We should stop teaching kids that they have to fit into the box. So many people today feel like they don't measure up to our crazy social standards, and they end up isolated and alone, thinking there is something wrong with them or that they're not good enough. Not smart enough, not pretty enough, not funny enough, not motivated enough, not strong enough, not healthy enough and so on. This is a combination of advertising, psychology and social media trying to paint everyone into this perfect little box of what people should be and/or want. Ads with this perfect family where everyone is smiling all the time, endless photos of vacation trips and cupcakes, "successful" people all having the same haircut, same clothing, same look, and if you look even slightly different from that the best you can ever hope for is being the before picture in an ad for therapy. It's a form of eugenics implemented by brainwashing, teaching people that if they won't or can't fit into this box they should just kill themselves, and a lot do. Even more live lives that are a lie, showing the world this perfect picture they've been conditioned to want, while in reality they're unhappy and unfulfilled. Kids learn from what they experience, not what we tell them, and they will experience a million facebook pages all posting about what a beautiful day it is or how amazing their family is or other nonsense that more often than not is about projecting an image than it has to do with their reality.
RE: dTube: What Should We Immediately STOP Teaching Kids?
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