The True Face of the EU Emerges in Catalonia

in politics •  7 years ago 

Despite the best efforts of the European establishment, the Catalonia referendum finally went ahead as scheduled. Violence ensued. Spain’s central government believe its laws are primary.

And that they have the right to suppress dissent based on that belief.

Because that is always what happens when a government’s authority is directly threatened by the people’s desire for something else. Violent suppression.

This event is a stark reminder of what George Washington said of government, “… is not reason, it is not eloquence — it is force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”

All of the niceties of orderly society dissolve when it reaches this point. It’s all smiles and high-minded ideals until someone says, “No thanks. I don’t want what you’re selling.”

And that's when the tanks roll in.

Governments operate on the mistaken belief that we cannot function without them. They, and their apologists, are wrong.

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, obviously under the orders of his EU masters and handlers in Brussels, learned nothing from history. He learned nothing from Tiananmen Square, the Berlin Wall, Moscow or even Brexit.

You cannot stop an idea whose time has come.

Catalonia - Years in the Making

I’ve been following this story for years; watching it build to this point. If it didn’t turn into violence this time then it would have the next. Catalonia was told multiple times this vote was ‘illegal’ and yet they planned for it anyway.

They were told not to draft founding documents, and yet they did so. While the official polling had Catalan independence support hovering below the 50% line, it beggars logic that those polls were accurate given the response from Rajoy’s government.

Simply put, the polls were lying and support for independence was far higher than anyone was willing to admit. After the past two weeks of egregious moves to stop the vote from taking place, Spain’s central government created even more independent radicals.

This is a point lost in the apologia emanating from normally sober observers of geopolitics, in this case “B.” from Moon of Alabama, trying to frame this vote as anti-democratic.

Catalonia has a GDP per capita of some $33,580/year. For Spain as a whole the GDP per capita is $26,643/year. Many factors account for the difference. Catalonia has an advantages in climate, in the vicinity of the French border, the high attractiveness for tourists with its capital Barcelona and its beaches. It has a well developed industry. But the "rest of Spain" is also, by far, its biggest market.

A richer part of the country does not want to subsidize the poorer ones. But it still wants to profit from them.

In general, the splitting off of sub-states from the bigger, established nations weakens both.

The wistfulness of “B’s” tone here tells you everything you need to know. He's an unabashed German leftist. His soak-the-rich ideology is more important than the right of people to be free to choose their destiny.

The final line quoted is laughable on the face of it.

If the arrangement between Catalonia and the rest of Spain was good for both we wouldn’t be here. This isn’t some variation on ‘white privilege’ for rich Catalans. It’s simple economics.

The EU is Broke(n)

Governments around the world are broke. They are especially broke in the EU. Catalonia no longer wanted to subsidize the debt incurred by Spain’s government (which is, frankly, insane) on top of the wealth transfers already in place.

Madrid opposed the vote because of the potential for breakdown of European capital markets and the inability for the European Central Bank to cover the fallout. That's where Rajoy's orders came from.

So, for the greater good everyone has to continue to suffer… you know, for the cause, man!

Leftists can’t handle secession because it’s only defensible when the poor people try to stick it to the rich. But, poor folks don’t secede from central governments, they take them over

"B." was against Brexit for the same reason. And the argument comes down to, “You’re rich. You exploited me. So, I get to take from you whatever I want. That’s why I’m the only one that can have a gun.”

It really is just as simple as that.

And the government is all to happy to roll in the tanks to keep the gravy train running. That’s the weird part about this.

Catalonia, the rich part of Spain, has to defend itself from the demonstrably uncivilized poor part of Spain with weapons Catalonia paid for.

Catalonia, Kurdistan, Italeave?

Catalans should be free to pursue their own destiny. Secession should always be celebrated even if it is inconvenient to your cause at the moment.

While this is happening in Spain, Kurds in Iraq are dealing with similar issues. And while I’m sympathetic to the geopolitical imperatives which say the Kurds should remain as part of Iraq, partially elucidated here, I also recognize, in the long run, breaking down the nation-state into smaller components distributes power more equitably.

And that lessens the damage any single government can do to the species as a whole. Leftists hate 'Big Box' stores and big corporations, but they love big, central governments.

I'll leave the irony hanging for you.

There’s a lesson in Catalonia for the world to see. Yes, the consequences of its independence may be catastrophic for many people. It could touch off a sovereign debt crisis that breaks the financial world.

But those consequences will be worse tomorrow than they are today. The same tensions will still be there; growing in intensity.

And this is the ugly face of the European Union, with its worthless Articles of Faith (Number 7 anyone?) and its, now naked authoritarian attitude.

The silence from the EU leadership while violence erupted all over social media was deafening.

Where it couldn’t control the vote it simply moved in to suppress it from taking place.

Today it was Spain. Tomorrow will it be Poland? Hungary? Italy?

I leave you with the only quote that matters now. It neatly sums up everything there is to know about what the EU is about and why it is doomed to the ash-bin of history.

There can be no democratic choice against the European treaties, one cannot exit the euro without leaving the EU. – EU President Jean-Claude Juncker.

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This should be another learning opportunity, but the leftist socialists will do all they can to avoid anyone learning

Ding! They will continue to point out the the vote was 'illegal' whatever the hell that means. These people asked for this for years, Madrid kept saying 'NO' because they knew the outcome and they couldn't rig it like they did Scotland and so many others.

You do realize that Berlin's results last week were likely tampered with and AfD likely had more like 16 or 18% of the vote. But at that level Merkel wouldn't have been able to cobble together any coalition... so, they delayed results for hours and screwed with the results just like they did in the regional by-elections in May.

Merkel could easily wind up in jail in the next 18 months for election fraud. And, if the EU begins to splinter she will be thrown under the bus by the 'elites.'

This is what happens when un-elected douchebags are put in chart of a super-state like the EU. The British really kicked the EU in the teeth with their Brexit vote, and that event set a massive precedent that will echo within the EU for decades to come.

Catalonia can survive without Spain, but Spain will take a big financial hit if they allow the Catalans to split off on their own. This is about money and everyone knows it.

Brexit and Trump set this thing up beautifully. The EU thought they were out of the woods with the French and Dutch elections... but now, they are really in deep shit. I heard Merkel came out in favor of the vote, after the optics forced her to and the vote came out 89-11.

What a cockroach she is.

Once people realize that the oppressors are the political class, and that not only does not need them, but that they are actually inhibiting our lives..that idea won't go away. I think that we might get rid of them once and for all in our lifetime. I think the timing is right - especially with the birth of BlockChain technology. The more we post, the more we people we become, the more we interact and support each other, the less power the political class and the old elite will maintain.


Thanks! And yes, so many people were 'red-pilled' today. IT seems with each major event the madness behind this system is exposed even more. Every day they create more radicals willing to throw off the current social order for anything different...

... we need to be there to make sure that they make the decent choice, for peace, and not more of the same choices we've been making, with implied and now open violence.

And, yes, the blockchain is an intimate part of that switch in paradigm.

Yep, especially that the original post points out that it is the central banker criminals were the ones pulling the strings. Wake Up people we all have the same enemy.

Manually curated by @openparadigm for

So far, not a peep in response from the US. Strange, because we're always eager to jump in and tell other countries what to do.

If you don't remember, the same thing happened the night of the Turkish coup... we didn't have much to say about the situation until Erdogan survived... then we were like, "Oops..."

Who in the chain of command from Spain and up decided that they wanted Catalonia to vote for separation? Or are the political class that stupid? Maybe the "elites" are just the grandchildren or great grandchildren of people who were political geniuses, but now they are crap.

They didn't want this. They used Rajoy to try and put this thing down. He was their choice back during the 2010-11 debt crisis and he backed his way into a 2nd term last year because he has the EU's backing.

This is an unmitigated shit-show for the EU and it will touch off the sovereign debt crisis.

The Euro is down $0.01 already and gold is getting whacked on liquidity concerns... just as I told you it would.

We quite simply all vote with our actions. The key element is to extract ourselves from the very system that controls us-central banking. Without central banking, currencies would not be inflated to run central governments and thus finance their puppets like above, and politicians for the most part would be out of work, and likely in jail.

Ding! Love it. Well said. Catalonia needs leverage against both Madrid and Brussels and they should immediately issue their own currency. If they were truly enlightened (which I don't think they are) they would back it with a blockchain to get around any potential retaliation from the EU/U.S. through SWIFT.

The optics on that, however, in light of Sunday's brutality are pretty terrible.

Once again government rears its ugly head. The sooner the brainwashed masses wake up to the fact that no government is the only good government the better.

Thans for sharing!
(From Barcelona, Catalonia)

Once again the state does not listen to its citizens only impose their will to force :(

Well said. As someone who hasn't been following this much more than what I'm hearing today (which is why my post about it was more generically dealing with identity and violent enforcers), I really appreciate your perspective.

Thanks Luke. There are huge changes happening in the world and this is one of those events that will resonate through time.

ditto Luke

I hope Catalonia wins their independence!

Here here... but I think the real question is whether anyone will recognize it.
I'll have another article up on that tomorrow... the proverbial, "What comes next" piece... because at this point who the heck knows?

Catalunya will be recognized, eventually.

It was the same story with Slovenia. Nobody recognized us for a long time. Strangely it was Germany who first recognized us and opened the doors for others to follow.

I don't think it'll be the Germans this time. They are the ones pulling the strings behind the scenes. Honestly, I expect it will be Russia after Italy's elections in May as both Catalonia and Italy will be looking for new trading partners.

Catalonia and Crimea will be kindred spirits and the Russians will do this just to force the EU's hand further.

I agree with you that it won't be Germany.

Who will be the first? Hm, no idea. Maybe Russia. It won't be Slovenia. It should be. Our politicians are cowards.

The Prime Minister Rajoy as learned from the Regime of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela

so sad :'(

It is shame that we can't have Europe without the Euro. Now we are trowing out the child with the bath. We spoil the whole idea of a club of good neighbours.

How the EU was sold and what it was intended to become were always separate things. And now, thanks to the structure of the EU the old enmities between cultures are rising to the fore again, just like they did during their last sovereign debt crisis in the 1920's/30's.

It's a shame, because it absolutely didn't have to be this way, but this is where we are.

It's govt. Not to do good job it's very ansld hurtly