I've come to the conclusion that no element of our political system is going to ever put a stop to the insanity wrt masks and that unless we do something ourselves, we're all going to die of old age with the stupid masks on our faces. Cases of staph infections are turning up here and there from the masks and a number of younger people I've spoken to recently here in Victoria have told me of acne due to the masks. Children are being punished for the stupidity and paranoia of grown people who ought to know better.
The CDC in fact has massively downgraded their statistics noting that no more than six percent of the US deaths attributed to CV19 so far did not involve other kinds of disease or affliction.
What I believe is needed are class actions against governors, mayors, retail chains, federal agencies etc. but, until that starts to happen, I have in fact found one thing you can do. Mesh masks which do not interfere with breathing are an eight dollar item on Ebay all day long.
I've been wearing one of those in stores for the past month and, so far at least, nobody has even noticed it. That, obviously, will not stop any kind of virus but, then, neither will any of the other stupid masks people are wearing. And at least I will not get staph infections from it.
Stockholm Syndrome and masks...
Virginia protest over masks and vaccine mandates...