The Italian's Job (Brief Response Post to MenO's)

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)


The price of Italian bonds spiking up, the increasing of spread, is the old escamotage they use to scare and condition the population as they did in 2011, an excuse to destitute a democratically elected government, replacing it with a bunch of burocrats headed by Mr. mario monti (yes, the lowercase is intentional), a Goldman Sachs henchman, member of the Trilateral Commission...We actually never had an elected goverment since then.
In this article is shown how the Italian debt is distributed, the newspaper is parsecs away from my politcal beliefs but it clearly explains how the public debt is mainly owned by banks and not by Italians...How weird.

Spread is the differential on ROI between Italian's BTPs and German's Bunds, and guess what happens to spead when those banks who own our "debt" decide to put our BTPs on the market? It ramps up.
And this in my opinion is a great example about how the financial system influences and dictates, with the help of mainsteam media, the course of our flawed democracies.

The Plot

What happened last Sunday is something unbelievable and without precedents in the history of our republican phase.
The President of Republic denied the formation of a government after months of consultations between the two major forces who won the elections in the 4th of March:
The 5 Stars Movement and Lega Nord, the two major so called "populistic parties".
He opposed the fact that an euroskeptic professor like Mr. Paolo Savona would've been appointed Minister of Economy, and the President is technically not allowed to do so, according to our Constitution.

He's now trying to impose an ex IMF burocrat, Mr. cottarelli (voted by none), in order to "protect the savings of the Italians", who most likely won't be approved by the Parliament...

I read a comment by @nathankaye in which he stated that Italy and Greece should follow the example of Iceland and say a big fuck you to banks, capitalists ecc...
The point in my opinion is that, if an island of 300 thousand people decides to go MGTOW is not that big of a deal, with all the respect I have for Iceland.
But if other European countries follow that route, nationalizing and directly controlling their central banks, things would get really bad.
World War II started for this reason, thankfully a lot of folks worldwide are waking up about this.
Plus, that process wouldn't be that easy this time, there's a little variable that adds up:

Red dots representing the US bases in our territory, thanks for reading.

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I think you completely misunderstood my comment.
People around the world are thankfully waking up to the knowledge that oligarchs have controlled money through the central banks and banking cartels. All countries should most definitely follow Iceland’s example at least as a first step because the oligarch class cannot control us if we don’t pay them to control us and therefore they have no power if they have no money. Governments and their political puppets merely fall in line with the elite’s wishes.
World war 1 and 2 are examples of the oligarch class using their power in a grand game of chess. It had absolutely nothing to do with countries trying to dismantle their power structures.
I was not , and the many people that are actually
waking up, are not remotely talking about shortsighted idealogies of Nationalism or communism (well, actually Stalinism- because communism has never truly existed on this planet). These ideologies were born in a time prior to the digital revolution and they still incorporate the archaic notion of a monetary system.
We no longer need figure-head politics when we can have a direct digital democracy that can bypass the antiquated need to vote for representatives.
I mean this with complete respect to you, but You’re interpretation of this is based on looking at the world through the myopic lenses they wish you to see it in. (TURN OFF YOUR TV. STOP READING THEIR NEWS)

We must take their power structures away and the size of Iceland is completely irrelevant. It is simply an example of people-power and change. Whilst it’s not perfect, because it didn’t dissolve the monetary system or fake democracy that is in place, it is vastly better than obeying central banks and their government puppets. @syx066 wrote an awesome blog recently about this.
Blessings and good vibes,

With all the respect, I completely disagree, first of all I couldn't care less about what they spread on their mass media, you're mistakenly assuming I do.
It was just a puntualization I felt to make because our public debt is not owned by citizens actually, this is the main argument I was stating as a reply to @meno's post of yesterday, without getting too metaphysical.

About Iceland as I said, they simply let them go, and it's not a game changing revolution as you pointed out yourself anyway. Should something like that happen in a bigger European country for example, they would do anything possible to hijack the movement within its borders, and if that fails they would use one of their "golems" like US, Russia or why not, China to nuke the shit out of the unalligned country, so to speak. Like they always did in the last two centuries more or less.
Democracy simply doesn't work, in real life and in the digital counterpart. The same characteristic behaviour of real society pops out in the blockchain as well, even in Steem's, (whales ecc...).
Proof of the fact that monetary system means shit when there's not knowledge and wisdom behind it, is the quality of individuals that makes the system great not the opposite.

Lastly I didn't mention ideologies in no way, shape or form, I simply stick on Brawlhalla in my Steemit experience cause my main field of research in life is what happened in WW2, and I can't speak openly about it without landing in jail...If craving to restore truth and justice for what happened here in Europe sounds myopic, then I'm goddamn blind.
Thanks for taking the time to reply, have a great day.

From what I gather, mate, we seem to view things in a very similar way (which begs the question of why you would tag me so publically in your post and negate my perspective in a perhaps unconscious attempt to humiliate me, Rather than enter into a dialogue within the actual thread from whence my comment was posted? I Suspect because others agreed with what I said there), but with one major distinction of difference.
I don’t think they would nuke the shit out of any country that dismantled their systems of control. Especially if many countries did so.
I think that is a very large abyss to jump across to the conclusion of. It’s possible that they could do that, but it is highly improbable.
What I have suggested is that Iceland still stands as an example that will herald a domino effect (as Meno suggested) across the world when enough people awaken. But as neither of us can actually see into the future, We will both have to just wait and see what happens, or we can participate in propelling a positive systemic change by changing ourselves first.

Again brother, lot of assumptions when I simply quoted you in my post cause I found your comment the most interesting one I read and I thought it would've add to the conversation, and it did after all.
It's been just few years since they bombed the crap out of Lybia because Gheddafi wanted to create a sovereign currency for all the states of North Africa, it's been 20 years when I remember US bombers flying over my head, heading towards Serbia to turn it to dust and plague it with impoverished uranium, it's been 30 years since US went to Iraq and slaughtered 1 milion Iraqis...The list goes on and on

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Like I said to you in chat, this is crazy shit... what is happening with the world? I mean, the farce is up... What Democracy? Bullshit, all of it...

I know if the economy implodes, regular joes will get hurt, I know it... I'm not wishing that to happen in itself, my point is that I don't see how it wont?


Ill bring some updoots, this is a good topic for this tiny payout... thats bs

Well, first of all fratello grazie di cuore per il resteem e gli updoots hahaha, yeah it will eventually implode but I don't see that happening in the short term, and when it happens it will include all the eurozone...Italy Germany and France are the pillars that sustain this farce, it won't be just us, pretty sure about this. Greece was only the 2% of EU's GDP.
Before we will ever be able to get our national currency (Lira) back I think a lot of water has to flow under the bridge (ne deve passare di acqua sotto i ponti lol). For now what's unfolding here is a political crisis more than an economical one, (as long as you can really separate those two factors) and many puppets in Italy are dropping their masks showing to the joes where their loyalty actually is.

loyalty is always to the money, its the only thing that matters more than freedom to these people.

those who didn't care much about shekels have been killed, this basically sums up Italian history after WW2

in order to keep the old system alive they have to continue to move wealth to the ultra rich apparently... It's gonna be interesting to see what happens over the next couple of year.