Donald Trump: Are his Policies that Crazy? Is he that Crazy?

in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

From every point of view, the Donald Trump show has been like nothing else I have ever seen… I live in the UK, and thought there would be no better way to find out exactly what American Citizen actually think of Donald Trump, than post on Steemit.

Incredibly Divisive, Controversial, Entertaining, Anti-establishment, Scary… But with all this counting against him, he actually stands a chance in the upcoming presidential election.

Hilary Clinton: 2/5
Donald Trump: 2/1

Hillary Clinton is a divisive character too, and not been without her very own controversy over the last months and years. There are many US Citizen (as far as I am aware) who hate her as much as others hate Trump…

I’ve had a feeling all along that maybe Trump isn’t that bad. He has always been a controversial character, and a man prepared to say anything to get ahead. In order to galvanise forgotten America, he decided to go right for the jugular of the establishment on immigration. Does he really believe this? Does any politician (except the Bernie Sanders of this world...) actually believe in the policies they put forward, or are they all power hungry narcissist?

We in the UK have experience of this with the recent Brexit vote. People don’t realise that problems are not caused by immigration, they are caused by the wealth gap widening and widening, year on year, as ‘trickle down’ economics continues to disappoint. Trump is a example of how ‘trickle down’ economics isn’t working, so it’s very interesting his support base is generally the working class of America..

It’s felt like Donald Trump says things, watches the news the following day, and decides whether to continue with that line or say something else controversial. It’s not worth forgetting, every time he said something ridiculous during the Republican Nominations, his popularity rating increased, so is he just giving the people what they want?

For all intensive purposes, many of his policies outside immigration seem reasonably liberal relative to the other republican candidates. His immigration policies in my opinion seem absolutely bonkers (although I can’t talk to the strains immigration is placing on America without living there of coarse).

He also may not be in the pockets of Big Corporate Interests in the same way Hilary Clinton might be. His tax policies seem progressive and in the countries interest. Below are a collation of his ‘policies’. Can we assume these are real? I’m not sure. But let’s humour ourselves for now…



1 Allow states to legalize marijuana if they chose to do so
2 Legalize drugs to take profit away from drug cartels

Foreign Policy

3 Strengthen the U.S. military and deploy it appropriately in the East and South China Seas
4 Increase funding for PTSD, traumatic brain injury and suicide prevention services
5 Increase funding for job training and placement services, educational support and business loans
6 Transform the VA to meet the needs of 21st century service members
7 Better support our women veterans
8 Fire the corrupt and incompetent VA executives
9 End waste, fraud and abuse at the VA
10 Empower the caregivers to ensure our veterans receive quality care quickly
11 Hire more veterans to care for veterans
12 Embed satellite VA clinics in rural and other underserved areas
13 Put an end to China’s illegal export subsidies and lax labor and environmental standards
14 Bolster the U.S. military presence in the East and South China Seas to discourage Chinese adventurism
15 Enforce stronger protections against Chinese hackers and counterfeit goods
16 Adopt a zero tolerance policy on intellectual property theft and forced technology transfer
17 Close parts of the Internet to prevent ISIS from attracting recruits
18 Increase cooperation between the United States and Russia


19 Eliminate waste, fraud and abuse in Federal government spending


20 Fund Planned Parenthood


21 Build a wall along the Mexican border
22 Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced
23 Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans
24 Triple the number of ICE officers
25 Implement a nationwide e-verify
26 Deport all illegal immigrants
27 Detain all illegal immigrants until they are deported
28 Cut-off federal grants to any city which acts as a "sanctuary city" and refuses to cooperate with federal law enforcement
29 Enhanced penalties for overstaying a visa
30 Cooperate with local gang task forces
31 End birthright citizenship
32 Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs
33 Require companies to hire American workers first
34 End welfare abuse
35 Require employers to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed immigrant and native workers before issuing new green cards to foreign workers
36 Increase standards for the admission of refugees and asylum-seekers to crack down on abuses
37 Temporarily halt Muslim immigration as long as the threat of ISIS persists

Jobs & Economy

38 Bring China to the bargaining table by immediately declaring it a currency manipulator
39 Force China to uphold intellectual property laws
40 Put an end to China’s illegal export subsidies and lax labor and environmental standards
41 Place a 45% tariff on Chinese exports to the United States
42 Believes the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a bad deal
43 Impose a 35% import tax on Mexican border
44 Impose a 20% tax on all imported goods
45 Mandate a 15% tax for outsourcing jobs


46 Reduce or eliminate most deductions and loopholes available to the very rich
47 Eliminate the income tax for single individuals earning less than $25,000 or those married and jointly earn less than $50,000
48 Create a 15% flat tax on businesses
49 Eliminate the death tax
50 Reduce or eliminate most deductions and loopholes available to the very rich
51 Introduce a one-time deemed repatriation of corporate cash held overseas at a significantly discounted 10% tax rate
52 Reduce or eliminate corporate loopholes that cater to special interests

I know there are a lot of American users on Steemit. It would be great to open a dialog to see what everyone actually thinks of Donald Trump… I’m ready and wanting an education!

Do you believe that he would even attempt implementation of his immigration policies?

Outside of immigration, what do you actually think of his policies?

Is he the Most dangerous man in the world?

Would love to hear the opinion of people who clearly know more than me...

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In my opinion, he doesn't really even have any policies. He refuses to go into detail on any of his given "policies", and simply responds with comments like "I know more about this topic than anyone". His broad brush approach claims he will fix everything, including terrorism. This in itself isn't much different from other politicians, but he intentionally does not go into any details on how he will accomplish anything.
I think Trump will end up winning because he isn't playing the same political game Hillary or anyone else is playing. He is purely using psychological tactics to gain voters. Playing on their fears or anger and intentionally giving other candidates nick names like "Lying Ted", or "Crooked Hillary". These tactics may seem silly or childish to most intelligent people, but once you hear a nickname, and the person does any activity that reminds you of their nickname it does affect how you view them, even if only at a subconscious level.

@shibley Is America as petrified of a Donald Trump presidency as is being made out to us in the UK? Or is this Press Rubbish?

For the most part, yes. He does have a following that actually thinks he is a viable Presidential candidate though.

To be fair, that is the way it's being portrayed over here too.

@shibley Great reply. Really incitful. Thanks

Trump is no dumb, he plays whit people feelings and fears.

@pipokinha I agree. He knows what he's doing. He's picked the perfect time to do it too..

I quote from your post "every time he said something ridiculous during the Republican Nominations, his popularity rating increased, so is he just giving the people what they want?"
Do you have any doubt on that ? Trump is a demagogue, as Erdogan, they go with the flow.

@eyass Considering your Demagogue label, do you think he is as bad as is being made out in the Press (at least the UK press)..

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hell no. I don't think he is BAD. I think he lacks tact. The issues that he brings up are real issues in America, and other places around the world, but going full steam against the other 50% that will not vote for you is a big risk. That's one of the pitfalls of democracy. If he wins, lets say by 51%, what about the other 49% that don't agree with a words he says ?
But, the media is unfair towards him, for I listened to what he says, and it is logical in a way, although I am immigrant myself, I can relate to the feelings of someone seeing his nation being deluded and invaded from the four corner of the world.

Interesting perspective, and your exactly right, this is not an America only issue.

Brexit was 52:48 and there is resonably large divisions forming politically and socially, although us Brits generally suck it up and do as we are told (the bunch of wimps we are), so that should be that for us.

Your not the first immigrant to voice that opinion, we have many immigrant in the UK against our immigration policy. I still believe it mostly comes down to economic prosperity amongst the working class in society, and these views/problems would not be as acute, if they hadn't have been left behind the last 2 decades...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You know when this election show started up, I used to look at Trump as the clown of the show, the one that's so freaking ridiculous it makes the other dumb candidates look bright. However, as this reality show unfolds, I can see him being elected, specially with the latest events, the attack in France and Belgium, the police shooting.
People are left to choose between Hillary the witch and Trump the big mouth ... not much of choice eh :) having to choose between two scum bags.

@eyass Had to look up what a demagogue was. Seems about right..

@michaellamden68 Quite right!!

Thank you!!!!

Hillary is untrustworthy and very much a part of the establishment, which comes with its own problems. The Donald on the other hand is anti-establishment to the point of engaging in intense fear-mongering of the establishment.

Part of me thinks that Donald Trump wouldn't be nearly as bad as everyone thinks for two reasons.: he is more liberal in certain ways than a lot of other Republican candidates, and Congress, which is showing signs of turning more Democratic this election, and the justice system won't let him get away with anything as extreme as he tends to propose.

I would still never vote for him, but it does actually make me consider voting for a third party like Gary Johnson.

This whole idea of being forced to vote for Hillary is bullshit.

@telltaleconquet Thanks for that post. It's good to get a feel for how what's on everyone's mind. Without being a US citizen, that's would be the way I imagine I would feel...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

No, hes not (the most dangerous man in the world). The president isnt a king. If he tried to implement those policies (and yes, if elected he would at least try), he just wouldn't get them funded. Democrats wont go for it, and neither will most republicans. If he wins (and i do think its very possible) hes going to find himself in position where the people who are supposed to be his allies in congress, the GOP, are mostly afraid hes going to destory the party for good.

One of the things you have to remember about trump is when we talk about a president and his mandate and what he can get done, we're assuming that he at least has some of his party in congress and in the leadership behind him. With no friends on either side of the aisle, there isn't a ton he can do. I don't think theres anyone in modern history you can even compare trump to in terms of how little actual support the party nominee would have from his own party in congrees if elected. Maybe mcgovern or goldwater.... but even they had at least a vocal minority of the party power structure behind them... and the rest was willing to set aside differences after the convention.

If trump gets elected, hell be the weakest, most ineffectual president in history.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

One thing's for sure, there will be parties in the crypto world should he become the POTUS

Donald Trump the best

Read this list carefully. Everything on this list is sourced and proven to be true. Do not let this man become president!