World War III about to break!

in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

 UN to Israel: Golan Heights Belong to Syria

In light of international discussions about Syria identifying Israel’s Golan Heights as Syrian territory, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened his Cabinet in the Golan on April 17, declaring, “The Golan Heights will remain in Israel’s hands forever.” The Cabinet’s meeting in Ramat Golan was the first since the territory’s capture from Syria in 1967 and its annexation in 1981. “It is time that the international community recognized reality,” Netanyahu said at the Cabinet meeting. “Whatever happens on the other side of the border, the border itself will not move. “Secondly, after 50 years it is time that the international community realized that the Golan will remain under Israeli sovereignty,” he said, underlining the territory’s ancient Jewish history, “documented by dozens of ancient synagogues around us.” The Golan was an “integral part of the Land of Israel in ancient times … and the Golan is an integral part of the State of Israel in the present time,” Netanyahu said. “In the 49 years Israel has controlled the Golan, it has been a place of peace and prosperity. Israel today is the solution, not the problem,” he added, pledging: “Israel will never come down from the Golan Heights.” On April 17, the weekly Cabinet meeting was held on the Golan Heights in honor of the 34th government’s first year in office. In a response to Netanyahu’s oath, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Mekdad issued a threat of war, stating that Syria would “retake the Golan Heights by any means necessary, including using military force.” 

UN Special Envoy for Syria and peace negotiator Staffan de Mistura, condemned the Golan-based meeting as an “Israeli escalation,” and also alleged a link between Israel, the Islamic State, and the Al-Nusra Front, an anti-government force in Syria. The Arab League echoed de Mistura’s condemnation, calling Netanyahu’s words “a new escalation that represents a brazen violation of international law,” while the US State Department echoed its stance that it does not recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel. Staffan de Mistura, UN Special Envoy to Syria, speaks to journalists following the meeting with a delegation of Syrian officials in the third round of the intra-Syrian talks in Geneva. (UN photo by Jean Marc Ferré) Bashar Jaafari, Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, also reacted, stating, “We reaffirmed to de Mistura Syria’s right to recover the occupied Syrian Golan up to the 4th of June 1967 line using all legal means according to the UN charter, including Article 51 of the Charter on self-defense.” In a meeting, 15 members of the UN Security Council (UNSC) also “expressed their deep concern over recent Israeli statements about the Golan and stressed that the status of the Golan remains unchanged,” said UNSC president and China’s UN Ambassador Liu Jieyi. Liu pointed to December 1981 UN Resolution 497, which states that “the Israeli decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction, and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect.” (NYT) In response, the Israel Foreign Ministry said that “the Security Council’s announcement ignores the reality in Syria.” 

Meanwhile, an American official stated that taking sides on the Golan would interfere with diplomatic peace talks between world powers and endanger opposition forces. (Haaretz) US State Department spokesman John Kirby said the Golan’s return to Syria “should be decided through negotiations between the respective parties.” “Who is Israel supposed to negotiate with about the future of the Golan? Islamic State? Al-Qaeda? Hezbollah? The Iranian and Syrian forces which have slaughtered thousands of people?” Israel’s Foreign Ministry asked. “In view of the war raging in Syria and the stability and security of the Golan Heights that Israel has established over nearly 50 years, the suggestion that Israel will leave the Golan Heights [is] unreasonable.” (Ynet) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu toured the Golan Heights and oversaw an IDF exercise. The Prime Minister received a briefing on the exercise and met with the soldiers. (GPO photo by Kobi Gideon) At the Golan Cabinet meeting, Netanyahu also relayed an April 16 phone conversation with Secretary of State John Kerry on the Syrian peace talks. 

The prime minister said he insisted that Israel’s security should be included in a peace accord, which would mean, “at the end of the day, Iranian, Hezbollah, and ISIS forces would be expelled from Syrian territory.” On a visit to Moscow on April 21, Netanyahu also told Russian President Vladimir Putin that the Golan Heights is one of Israel’s “clear red lines for our self-defense.” “First of all, we are acting to the best of our ability to prevent the transfer of advanced weaponry from Iran and Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Secondly, we are working to prevent the establishment of an additional terrorist front against us from the Golan Heights. These are our red lines, and we will continue to maintain them,” Netanyahu told Putin. (JPost) “We will not go back to the days when they fired at our communities and at our children from atop the Heights,” Netanyahu said. “Therefore, with or without … agreement, the Golan Heights will remain under Israeli sovereignty.” A Jewish woman purchases fruit from an Arab vendor on the Golan Heights. Mansour at UN Fails to Condemn Terror, Compares Israel to Nazis “Do not let those gloat over me who are my enemies without cause; do not let those who hate me without reason maliciously wink the eye. They do not speak peaceably, but devise false accusations against those who live quietly in the land.” (Psalm 35:19–20) During a press conference Wednesday, Palestinian Authority (PA) Representative to the United Nations Riyad Mansour equated Israel with the Hitler regime and slammed his Israeli counterpart, Danny Danon, for identifying PA terrorists as “terrorists.” According to Mansour, “all the Palestinian people who have legitimate rights to resist the occupation in legitimate ways” are unfairly labeled as “terrorists.” “Guess what — all colonizers [Nazis], all occupiers [Nazis], including those who suppressed the Warsaw [Ghetto] Uprising [more Nazis], labeled those who resisted them [Jews] as terrorists,” Mansour said. Mansour’s attack on Danon followed a “dramatic” verbal confrontation between the two representatives during a UN Security Council meeting on April 18. Danon brought as guests to the meeting the daughter and husband of slain terrorist-victim Dafna Meir, and called on the Palestinians to “stop the hatred” and to condemn terrorism, which he noted Mansour was unable to do. Riyad H. Mansour, Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the UN, briefs journalists on April 27, 2016. (UN photo by Eskinder Debebe) “You should say it in Arabic, not [just] in English. 

You should teach it in your schools,” Danon said at the Security Council meeting. “You should stop the hatred. You should stop naming streets after terrorists. Look at the squares in Ramallah, look at the streets in Jenin; you name streets after terrorists,” he said. In Israel, “We condemn all terrorism in Hebrew, in English, in Arabic.” (Arutz Sheva) Mansour responded, “We condemn the killing of all innocent civilians, including Palestinian civilians. Do you do the same? Do you do the same? Do you do the same?” Danon continued: “You [are] paying them. You [are] paying the families of the terrorists. You [are] glorifying terrorism. Shame on you for doing that. Shame on you for glorifying terrorists. Shame on you for not saying we condemn all acts of terror, period. 

That’s what we’re saying. We condemn all acts of terror. That’s what I want you to say; you’re being translated into five languages. You can say it right now: ‘We condemn all acts of terror.’ Danny Danon, Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question. Seated behind him are Natan and Renana Meir, the widower and daughter of Dafna Meir. A Palestinian terrorist stabbed her to death. “It is time for the Palestinian leadership to end their silence and to start acting as leaders,” Danon said, returning to his script. Passionately, he continued, “You cannot condemn terrorism. You cannot say it here: ‘I condemn all acts of terror.’ You cannot say it here. People are looking at you. Palestinian children are looking at you right now, and you cannot say ‘I condemn all acts of terrorism.’ One sentence you cannot say. One sentence you cannot say. Shame on you for that. Shame on you for not being able to say…” he said, trailing off and shaking his head. “Let my people be free. Shame on you,” Mansour said, pointing at Danon. “You are occupier. You are organizer[?]. Leave us alone.” Riyad H. Mansour, Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the UN, addresses the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question. (UN Photo by Manuel Elias) Mansour’s position is clear: for the Palestinian leadership, attacks and murders of Israelis and Jews are “legitimate ways … to resist the ‘occupation.” This includes the stabbing and murder in January of 38-year-old Meir, a mother of six. In response to the press statement, Danon said, “Any comparison between the Nazi regime and the democratic State of Israel is despicable and must be condemned by the international community.” Mansour also announced at his press conference that the Council would be conducting an informal meeting on “protection for Palestinians.” Likewise, PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas has previously called for international protection for the Palestinians. From what or whom, the leaders do not say. They imply, however, that Israel is a threat, portraying themselves as victims despite their incitement to terror. “The Palestinians are continuing to lie to the world and turn to the international community with ridiculous claims instead of focusing their efforts on fighting terror and incitement,” Danon said on Wednesday.   

Things are getting heated up in the Golan Heights of Israel. On April 17th, 2016, it was reported that Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that “Israel would never withdraw from the Golan Heights.” He further broadcasted on public radio that “”The Golan Heights will remain in the hands of Israel forever”.The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated sarcastically, “Who is Israel expected to negotiate with on the future of the Golan Heights?” “Islamic State? al-Qaeda? Hezbollah? The Iranian and Syrian forces who massacred hundreds of thousands of people?”The UN Demands That Israel Give the Golan Heights to ISIS.Yep, you heard that correctly.   What happens in Israel and the Middle East creates a ripple effect and resonates throughout the rest of the world. Israel Breaking News released in several reports over the past few months quoting several prominent Rabbis as saying that Repentance was necessary in order to bring about the era of Moshiach. Lord RayEl, the returned Messiah, stated that “the Rabbis only duty has been to prepare the kingdom for his arrival, and that there was no excuse for only now realizing his presence.”   The Messiah has surrounded Israel with the armies of its enemies, and as our government astronomers tell us, He has a fleet of ships stationed in orbit… What comes next largely depends upon what we decide to do.” As it currently stands, the preliminary stages of WW3 have just increased significantly. This brings us to our Torah Code Researcher, Ecumenical eschatologist and ABN Israel correspondent Clark Issac to speak on these prophetic fulfillments.   It does appear that the final battle is being prepared and that the actions of nations surrounding Israel is fulfilling prophecy;Ezekiel 36:2 may be just one of these prophecies…   

 Adonai Elohim says: “The enemy is boasting over you, ‘Ha! Even the ancient high places are ours now!’ ”  

The world’s armies are gathering around Israel, But in fulfillment of this prophecy in Ezekiel 36:2 US president Barak Obama and Russian President Vladimer Putin are using international law through the United Nations security council to take the Golan Heights from Israel (claiming it as Syrian land, thereby their own, as they now are the main controlling interests of Syria)… This would be an excuse for all of the forces now gathered in the region to turn their armies against Israel, as the two major world powers lead the charge. This upcoming invasion of Israel may soon fulfill another prophecy from Ezekiel 5:7-9   

 “Therefore here is what Adonai Elohim, says: ‘Because you have outdone the nations around you by not living according to my laws or following my rulings or even following the rules of the nations around you,’ therefore here is what Adonai Elohim, says: ‘I too am against you, yes, I; and I will execute judgments among you while all the nations look on. Moreover, because of all your disgusting practices, I will do things to you that I have never done before; and I will never do such things again.” 

Considering all the military activity within Syria, the multinational and special interest group’s involvement in both Syrian and Israeli national policy, and finally Israel’s lack of repentance towards the Prophesied Messiah, it’s become evident that an invasion of the Golan Heights from the Syrian border could be the trigger to begin the Battle of Armageddon, otherwise known as World War III, the last War before the Messiah seizes his throne     

As you can see, what’s been revealed from the Bible Code so far in these two discoveries does not bode positively for what’s to come. We’ve discovered 11 additional Bible code results with the search term Ramat ha-Golan or Golan Heights translated in English. We will work tirelessly to share more information as soon as we can in an effort to save lives and souls, G-d willing we can provide sufficient warning.   

The battle that is going to take place at the Golan Heights – The Battle of Armageddon 

 The Golan Heights, a rocky plateau in south-western Syria, has a political and strategic significance which belies its size.

 Israel seized the Golan Heights from Syria in the closing stages of the 1967 Six-Day War. Most of the Syrian Arab inhabitants fled the area during the conflict. An armistice line was established and the region came under Israeli military control. Almost immediately Israel began to settle the Golan. Syria tried to retake the Golan Heights during the 1973 Middle East war. Despite inflicting heavy losses on Israeli forces, the surprise assault was thwarted. 

Both countries signed an armistice in 1974 and a UN observer force has been in place on the ceasefire line since 1974. Israel unilaterally annexed the Golan Heights in 1981. The move was not recognised internationally. There are more than 30 Jewish settlements on the heights, with an estimated 20,000 settlers. There are some 20,000 Syrians in the area, most of them members of the Druze sect. Southern Syria and the capital Damascus, about 60 km (40 miles) north, are clearly visible from the top of the Heights while Syrian artillery regularly shelled the whole of northern Israel from 1948 to 1967 when Syria controlled the Heights. 

The heights give Israel an excellent vantage point for monitoring Syrian movements. The topography provides a natural buffer against any military thrust from Syria. The area is also a key source of water for an arid region. Rainwater from the Golan’s catchment feeds into the Jordan River. The area provides a third of Israel’s water supply. The land is fertile, with the volcanic soil being used to cultivate vineyards and orchards and to raise cattle. 

The Golan is also home to Israel’s only ski resort. Syria wants to secure the return of the Golan Heights as part of any peace deal. In late 2003, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said he was ready to revive peace talks with Israel. In Israel, the principle of returning the territory in return for peace is already established. During US-brokered peace talks in 1999-2000, then Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak had offered to return most of the Golan to Syria. But the main sticking point during the 1999 talks is also likely to bedevil any future discussions. Syria wants a full Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 border. This would give Damascus control of the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee – Israel’s main source of fresh water. 

Israel wishes to retain control of Galilee and says the border is located a few hundred metres to the east of the shore. A deal with Syria would also involve the dismantling of Jewish settlements in the territory. Public opinion in Israel appears not to favour withdrawal. Opponents say the heights are too strategically important to be returned. 

On-off talks

Indirect talks between Israel and Syria resumed in 2008, through Turkish government intermediaries, but were suspended following the resignation of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert over a corruption inquiry. The Israeli government under Binyamin Netanyahu elected in February 2009 indicated that it was determined to take a tougher line over the Golan, and in June 2009, the Syrian leader said there was no partner for talks on the Israeli side. The US administration of President Barack Obama – who took up office in January 2009 – declared the restarting of talks between Israel and Syria to be one of its main foreign policy goals, but the advent of civil war in Syria in 2011 put paid to any progress. Syrian fighting reached the Golan ceasefire lines in 2013, when Israel returned fire after rebel shells landed in Golan. Israeli and Syrian Army troops exchanged fire across their lines in May.   

Third World War (WW3) Torah Code discovered by Cardinal Richard Ruff of the Ecumenical Order of Christ

I imagine that after the armies of this world gather to fight against YHVHs heavenly army, that it will end very suddenly, and serenity will return to the Earth.  

Revelation 19:19-21:

“And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies, gathered together to make war with him that sat upon the horse and with his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who wrought signs before him, wherewith he seduced them who received the character of the beast and who adored his image. These two were cast alive into the pool of fire burning with brimstone. And the rest were slain by the sword of him that sitteth upon the horse, which proceedeth out of his mouth: and all the birds were filled with their flesh.” 
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