RE: Our Inescapable Nature: Why Politics cannot save us from Ourselves

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Our Inescapable Nature: Why Politics cannot save us from Ourselves

in politics •  7 years ago 

I don't think that evolution has any other goal rather than survival. I don't think that evolution 'thinks' at all- it is just a process. And personally, I think we can solve most of the problems through our current system. The climate isn't changing that fast and as soon as the changes in climate will start to have a tangible effect on the world economy you can rest asssured that changes will be made, yes, out of self-interest. Famine won't be a problem because of GMOs soon. I know a lot of people don't like them but that's true. Population in the developed world is actually decreasing and propped up by mass immigration, soon the rest of the world will follow. Actually I think rather than natural resource depletion the ageing population and demographics changes will be a much much bigger problem causing civil unrest and are actually in fact already causing civil unrest (brexit, the American election, the polish election, the recent german election). I am also very worried about the situation in the middle east (especially as the world economy has become less dependent on their oil thanks to fracking), the prospect of a socialist government here in the UK that could destroy the British economy is chilling in itself. So yes, I do think the problem is political and the solution will be also. Remember that despite our selfishness, we do live for the sake of others.

As Adam Smith put it 'It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages.'

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Then why did I call a passing friend today who I knew went to Sloan Kettering this past week for his cancer evaluation, just to brighten his day and see how he was doing?

Not because I would get something out of it....but bcause I knew how it felt when I was in the hospitals and treatment.

Thats empathy ... not self love!

You did that because it saddened YOU to see your friend suffer.