But, Hillary Won the Popular Vote!?!!@!@

in politics •  7 years ago 

No one on the Left wants to believe there is a coordinated effort to destroy elections in the U.S. through fraud. One of the things I have high expectations for is President Trump's Commission on Voter Fraud that he empaneled two weeks ago. I'm firmly convinced the commission will come back with overwhelming evidence of systemic fraud all over the country.

Whether we find there is a net benefit for one side over the other in the end, however, I remain skeptical of that.

Because in my view, U.S. national elections are all a show between two unrepentant Globalists with campaigns designed to split us off into Team Red v.s Team Blue.

We fight about irrelevant twaddle like transgendered bathrooms and common core math when the real issues of hollowing out the capital base of the country and the slow destruction of the individual nation-state proceeds unimpeded.

It's been obvious to anyone with a hint of skepticism for years that the two parties, at the top, are all one big club who care only about ensuring their continued power to extract plunder and pelf from us while pursuing their agenda to subjugate everyone else in the process.

So, color me not shocked to find that in California no less than 11 counties have voter roles with more registered voters than voting age adults.

This is where Hillary won by the widest margin. And then if you dig just a hair beneath the headline you find that in Los Angeles County, by far the most populous, the fraud is the worst... (from the article at Zerohedge)

In addition, Los Angeles County officials informed the project that “the number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.

That is a truly mind-boggling number.

Judicial Watch is the one who uncovered this story and sent a letter to California's Secretary of State detailing their findings and that they will be initiating a lawsuit against the State of California over this.

In fact, this is something Trump should seize on immediately now that California is in open revolt though both Calexit (which I heartily approve of) and Governor Jerry Brown prosecuting independent foreign policy with China (a treasonous offense).

I don't care if Trump is doing this for personal, narcissistic reasons. I just want the fraud exposed. It's a systemic transfer of wealth from the citizens to the politically-connected that needs to be stamped out. It will also RED PILL a lot of people on the Left as to the rightness of their positions, which they hold out of peer pressure, not logic or reason.

My hope is that that red-pilling is what serves as the impetus for more people to lose faith in the state as an institution that can guarantee rights. And push more people in the anarcho-something direction.

I don't think Trump won the popular vote, or anything, but fraud in the right counties in the right states is enough to move the electoral college permanently from one party to the other. When the Democrats failed to convince the people to do away with it post Gore v. Bush, the tactic changed to permanently turning Red States Blue through illegal immigration and fraud.

The states targeted are Florida, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, North Carolina. They've nearly succeeded and that's why they are so dead-set against the border wall and any crack-down on illegal immigration.


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