or Morrison.

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Maybe the problem is with the idea there needs to be centralized authority and a "leader." Government officials don't really lead. They rule, and demand obedience at gunpoint. Whether appointed or elected, the fundamental reality of a territorial monopoly in violence remains the same.

Good points there Jacob

Hooray !!
There are other aussies out there who have thinking minds. I thought everyone else was watching football or some other shit like that on their weapons of mass distraction.
Well put gohba, even while stepping on the minefield of mentioning Herr Hitler !
What to do indeed ? So many apathetic minds but not only in this country.
I've been patiently waiting (should I say preparing ?) for the entire globe to implode, dragged down but the banksters, media and elites who hold the puppet strings of governments around the world. But it seems they are still in control enough to prop themselves up by printing ever more and more of their fiat currency and infotaining the masses with more and more bullshit. Was it Marx who said that religion is the opiate of the people ? (Karl, not Harpo.)
Now it's television.
Sport, Reality, MKR, Masterchef,News (really?),the voice ,constant self-advertising.....on and on.
Sadly for some, it's not TV but work. Here's your FREE state of the art new smartphone, iPad and laptop......just make sure you're available every minute of the day thank you...(btw the desk next to you is empty this month, just fill in will you ? Here's the phone number that's being diverted to your phone.)
Sorry OZ, we may be lucky but we are being properly fucked up the arse to pay for our central city real estate and prop up the 'poor' mining industries. Coal gets such a bad rap lately doesn't it ? Not to mention the hard working pollies who are being supported by them.
gohba.....I is my twopence worth....
Today people are too distracted and subsidised to know that it is time for a BIG CHANGE ( may I say a revolution ?). History did make OZ a lucky country. Unions helped ensure workers' input was a value to their lifestyle.
Post modernism brought that to an end. Labour value became an inconvenience too costly for industry and corporations. The more internationalised we became, the more important the competitive nature of our society became. Perhaps once OZ was convenient but now lets flit over too Bangladesh this week Guatemala ...China tomorrow.....
The Australian government is a lackey of the international regime of corporatocracy. We citizens are just a the 1950's not enough, today too many...lock them up if they try to get too close. Who cares if they go crazy ?
Until the international bankster/media/elites game crumbles.
Then we will all start wondering how all this could have happened...?
where were our leaders..why didn't they tell us...?
Maybe our should-be leaders may have been killed in the Korean war or in Vietnam. (Another reason to stop "celebrating" Anzac Day until someone can say "Never Again".)
Or perhaps the futility of the political system has just driven them underground.( If this is the case, they must be terrorists.)
They certainly do not sit in the monument we call Parliament House, Canberra.
I, too, wonder where they are ?
In their absence, I have to agree with ausbitbank....tear it all down.

Thank you so much for such an impassioned reply, I love that I've started people talking. We just need to get the right people to read and take action.
I'm definitely going to follow you now mate, I love your thoughts.

Aha risky title but you make some good points - too few people understand what a positive force Hitler was for Germany in the early days (Dont get me started down that rabbithole) .

It sickens me to watch thoroughly corrupt fuckwits that have done nothing but line their own pockets their entire career whilst fucking over the australian public, environment and international relations. Then they get a paycheck for life even if they're fired (err I mean coincidentally resigned mid-scandal).

The Australian government is beyond saving, its one of the most blatantly corrupt in the world and theres no individual in aussie politics who could do anything to unfuck this system.

Tear it all down. Resteemed

I want to get away from the 'tear it all down ' mentality. It plays heavily into the 'anarchists are violent extremists' story they sell the public.
'Let me opt out' is far more fertile ground, and works well with our give-him-a-fair-go nature.
Remember, we don't want to take anything from anyone, we just want to be free to end our own relationships with the state.

haha, thanks mate. Risky Title but its got people reading and talking. Sex may sell but so does controversy :)
I agree with everything you say, and it leads into future stories i want to write.

All a government is is a monopoly on "legitimate" use of violence. Legitimacy is a fiction that only exists in the minds of man. Eliminate the fiction and all a government is is a bunch of murderers, kidnappers, thieves, extortionists, etc. They literally do the same things. That being said, jobs are good for people. If people can leave a decent life they won't complain. If they can't, they will revolt. So, jobs are a bandaid on the real problem of statism IMO. Corporate statism is fascism and before you get the wrong idea, I'm a Trump supporter and not Antifa. Corporations in their modern manifestation are sociopathic. Sociopathy is epidemic. Facts are facts. The world isn't black and white. Not sure where I'm going with this cuz I think I talked myself out of most opinions I had on things. politics are bad for people in general I guess is my point.

You're right, legitimacy is just convention really..... something has been accepted for so long that it becomes people's reality.
That reality is unchangeable after a while.
Belief systems are very hard to change. Think in historical scientific terms for example. Flat earth, earth centrism and so on...Today there is a movement known as the Electric Universe which is trying to navigate people's minds from a gravitationally dominated universe to an electro-magnetic one. Daily more and more evidence is poured into this belief by the facts coming back from their own probes, to astrophysicists who are caught in the old belief system. Instead of changing the dominant belief, they literally "create" things like Dark Matter and Black Holes. These are simply mathematical constructs to prop up their views. The evidence is completely ignored and astrophysics has become a game of incomprehensible equations.
Same today in many fields. Paradigm shifts do not come easily to people.
Look at economics, politics, the legal systems....all have been tinkered with but no one has the balls to change the basic belief systems that all these principles stand on today. .. there are elephants in almost every room of society.
People need to start learning again instead of being fed corporate/political/media doublespeak.
Turn off the weapons of mass distraction.
Make your own decisions.
Think for yourself.
I don't think of myself as an anarchist but when pollies and media and corporates play with our minds like this, there has to come a time when we say 2 +2 does not equal 5.

Yes, I am very familiar with the electric universe theory and plasma cosmology since I read a book called "The Big Bang Never Happened" many years ago and much progress has been made since then. They say science advances on death at a time as the scientists who came up with a theory and got all the accolades from it have a vested interest in their theories not being proven correct. However, once they are gone the new evidence can be taken into account and new theories established and the cycle starts all over again.

Not sure I agree with that.
But it's true vested interests and financing have a lot of influence in the scientific realm these days. Most often to the detriment of scientific advancement. Hope we don't have to wait for current theorists to all die before the truth is accepted.
Glad to hear the EU theory is starting to get around some more.

I believe that the way to solving the problem of Government, NWO, the elites, and the present world monetary system is to conduct a "peaceful revolution". By that i mean people bypass their system with the use of Cryptocurrencies, Gold and Silver as a real money replacement for their corrupt currency. That way, we starve them of their tax dollars so they cant piss our hard earned money up against the wall, and waste our money on wars, etc. Steemit is part of the "peaceful revolution" as i see it. Arguing over trivial things will not help our cause. It only plays into their strategy of "divide and conquer". Lets work together for a better world.

I think part of the problem is these "leaders" don't know what's best for the nation, only what's best for themselves and their dodgy business partners. Penfolds anyone?

amen brother. Hopefully you follow along, I have a few more rants on this topic coming up next week.

Pay me enough, I could do the job ;-)

same here mate

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This is so wrong in so many ways. I don't even know how to start. Hitler would have destroyed the world if he got the chance along with his country. He was no talented leader but a viscous opportunist. All "good he did" was already planned by others before he was in power. He had been praised for the autobahn many times but they would have been build without him.
If he was in power today I would have been killed at birth for being physically disabled. Please educate yourself before you ask for someone to kill your loved ones as soon as they don't fit into the right box. @arthuradamson maybe you can help me out here with your wonderful ability to but history into perspective.

Mate, you've completely missed the point of the story.
If you draw parallels between 1930's Germany and 2017 Australia there are many similarities. Underemployment, a massively failed and inept government and a tremendous want for change.
As a leader, he embraced the will of the people, he was one of the people. He was able to communicate to their wants and needs, which in turn lead him to be able to do the things he did.
As I said in my original story, I'm not talking about the war part, that was truely horrible and could never be spoken of positively. But as a leader of a nation, to bring a crippled nation out of sever depression to become a major world power is something that should be reviewed and admired.

He did not embrace the will of the people. He manipulated them into hatred. Into horrific rassism where they thought enslaving nations and even totally destroying others is right and necessary. That's a huge difference.

sumsum, I agree the hitler parallel is a monster for most people.
Disabled and gay people as well as jews and non aryans were all targets.
Do you not see that same manipulation into hatred in many parts of our "civilised" 2017 ? Not at all ?
Do you not see politicians today in many countries who do not embrace the will of the people ?Nowhere ?
People are being murdered for not fitting into the right box all over this civilised 2017 world of ours.
As for the situation here in OZ, our history speaks for itself. You nor I may not have murdered any aboriginals but the nation was built on the blood of the indigenous people of this continent. We have all been manipulated into an horrific racism of our own.
It is undeniable that the original people of Australia had their land usurped by a colonial power. It now lies in the hands of the thieves of that land and the Queen of England.
Hitler may have been a monster in his time but don't think that there are none around today.
Just because it's 2017 doesn't mean we are more civilised.
Don't be incensed by history and ignore what is happening around us today.
May I suggest you tweet Donald Trump for giving more money to the Saudi's to kill innocent children, if you haven't already.

@skki I didn't say such things don't happen today. I just said I is wrong to ask for an other Hitler. We need to find better ways to live and work together without killing and robbing each other. A new Hitler or a different Trump will not have anything to offer.

Really it is a name from history like Stalin or Ghengis Khan.....still too close to us to be flippant about.
I agree it would be nice to be in a world without hatred and war.
Yet, Trump was elected by the so-called Land of the Free....Go figure ??

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

What bothers me the most is people saying: I can not offer any solution myself. I need someone to come and bring a quick solution. I do not want to see the big picture I want someone to paint a black and white one and tell me what to do. - This is very dangerous in my view. People need to take reponsobility for their actions. They need to think about what they consume, whom they support. Asking for a leader to know the answers is to say: I am powerless, I am afraid. Come and fix this. There is no one who can fix this only people working together for the good of all can do this. Each and everyone has the power to better their lifes without putting others down. This is what we need.

There are very few "statesmen" left in this silly world.

very true indeed

Im not sticking my neck on that chopping board. Anyone who takes the top job ages a good decade every year haha

Good points! And is true he was a great leader putting his country first. The horrific things that happened label him as a monster erasing whatever good intentions he had.

Thanks mate. Very true

The international sporting community still celebrate hitler's Olympic torch relay every 4 years, so not all erased.

Me being from Polish heritage, I won't say we need a Hitler like person for obvious reason :p but you are right, those pretenders in Canberra are leeching off us and and do jack shit ohh look, we are going to build a shitty outdated nbn for our future and no other politician has the balls to stand up.

Good post, gonna follow _b

Thanks Tomekk, and thanks for the follow.

John Newman!!!

wasn't he shot in Cabramatta in the 90's?

Yes and I will leave it at that. Cheers