Ever Noticed? There Aren't Many Cold and Underfed - Politicians, Police or Priests (The PPP)

in politics •  8 years ago 

The vast majority of us work to actually produce some form of productive output. Those above, hummmm. They are all about control and are interlinked. Societies have entrusted far too much authority to these classes, as it's my conviction that The PPP work in concert to achieve the ends of the behind-the-scenes ruling class. So, what's new?

A debate rages in some countries regarding the energy sector fighting back against the rightful community opposition to fracking. Their latest ploy is to convince the population that unless energy companies are able to frack/burn coal, families will have to choose between warmth in winter and food. Energy has manipulated the cost of gas to the point where the gas they export is over 50-percent less expensive in far away lands than it is domestically. Shame on the government for allowing this to occur. Shame on the media for not calling this for what it is. Shame on us for allowing them to get away with it!

The politicians will support the energy lobby because it is in their present and future personal interests to do so - think donations and job security and cushy jobs for the boys in political afterlife. The politicians direct the police against the community that protests for daring to want clean water and air. The priests will cluck cluck about assuring all and sundry a better life is offing in the hereafter while churches exhort funds from rich and poor alike - buy your ticket to heaven kids.

The energy situation could resolve rather quickly if The PPP's families had to endure similar conditions of the less well off. I can assure you that if The PPP had to face their cold and hungry wives and kids in the morning because the price of energy was too dear, they would have a far different idea of how to manage an energy strategy that didn't pollute or otherwise disadvantage people and the environment. Well, one can only hope.

In the meantime - get active. To the limits of legality, let The PPP know the situation is not acceptable. Look what is happening in the UK and in America. France had a shot at change but they punked out with a bankerboychick. In any case, if we remain silent, we are complicit - some liken the situation to turkeys voting for Thanksgiving.

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