6 years in Jail for posting on a Social Media Website ?! The New State of British Tyrannical Orwellian Law about to be Passed ! The Absolute End of Free Speech will be "The Sentencing Council" !

in politics •  6 years ago  (edited)

Britian has created on the 9th of May 2018 a new Body of Law that will work in conjunction with the British Judiciary when analyaing cases concerning the posting of " hateful " posts on Social media Websites ! They will, by considering some pretty vauguely worded guidelines depending on your following and the amount of " influence" you may have had on the ideas of other people that read your post ,tweet or saw your meme ! They are suggesting that in the worse cases, established of course based on their own perceptions, that a person deemed guilty of such a thing could face literally up to 6 years in Jail !

The name of this new body proposed to be set up has the name of the The Sentencing Council ! Here is their web site if perhaps you might to confirm to yourself that what I am reporting here is very real and pretty damned serious ! As if upheld could potentially put anybody in jail for having expressed just an opinion, which THEY have found offensive and abusive to political, religious or sexual groups !! I think its pretty clear who indeed this new law will be defending from their idea,s of " Hate" Speech !

Here is their Web site, see for Yourself ! The Sentencing Council’s Proposals https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/...

So if you post something deemed by anyone who sees it and does not like it they can report you to this all new "Sentencing Council " and have you feel the full weight of an oppresive police state that now clearly follows the dictates of 1984 George Orwells Thought Police for having dared to stir up racial hatred and violence against stipulated sub groups in our society! How can this proposal be seriously suggested in a Modern Country like Britiain that did once pride itself on Haebus Corpus and the Right to Free Speech !

If you like me see this for what it is and want to make your disagreement felt, then you should contact the petition which i link now

How to Complain & Register your Objections to these Proposals https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/...

Six Years in Prison for Posting on Social Media

Mark Collett
Published on 17 May 2018

New proposals by The Sentencing Council are pushing jail sentences of up to SIX YEARS for that those who post material to social networks that is deemed ‘politically incorrect’. Find out how you can fight back against this anti-democratic legislation and prevent these guidelines from being officially adopted in British courts.

Britain’s Soviet Style Hate Crime Laws


Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !



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The hell is wrong with the uk nowadays. It’s not ‘great’ Britain anymore that’s for sure. We have bigger things to worry about in England/uk than putting people in jail for memes!

Yeah you would think so would,nt you @@@sunsethunter ! But this looks really like we are being dragged into the 1984 tunnel where no free thinking individual will be safe from the " thought police " ! Please if this concerns you contact the link supplied in my post to let them know that this should not fly !

Ok man I will do! 👊

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I feel that it is not helpful to blame emotions for all of this. In a way, the entire idea of 'hate crimes' is a judgement of emotions as being 'bad'/'wrong'. If you make a crime more punishable because of the involvement of emotion, then you are reinforcing the unconscious belief that emotion is dangerous when it is not. Here's a good example of why hate is not wrong.

Thats totally right and the thing that is so crazy about this @ura-soul 1 As what is a crime of thought if not an expression of personal emotion concerning a subject ! Is it now illegal to have emotions or thoughts which do not fall into the "hivethink" cage that has been built around us ?? I for one will not allow this clear intimidation stop me from expressing my thoughts and ideas on things ! I am not a criminal, i know this, no matter how much they change the goal posts to say that indeed i am !

Unfortunately, we are not dealing with balanced or fair minded individuals - however, it is unclear to me how much of this is malicious and how much is just the result of terrible logic made by those with low levels of consciousness.

I dont know if you know of the Q movement @ura-soul ? But he does reguraly say that these people are very very stupid ! sick and evil !! i think that really does about perfectly sum up the sort of mentatilities we are indeed dealing with !!

'they know not what they do' is somewhat irrelevant if what they are doing is destroying life itself!

Well as both you and I think know already, that this indeed is their plan and the insane lack of reasoning behind their agendas ! (

Deep Breath - Honestly...... I am done!
They can all go and fuck themselves... I will continue to blog but i don't want any part of this now.

hey whats going on @preppervetuk !! What do you mean by this ??
