Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ! The New Face of Socialism in America is just Another Liar Looking for Power and Position at the Expense of the American People !

in politics •  7 years ago 

There is a new Kid on the Democratic Party block ! Her name in case you have not hear it yet, is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez! She has recently won the New York Congressional Primary and has been pushed into the limelight to " fill" the vacuum of the Democratic Party which is self imploding due to the fact that it is full of Thieves, Liars and Traitors ! She is being heralded by her Loony Left followers as being the new face and hope for the ailing Democratic Party ! As she calls for free housing, medical care and money for everyone except those right wingers who have jobs and pay taxes because clearly they dont need it !!

She also believes like George Soros that America does not need Borders and that Borders are racist and need to be abloished, as does ICE once her new Communist State of America is born ! As when you have no borders you dont need border control agents, as then anybody from anywhere can just wander in and get on the Freebie Ride to a Venezualan Dream of no food and medecine for all !

This new star of Socialistic Freedom for some at the expense of others, also claims to be from a poor background having been brought up in the Bronx ! Too bad that this turns out to be not true and a lie and fabrication of her " P.R " team as indeed she lived in New York Heights and perhaps got a bus once and awhile to the Bronx to see how the real people live!!

If this is the new face of " die-hard " Liberalism then there is clearly a " problem Houston " as her lies on her background prove that she is just another Fake wanna be Social Justice Warrior that does not know her arese from her tit ! If you take the time to watch these insanely funny hit pieces on this woman by Mark Ward and then Ovation Eddie you will also quickly see what I am talking about !!

So if Alexandria is indeed the New Face of the Democratic Party and Socialist beliefs in America , clearly the Conservatives will love her, as she could turn out to be the final nail in this failed ideology of the Idiotic left, so lost lies and misconceptions that one can but wonder if they will even exist in a few years ???

Like this Guy Jumping out of a Moving Train proves !

You just cannot Fix Stupid !

Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Loses Miss America On Tough Question

John Ward
Published on 16 Jul 2018

New York's Democrat sweetheart and socialist zealot Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reveals her staggering-yes-that's-sarcasm mental prowess on The Firing Line. After fielding a question about Israel and Palestine, the native of mega-rich New York suburb Yorktown Heights stuck to her liberal anti-semitic rhetoric and called the former "occupiers" - until, when pressed, she valley-girl giggled and dismissively admitted she doesn't know what she's talking about.

Ocasio-Cortez, Socialist Democrat, BUSTED for LYING about Poor Upbringing

Ovation Eddie
Published on 10 Jul 2018

Ocasio-Cortez, Socialist Democrat, BUSTED for LYING about Poor Upbringing.


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yeah she is great, finally the Democrats are going to start saying what they really think, real America is not going to stand for any of that shit. She will help make America great again by completing the destruction of the Democrat party.

Yes thats what i concluded on this too @funbobby51 !! More Popcorn ??? lol

yup, they are to the stage where they start eating their own.

Cool lies and propaganda. May I ask where you got these from or did you manufacture them yourself? And why are you so scared of actually debating the issues and think making things up is the way to go?


nice agressive comment @cyberdemon! did my post trigger your leftist leanings perhaps ! )) So tell me how am i making things up exactly ? I think that if a person tells people that she is from a poor background to give her " brownie points" with decieved voters I think that perfectly describes the defintion of a lie ! Also if you look at all my posts you will that i am not all worried about debating the subjects i have chosen to cover ! So whats your next point ?

She doesn't want open borders, she wants to abolish ICE, which was created in 2003. By your logic, we had open borders from 1776-2003, right?

She isn't a 'socialist', she is a Social Democrat, meaning she wants the state to be run by the people and for the people. A good example is Denmark, which coincidentally, is the happiest place on the Earth per capita.

Part of "by the people for the people" is that we govern ourselves. 99% of americans are not millionaires, why are the millionaires in charge?

So how can you have borders if you dont have people on the border enforcing them ?? Makes no sense that at all ! As for what she is by name I dont care as its what she stand for which is important ! Seems pretty clear she is more a communist rather in the vein as Maduro in Venezuala ! So yoiu tell me what is the point when you have universal health care for everyone when there is no medication in the hospitals ?? Where is the reason in having free education for everyone when their is no economy or jobs ?? Becuase we just folowed your doctrines of decapitalization of America and making it illegal for anyone to have more than anyone else ! So what do you have against millionaires ?? Do you think then we should all just be equally poor ?? If the price of steem went up to 40 thousand dollars per steem and making you a millionaire?? Would you feel guilty about it and go downtown and hand it all over to the " poor and needy forgotton folks " ? Why did you buy Steem if you do not believe in Capitalism ??

why are you so scared of actually debating the issues and think making things up is the way to go?

I am not scared of anything, which is why I point out the issues and the facts, and don't smear my opposition with things they don't support. You're just a delusional moron who is either a troll or severely brainwashed.

LOL that is all projection.
