America is on the cusp of a second Civil War.

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)


I've believed for years that a second civil war was on the horizon for America. I've lived in this great country my entire life, and over the past decade, I've seen the citizens of this country slowly start to divide. Now, it has reached a breaking point. Rioters are tearing down statues and monuments of historical Americans who, in one way or another, played a part in making the United States the country that it is. Or should I say, the country that it was. These rioters are attempting to erase the history of this country, and with the support of the liberal media, they're able to come closer to achieving their goal.


The liberal media spends all of its time and effort attempting to discredit and destroy our President, Donald Trump. Its appalling. We Americans finally have a President in office who is controlled by no lobbyists, and is doing everything he can to rebuild this nation to greatness again, and he is met with constant resistance from liberals and Democrats. Recently, Democratic senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal publicly stated that she wishes "President Trump would be assassinated." Now years ago if anyone made that statement publicly, especially a senator, they would be tried for treason. But today she is asked to resign and it is swept under the rug.


Why is there so much anger towards President Trump? There isn't. What we have here is a country that has been controlled by liberal corporations, news outlets, and politicians. Their liberal agenda developed during the Obama administration and they had big plans with Hillary Clinton. This is why they desperately tried to sabotage Trump during the election. But it didn't work and President Trump was elected. Instead of accepting their loss and moving on, like every losing side has done in every American election in the past, the liberals are doing everything they can to undermine President Trump. Every word Trump says is twisted and contorted by the liberal media. The great things Trump has already accomplished, are never mentioned in news stories. The only thing we see is how terrible the man is, which in reality, is far from the truth.


The liberal media is fueling the fire of protestors and democrats across the nation. With their false rhetoric and bombardment of negativity, they are clearly influencing individuals who do not know better, or don't want to know better, into committing acts of violence. These aren't protests, these are riots. The liberal media fuels a racial divide in this country, keeping the slavery wound open, when it is a wound that should have healed over a hundred years ago. This is all coming to a head now, its reaching a breaking point, and soon there will be no other option than war. But don't take my word for it, there are plenty of others who can see the next American Civil war approaching. Rush Limbaugh is just one example:

The idea is this: if the liberal elite can keep the citizens of the United States divided and hating one another, then they can gain more control over us. Unfortunately, they are successful at this point. The liberal elite won't stop until they are in power again. This much is obvious through what we've seen with the recent election and Trump presidency. But there is a silent majority out there, armed and ready to fight, to preserve the constitution and values of our forefathers. The next American Civil War is approaching faster than ever. What side will you be on?

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I've believed for years that a second civil war was on the horizon for America. I've lived in this great country my entire life, and over the past decade, I've seen the citizens of this country slowly start to divide. Now, it has reached a breaking point. Rioters are tearing down statues and monuments of historical Americans who, in one way or another, played a part in making the United States the country that it is. Or should I say, the country that it was. These rioters are attempting to erase the history of this country, and with the support of the liberal media, they're able to come closer to achieving their goal.

Sadly all signs point to this, indeed. But we are not there yet. There is still some chance to properly educate the younger generation and expose Cultural Marxism for what it is. Also, many 30+ year old ANTIFA members have grown up and realized what is really going on. While the media might be showing how the ANTIFA apocalypse is already here, the reality is somewhat better. We need to fight on, however. The mainstream media is long exposed and people are becoming more aware regarding the indoctrination in the education system as well.

While the TPTB are cheering for a civil war, the leftist would stop just short of it for the simple reason that they are cowards and incapable of surviving outside their parents comfortable houses. The right on the other hand is very unlikely to give in to their provocations. And if they were, then the leftists won't last for long. Especially considering that Trump, and the government would most likely side on normalcy.

Personally, I don't want to see it reach the point of Civil War. In the 40 years I've been on this earth, I have never seen anything close to what is occurring now in this country. The amount of media lies, distortions, and distractions is incredible, and unfortunately, I don't see the left calling it quits anytime soon.

Most of them are young... and well... imbeciles... That said, some of them will grow up when they realize how the real world works. That, combined with the fact that the next generation of youths are the most conservative for a long time... well, there is still some chance of normalcy.

I agree, most are youths who really aren't aware of what they are fighting against. But I see adults, in their 60's and 70's, who are just as ignorant as the young ones. It's this older leftist generation that is influencing the minds of the youth, under the guise of "older and wiser." I believe this is a rather large chunk of the radical leftist movement.