President Jerry Banfield?

in politics •  7 years ago 

president jerry banfield rushmore.png

Will we create President Jerry Banfield in the USA because we are ready to face what is wrong and start doing something about it together?

At 22 years old while working in prison as a juvenile corrections officer in South Carolina, I wrote an ego fantasy plan to become president which looked ridiculous even to me when I faced reality. Ten years later I had lost all interest and hope in our political system's ability to help us adjust our way of living to be in balance with the rest of earth. In every presidential election since 2004 I have voted for the loser and gave up any desire to participate in the process last year.

Recently the idea of running for president has returned except it feels more like receiving a text message from earth instead of pursuing an ego fantasy. In arguing with the idea because it is illogical and inconvenient, it has grown stronger. Comments saying "I would vote for you as president" and "Jerry Banfield for President" are continuing to appear more frequently and are helping me see that maybe becoming president is necessary.

After some quick research, I have confirmed this body is eligible to run as president in 2020 and every year thereafter in the USA because the requirements of age, birth, and residence are all met. For money, running as an independent write in will eliminate the need to file 99% of the paperwork. Asking for upvotes on Steemit as a way to support the campaign financially will remove the need to take money directly.

Spending money on ads that promote President Jerry Banfield will also be effective in selling online courses allowing for everything to be a business expense. My wife @laurabanfield is an attorney that can help handle any legal issues while any follower online can volunteer to help with getting access to their home state ballot.

The best part is there is no pressure to win because nothing is lost by trying! If every election is lost until death, at least an effort was made? Just winning one election might make all the difference in the world.

Starting today I am announcing my intention to become President Jerry Banfield in the USA!

Will we create President Jerry Banfield because are ready to show the love, hope, and faith are what we believe in?

Jerry Banfield

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If Trump can do it. Anybody can lol. No need for qualifications like other countries!

@williams858, how many people ran against Trump?

Loads! BUT, how many people ran for him! Personally not got anything against Trump! But he dares do a lot of things that people are thinking, he does make things happen! Its a love hate thing in America!

A lot of Obama people are still illegally working in the USA government right now in the deep state now in July 2017 months after Trump became the 45th USA President. There are so many people trying to murder Trump right now. They are talking about the Russia thing since 2016 without evidence. CNN and the other left media continue to talk bad about Trump since Trump announced he was running in 2015. A lot of good things are happening in the USA in 2017 but a lot of bad people are still doing a lot of bad things and they continue to plot to replace Trump each day. They are trying to remove Trump and blame it on a crazy person just like they did with JFK and Lincoln and even Reagan too. Reagan survived for a while after the attempt but it affected Reagan so much.

Are you kidding? There's new evidence of Russian collusion every day. His whole family is involved. Tell me one good thing happening in the US today as a result of this 71 year old narcissistic sex offender conman swindler obscene toddler president!

@jeremys, Who made the Uranium deal? Look at John Podesta. Look at what John Podesta did. Please look at the Uranium deal. Look at the videos. See what Obama said in that one video a few years ago. There is so much you do not know. Please go to INFO WARS DOT COM:

@jeremys, look up Project Veritas and look up Wiki Leaks as well: please go to WIKI LEAKS DOT ORG:

I think a few hundred people run for president every time! Amazingly few given what it is! The trick is that almost everyone is doing it one way and if there is a better way to do it, that will only be obvious when it works!

Trump did it a different way and Trump debated over ten people during the ten or more debates and people did not have to vote for Trump because there was Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz and the black doctor and some women ran and Marcos Rubio and Chris Christie and also McAfree and Trump debated Hillary and almost debated with Bernie Sanders.
There are always better ways of doing things. I agree with you with that. We will continue to try to innovate in life and some of us will do that when running for positions of leadership as well all around the world. Steemit and the internet and crypto motivates us all and helps us to do things better as a global community and that is a new thing and we did not really, as far as I know, have this Internet system ever before in the history of mankind and that is so amazing. We are living in amazing times because of what we know and what we can do in global communication and everything.

Hey good job,keep it up,i will support you...check me out @kamranbhatti

Most dont

@janus27, the difference between boys and men can be found in the level of sacrifice men have and give to their families and communities.

Well here in the UK you need to be elected and a member of parliament! And to even get in the Parliament you need to have a book full of Degrees so there is some level of serious education! But in American is gives ordinary people a chance! Good thing or not, I am not sure?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


I think Kayne West is running next so you will be sure in for a chance! HAHA

No, Trump is direct descendant from king John of england like all usa presidents before him! And Hillary too so no matter which side you pick his direct descendants rule. We think we live in a demokracy but that was invented by monarhs so people stop protesting and demanding demokracy.

We are all related to each other, some more so than others. Two brothers can be totally opposite from each other. Connection does not always mean what we think it may or may not mean to an extent.
What can we do? Please do not focus negatively on what we cannot do.

No, we are not direct descendants from king john of england. If we are all related that doesnt mean you are direct descendant from my great grandfather or that im descendant from your great grandfather. You cant be a king if you are not from that bloodline.

I disagree.

Ok tell me an argument how can you become a member of british royal family. You cant if you are not born into that family. Do you think that prince Charles is born in some other family outside of royal family? Its nice to write why you disagree too.

@winvideos, you are not listening.



In my opinion, once you decide to become a president, you pretty much sacrifice your freedom; but since you are coming from the regular folk -- I would definitely vote you over their own candidates from Senate and so on.

Jerry Banfield will make America great again!

I can see those spam posts in couple of years:

"Nice post! Followed! Resteemed! Voted for US presidency!"


Jerry for president!

This is how it happened!

Lol! Sure it's possible! Go for it!
plzz no nervous breakdowns while on job XD

Haha, you hooked me in with that title!


Quite simply, go for it Jerry! You're an incredible marketer and the added publicity you would receive would allow you to get your message of freedom and love out to potentially millions of people. Most people who live their lives in the mainstream have never heard or considered some of the ideas, philosophies and thoughts concerning how to live their lives with more freedom and purpose outside of the rat race and I think your message would be well received by those who can open their mind.

@orionschariot thank you very much for your kind words of encouragement here!

You've just started the campaign Jerry with this post - go for it continue .........

I will thank you!

Never underestimate the American people ability to surprice with their vote!!!! Upvoted. At least you will use twitter better than the current POTUS

"At least you will use twitter better than the current POTUS" lol you may be right!

Absolutely and you will have my upvote buddy.

I think you have gone off the rails.

You may be right! I may be crazy. Hey! But it just might be a lunatic you're looking for!

He's on a Steem power trip. His Steem balance has gone to his head.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes of-course you can win the elections and become president, if voting could be held on Digital Voting with the use of Blockchain Technology....And we can campaign for you on steemit!

We should begin developing voting blockchain technologies and networks and we should share it everywhere including with Trump, senators, people in your city, online, offline, in letters, in snail mail, in emails, on phones, and everywhere in videos, memes, songs, articles, on Steemit, Facebook, everywhere, each day. We got to do it all more. We do this for our children. We want better voting integrity.



Love it. In Jed We Trust.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

haha thre we go this si what i came to ask for BUT i wish you would redo this using THIS recent photo of @jerrybanfield

woah i google image searched jerry banfield and i found a bunch of crazy photos that make him look way more like a human and les like a marketing robot wearing a human skin suit!
wow he looks so different fat and tanned wtf i cant believe this si the same guy lol looks like hes a stoner college bro in this photo LOL

woah look at this he looks so diferent here!

Here is jerry after killing the original jerrybanfield and winning award for best robot imprsonating a human award

haha im just messin with you jerry! i realy admire your work and look up to you!

I just want us to mke a steemit comedy skit like Seinfield but its caled Banfield or Steemfield and you can be senfield, @stellabelle will be elane , I can't think of who would make a Good George Kastanza character and I will be kramer and You will be trying to do your work and stellabele will come in and do elane stuff and i will come in and totaly distract you with crazy business ideas like Kramr did in seinfled, and ill lke try and ride on your coat tails and it will be a great way to promote steemit, itr will ashow you trying to get some steemit posts done and ill cal you and tell you about some crazy crypto ICO that sounds REDOICULOUS but ill try to sell you on it, and we will make fake youtube videos and make fun of bitcoiun spammers and scamers and it will be great, with the right writers we can make t raly funny and about the comedy of making money onine AND we can use it to promote steemit and just show how daily steemit loves are like, it will make people think "woah what is this website theyre using to make money off blog posts?!?!?! i wanna do that!" and in the banfield show we will routinely make a point about how EASY it realy is to make a post on steemit and Jerry you can actually like make a post on camera and it will justs how you off the top of your head typing some bullshit feel good post and youl be liek laughing as you type it, and youllbe like "Watch these followers eat this shit up! It will easily make $100" hahaha and be like "Man i gotta try harder! I could be making $10,000 a day on steemit! " and talk about steemit in the sho MAN this could be So fun nd SO inexpensive to make! And it will atke very little time at al to shoot once we have a goo script down! we all just record the shots ourselves and send em all to me ill edit it together etc

Bold move, Jerry.

You definitely get my upvote for your campaign coffers. Even if unsuccessful you will spread the Steemit name far and wide.

You're sure this is good??
If you spread the name, the amount you earn will sink into the 0,0's!

Thank you Tommy!

Hi Jerry,

Unfortunatelly I can not vote for you in USA but maybe you can find place for me in your team in White House?

Maybe! All the support on Steemit will help!

sory Jerry's whitehouse will be staffed by 100 percent AI to keep the white house intrigue and drama at a bare minimum . Jerry gets along best with his own kind. :D

I don't think it is a good idea. If you bring Austrian economics to the White house the powers at be will have you killed.

You have a good point and I am willing to risk it because this body is only temporary!

Tell your wife that we're sick of listening to your disembodied head, and that we want to hear her story.

Well look whose talking mr disembodied Jesus face shroud of turin! (That is the shroud of turin isnt it in ur avatar??)

good catch bro!
I've posted a few things on the Shroud, with this one being the latest:
Simply mind-blowing science. There is no story like it.

I just did now!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

yeah we actually do want to hear from your wife about how it has been living with you as you have been winning so hard....also every good youtube couple ends up having podcasts, like ethan and hila, and ur wife will be able to get her own steemit account going and shel be able to get almost all your followers pretty fast!!!!
I was just google imaging "jerry banfeild" and i found images of who i am guessing is you and her??? this version of jerry looks so different!!!!!!! i feel like fat Jerry is more relatable to the average american lol maybe you need to gain some weight to get even more popular jerry! Because at least when youre fat you have something in common with all othr fat people hahahahah fat people of all races and genders and backgrounds al bond over their weight over weight I bet marketing guys who are fat end up being more sucesful because peopel see a fat guy and think (Well I dont mind listening to him, he may have more money than me but at least in halthier than me) so maybe w can use a filter to fake fatness in teh future just for marketing purposes

lol man see ur wife looks smart! We wanna hear from her and know why she isnt here on steemit posting too!
I would folow her and i bet at least HALFD of your followers would instantly follow her as son as she did her first post! and two heads are better than one, you coudl start saving up massive amounts of steempower and upvote each others posts lolol

@ackza thank you for sharing this because you made me laugh and I will share your insights with her!

I've never understood why anybody wants the job. It clearly drains people. One-term Presidents seem to age 10+ years over the course of the term and two-termers are empty husks by the time that they leave office.

But you're young enough, maybe you can buck the trend!

But it helps. Trump is getting younger, however. Obama got older.

You're right I do not desire the job because of exactly what you said! The question is would it be helpful if I made an effort and accepted the job if it was offered? We are here to be of service and this means to me to go wherever needed!

Government should serve we the people more. Bad people age faster with more power. Absolute power can corrupt some people absolutely. Power is a dangerous drug.

Very good. . Thankyou for sharing @jerrybanfield, I strongly agree if you become president. I hope you can help upvote my posting. Greetings from new users of steemit in indonesia.

Welcome from Indonesia thank you for commenting here and I upvoted your comment!

Thankyou . I keep following your post

lol @nazarwils if @jerrybanfield becomes president I will ask him to make Steemit Mandatory to pay your taxes with so everyone wil need a steemit account just to pay their taxes with LOL it would cause the price of steem to skyrocket LOL or maybe making steemit the pfficial social media platform for the us federal govrnmemnt LOL for TRANSPARENCY purposes!!!!

I could vote for you, Jerry. Upvoted. Resteemed. Liked. Shared. Thanks.
It is a win win situation to try. Art of the deal.

Awesome Joey!


Definitely not the post I expected to see. Surely, if you felt overwhelmed and overworked a few weeks ago, flailing endlessly and pointlessly at the political system cannot be a good use of your time and mental health?

I don't think you'd enjoy that den of vipers.

You're right and I am grateful I made adjustments to adapt!

Comment saying I would vote for you as President and Jerry Banfield For President.


Do it dude! You'd definitely have my vote :D

Jordan thank you very much I think we already have enough support within the last few minutes to at least not come in last!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You can do it... I can run "security" for ya 😬😂

Excellent I have a friend that might be interested also we have a "security team" already 😬😂

I'm ready when you are lol

You are God Jerry.

Andrius thank you it takes one to know one!

Im here because of you. My friend @hqmafa420 showed your youtube video about steemit . Re

Getting an early start on the campaign trail is wisdom .

Like a marathon especially if no victory until 2024 or 2028 or 2032!

Wow... these are high goals. Well good for you. I wish you all the best of luck!
But maybe in 2024 if Trump gets reelected. So lets wait and see

I may also try to run too. Competition will be increasing in the future.

I am willing to keep trying until the time is just right even if it ends up being 2040 or 2060!

Trump talked about being President with Oprah in 1988.
So, it is always good to prepare because, "SOON..." it will be our turn.
We do better as we always prepare with a smile.
Service with a smile.

I wouldn't rule it out. After all trump became pres. It makes me think of that old saying, aim big miss small.

Totally! Is there anything higher than president to aim at?

The only thing that comes to mind is the moon and the stars, but first things first, world domination then conquer the universe. All joking aside, follow your dreams.

Definitely! I think the president of the FED is way more powerful for example. But in terms of prestige you might be right. ;)

The FED has had lots of power through the NWO.

Give your wife some Steem you meany, she has only 63 cents

True I am waiting to see if the Steem price goes down more to buy her in! If not I will send her some of mine!

It would be epic to see you on Mount Rushmore. Vote for Jerry Banfield!

I wrote an ego fantasy plan to become president which looked ridiculous even to me when I faced reality.

@jerrybanfield You don't know what the future holds for you. You may actually become POTUS one day, keep the dream alive.. A big welcome to your wife @laurabanfield. I hope to read her #introduceyourself post soon.

Thank you Lucas!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

so long as you keep your shirt on whilst on the campaign trail you should do fine..

although... then again.. who bloody knows these days!! The first naked president! ha ha

Speaking of shirts I plan to make some soon!

Fake it til you make it. Shake it til they take it.
Sure, why not?
Go for it @jerrybanfield !
Just enjoy the ride.
If you shoot for the moon, but at least make it over the pool,
that's a win. ;) Cheers @ecoknowme


Homer Simpsons Cliff Jump Fail is very legendary.

But you realize that politics is a charade? Statism is a religion? Hey some presidents (ruling over others) have their face on Mt Rushmore! I think you could make some Steemit posts about the topic from Cowspiracy instead depending on your motivation for the issue(s)


This is so audacious that it just might have a chance!

It looks like you've got a solid plan and the start of a small campaign team in place already.

Thank you and I hope to make the whole campaign team on Steemit!

hahaha!!! I LOVE it! @jerrybanfield for PRESIDENT!!! I am with you all the way on that one! Trump did it... so why the bl**dy hell not!

Fitting really... I wrote a post now about gratitude and I would like to share it with the future president of the United States of America...

I hope you enjoy it Mr. President ;)

Thank you I will read it soon!

Is bloody a bad word?

I suppose that would be up to the person using it :)

I love reading your articles mate, but this is a bit erring on the weird ones.

I laughed in the beginning! I thought this was an April Fool joke but found out you are serious. Had I been an American I would have supported you. Here take my upvote. :)

You are doing a great work!! The best!

I'm getting your T-shirt already then :)

@jerrybanfield your face should be there! :)

Haha. I would vote for you (if I was in the USA)!
Jerry- you seem to love Steemit more than anyone. Surely you'd love onG.Social. Why don't you post your content there?

Only in America, cheers mike

I could not vote for you because I'm from Argentina ... Democrat or Republican? Or Ross Perot? ... haha ​​... what I do is follow you here ... but that complicates haha


In the future, the parties may change names and colors. We have a freedom party or MAGA party or smaller government party. The left could try to rebrand their party to be the equality party or welfare party. There are other parties too, but we normally focus mostly on the red and the blue division. However, I do not like the red or blue because they were infiltrated and altered by people like Soros, Rothschild, the NWO, the Fed, and others, like for the past 2 centuries or longer.

personally do not like Trump very much, but I do love democracy, so we have to respect where the people of the USA put it ...

Trump is a symbol of reducing taxes, increasing freedoms, fixing health care, creating jobs, helping people so much in so many ways, in reducing regulations, and more.......

I can not say too much about what you say and much less refute because I do not live there ... those are good measures without a doubt ... I speak of what transmitted to me as a person and things i hear from his own mouth... and from the outside if I have to say something in a few words whats trump for me "" the world in danger ""...It's a personal opinion that I can not only be wrong, I want to be.

Your opinion is not your opinion. They brain washed you.

Ah look ... I see that you are respectful of what another thinks ...
I think it is obvious that the brain washed it to you ...I think directly from what I hear from trump...
I do not listen to American media that tell me if it's right or wrong ... but you do ... and they brainwashed you ... I have a free thought of what they say there ... you're not ... that is to say If you want to see a brain washed look in the mirror

You are brain washed. You are sad. Because you cannot see what I see. You ignore what I said. I can give you books. But you will not read the books. That means you are closed minded. I can tell you so much. But you do not want to listen. You should mute me because you already muted me in your heart.
You are of the left. Soros owns you.

@jerrybanfield Your ego may be running out of control on this one but everyone will agree with you anyways. I am not American but do you really think the solution to an inadequate president is another? Would it not be more appropriate to use those funds for your wife or someone with more relevant experience to run?

It's not like I think your a bad guy or anything but do you really think that is what would be best for America?

Experience is not the most important factor especially when government is infiltrated by the NWO. For example, Bernie Sanders & John McCain have so much experience but they did not become president and you can look at what they did in politics and you can study their lives and see what they did and WHAT THEY DID NOT DO. Experience does not make things better when the people in politics are puppets of the NWO.

Experience is of course the most important factor. would you hire me, with no relevant experience, to fix your car just because your last mechanic overcharged you?

That would be down right irresponsible and put other people in danger.

This is essentially the same situation.


@gnimeets LIED AND SAID I CHANGED MY ARGUMENTS OF WHAT I SAID but I did not do that. We can ask for money. That is not bad. That is what I say. I can ask you for money but you do not have to give me money. You have the freedom not to give me money. I did not change what I said. I always say stuff like that. You are reflecting. You are deflecting. You are not listening. You do not have to listen. You do not have to be rational. You have the freedom to do what you want with what you have and do not have. I have the freedom to do waht I want to do too. I might be bad or good or both. Everybody asks for money and time and love from each other all of the time on Steemit and Facebook and online on other social networks and in email and offline and everywhere in so many ways and that will continue. We all have ego. We all have bias. Control is something that is everywhere kind of. Control is not always a bad thing.
Think about alternatives. Let the better ideas win.

Fine I will copy paste it again because you keep trying to make it public for your benefit. Being so transparent wont work you know.

Oh didnt notice you started a new thread to make sure other people see this lol.

I will copy paste my response here so you can get some acclaim for your righteous stand against anarchy.
""It is his money, not your money." Your post previous to that was basically all about that it is his money so he can do whatever he wants. If that was the driving force behind this then I of course would have no issue with it. But that is not what happened. He asked for everyone's help in realizing this goal. I got no problem with someone asking for help.

I do however think that we should decide where that help is most needed. Jerry running for president is a good use of community funds? It will take a seriously good argument to make me consider that true.

I can be wrong and when that is the case I have no issue with it because it is just a learning experience. But so far you have made no actual logical case for jerry being president so in effect you are blindly trying to push forward someone elses agenda"

"I have never had an issue with Jerry asking for money. You had an issue with my response and continue to fight rather than just admit your wrong.

You got a great vocabulary but you use it very ineffectively. I rarely lose a logical argument. "

Of course I am reflecting on your previous comments. they have weight on this debate.

You preach freedom and money yet when I give my opinion I must be an anarchist because I think help should go where it is needed rather than wanted.

I did respond to you but unless it is showing up on the main page rather than in extra comments you have no interest in continuing this debate because you somehow think this will get you acclaim.

Just so people know. I have responded every time, but only works for OP if other people see his comment ^^

I cannot ask for money? Jerry cannot ask for money?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

At least read my comment....sigh

""I have never had an issue with Jerry asking for money. You had an issue with my response and continue to fight rather than just admit your wrong."

Do you believe anarchy?

@gnimeets said he is going to flag me. He said I was wrong. He did not say why or how or what I was wrong about. Jerry can ask for money. You either agree or disagree. What was I wrong about? You said you agree that Jerry can ask for money. That is what I said. We agree but you still continue to say I am wrong even as I agree with what you said. You said you agreed that Jerry can ask for money. That is what I said and that is the main thing I said. But you continued to say that I was wrong for agreeing with you which means if I am wrong then you are wrong too because I only say and said what you say and said that Jerry can ask for money and I agree and you agree but you said I was wrong for agreeing with you.

You went to my most recent blog post to get attention. I was nice enough to warn you before I flagged you. YOUR WELCOME

I have repeatedly told you how you are wrong.

You just refuse to acknowledge it or respond. I am enjoying it all the same. You think this is going in your favor when I use facts and logic while you just scream. You know other people can read ALL the posts.

Why do you continue to make a joke of yourself

@gnimeets continues to say "YOU ARE WRONG" but does not say what I was wrong about. He continues to talk like OBAMA. Maybe, he sleeps with OBAMA. Maybe I am wrong about that. What else am I wrong about?

Your last comment is a fine place to leave it. I now know you are not worth anymore effort. I did give you ample time to have an intelligent conversation but you clearly refuse to.

On to the next trolling event for you ;)

You are too smart too be a president. Which will make you the best president and you will really make America great again!

Hope you won't forget us after you will became a president!

You do need to be smart to be a leader. You got to delegate a lot.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Jerry for Mayor: While it's very possible for Jerry to run for president, it not likely you would win because 99.99% of the people don't know who you are. You would have a much better chance to be a mayor of your town, it's More realistic to run for Mayor of your town, then you could pass local laws regarding the environment and allow everybody in the St Petersburg area to utilize all their land for growing food instead of grass if they so choose, etc ..then you can work your way up to President. Now that more Real!

Trump did not go up political ladders.

But he's was well known and unfortunately inept for the job

@robertchr, why did the stock market rise over 4 trillion USD in 2017 while Trump was President? That is my first question. Robert, you do not know nor care about how many questions I can ask. You do not think about that. You do not care about that. You probably watch CNN all day.

Rule like House of Cards :)
Introduce the blockchain into the masses.

That is what we do each day more and more.........................



This is over the coolest thing I've ever heard on steemit.
This is an incredible vision.
You won't often hear this from young people,
maybe they are scared of what they were made to be.

Very challenging decision!

That might be a funny idea. Bcoz Crypto currencies is the concept to decentralize the money as well as the world. If you still support centralized politics, your contribution on a decentralized society is worthless!

hey jerry banfield I read all your posts and i find those awesome. Please help me Writing some more posts if you find my posts valueable.

No. Wrong. You need structure. You got to start somewhere. Please do not become an anarchist. You can become the President in order to make everything less centralized. If we cry all day and say we do not want PRESIDENTS and RULERS, then that is cool maybe but it does not change or fix problems because we live in a world of CORPORATISM and PLUTOCRACY and the NWO and very big bad things like the EU and the UN and so many big things and we cannot run away from that. We should get into the systems that may still be too centralized because then we can make the pre-existing systems less centralized.
The world is not going to stop being centralized without revolution and info wars and fight and change and everything. You can choose to help change things or you can cry and run and hide. NEO saved the day in the MATRIX not when he ran away but when he jumped inside the computer app man Mister SMITH and NEO blew up SMITH from the inside out and TRUMP is trying to do that and BREXIT is trying to do that and also POLAND and also SOUTH KOREA and VIETNAM a little and especially HONG KONG.

Interesting... The Democratic system is one I have given up on a long time ago. Especially here in Africa, it's he who had the money that wins the game. I man with the capacity hardly can make it at the top party.
If you think you have what it takes to lead your country, go for it. Like you said. There is nothing to lose. 👍

Agreed. Money means power. In the future, crypto will be so much bigger.
We buy crypto today to prepare for leadership for the future.

Hey good job,keep it up,i will support you...check me out @kamranbhatti

You got me with the tittle. LOL
Comment signature.gif

In Jerry we trust.


Excellent stuff :)

Sure, why not? ;)
Good luck!

I'm out as I am not from the US, unless I vote ilegally, on the other hand you shouldn't be able to garner too many votes from Steemit as, if you read the posts most are anarchists so I take it they don't vote.

It did not stop all the illegal votes we have had already for the left.

Which one is the left? I mean Hillary is more right wing than Trump, the only left guy there was Sanders and apparently he was the one who was screwed, so there are a lot of questions there.

Hillary introduced Obama Care in around 1995. Hillary stole so much from Haiti. Hillary did Pay To Play. They were involved with ISIS. The KKK was created to help the left and to go after black Republicans. For more information, go to the website Clinton Kaine Dot Com:

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I really don't know what you are trying to prove, I said Hillary is farther right than Trump and she is, Sanders on the other hand is a left winger and he was screwed, but let's look at what you wrote, Obamacare is actually modeled after Mitt Romney's (yes the Republican presidential candidate) successful healthcare program while governor of Massachusets, Hillary stole so much from Haiti, I don't know if that is true, but even if it is true it has absolutely nothing to do with her being right or left it just makes her a thief, ISIS is ultra conservative hardly any organization is more right wing than they are, when the KKK was founded I don't think the left even existed, they were created by conservative southerners who were democrats and didn't like the idea of free black men. Better check your facts because I do check what I write and when I'm wrong I accept it.

@gduran, left means more government, and Romney was for more government and the established Republicans and Democrats for many decades in the USA and in many countries were infiltrated by the NWO and they are very bad people because they are contaminated by the new age movement and progressivism and many very bad ideology concepts that have long records of history that goes back so many years.
Established democrats and republicans are as real as CNN and we know that fake news is very fake. We know what Hillary is and what she was based on what she did for so many years. They wrote books about it. They made films about it. There are websites about it. You can interview so many people. The evidence is all there. People can know the truth.
The left was formed or infiltrated at a deeper level in the 1800's. Watch the documentary Hillary's America and please go watch Clinton Cash and read the book Clinton's War On Women.
Soros and Rothschild and others are behind the fake left right division which mirrors the actual left right split in life but is an inversion upon reality. They use divide and conquer methods of warfare and tactics to dominate over people, groups, countries, communities, regions, families, schools, cults, cultures, religions, banks, corporations through corporatism, technocracy, plutocracy, oligarchy, crony capitalism, and bad versions of globalism, through centralized stuff and so on and they have been dividing countries and people and more for centuries or longer............
@gduran does not really know what I am talking about and is accusing me of what @gduran is doing and that is what the left does so much and so often. You are not looking at what I am saying. You may even think you know what I am talking about while not actually knowing. So, you may not even know you do not know. That is sad. I can give you lists of so many websites and documentaries and films and books and people. You can do the research. We can look at Andrew Jackson. We can look at how they tried to put in the central bank in the USA from Europe in the early 1800's and how that was happening kind of but the people stopped it but then it came back via the Fed in a kind of secret way around 1913 and since then too.
Trump is a symbol for what the Americans believe in. Americans want less taxes and more choice in health care and in education and we want less regulations and more freedoms in business, in life, in work, in land rights, in the right to bear arms, in the freedom of speech and also religion. Hillary is more left than you will ever know. For more information, please go to the Drudge Report Dot Com:

So it boils down to you believe in Trump, good luck with that.

@gduran proves my point by ignoring books and documentaries. Forget about what happened in the 1700's. Forget about history. We repeat history when we do not learn history. I believe in making government smaller. I believe in capitalism. I believe in more choices for each person. I believe in responsibility.
Sadly, you believe what CNN tells you.

Believe is all we have. It is what makes us grow and keeps us alive. Without it ,we would be slaves to other people's opinons. Im glad you have decided to embark on this journey. I wish you all the best

If you want to be Usa president you must be direct descendant from king John of England like Obama, Trump, Bush, Clinton or any other previous president except one. 12 year old girl made a gene tree for all usa presidents and found out this. Only eighth president, Martin Van Buren, was not direct descendant to king John.

Like Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith said, "NEVER SAY NEVER." I love that song. Regardless of the past, have momentum and keep trying.

Our society is doomed if we have those two for role models. I think it would be better to turn off tv and propaganda.

Trump is my role model.

You would be a very good president @jerrybanfield! That's for sure.

This is the Illuminati @jerrybanfield plan to dominate the world with the help of the Bilderbergers
Just kiding, love your channel Jerry! :)

Too many people joke about Bilderberg and Rothschild. We are too blind.

Obama indeed is using a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 and fabricated IDs

How many people knew Obama in 1981 at the Columbia University in New York?

Jerry, New President?

agreed and the Rock might run too... also, Oprah

You are a few months late.

get a grip :)

Love that film, AIrplane.

The STEEM Party, ha ha

Just keep in mind that it would require you to be responsive to a much broader fan-base. I haven't developed any sense of who you truly are; certainly not enough to potentially consider you my boss ;)

Jerry already has the world. Anybody can be his fan. It is already as broad as it is going to get. Jerry does not hide inside some hole like Bin Laden. Jerry is in the public already.

You can do whatever you put your mind to and Steem to...
Steemit would be a very interesting platform to gain ground and steam towards a 2020 run.
Good luck on whatever you choose to do.
Thanks for sharing.

What's your platform as a candidate, Mr Banfield? :)

Jerry will focus on crypto freedoms.

Jerry i have one question . Nowdays y you looks like sad in thumbnail. You need to smile always to motivate others .


Yes. Good idea. Im very sure you would be a good president. Caring for folks and listening to people. Solving problems together. Cheers J

If you are serious about this intention, I would love to read about your positions and policies.

Less taxes or maybe no taxes or some kind of Steemit like blockchain system or maybe not. I want less regulations. I want government to do a lot less.

I think using block chain technology would solve a ton of government inefficiency, but I'm for more tax brackets (like 20) which I think is a fair more progressive scale, and I'm also for precision tax filing (in the US where I live. I know other countries already have this).

Really this is nice post

There is nothing impossible Sir @jerrybanfield, I bet you could definitely, any could desire as high as possible. I pray the best for you Sir.

Go for it @jerrybanfield. I am with you, you have all my support. I am sure you could bring a positive change in the society :)

President Jerry Banfield, sounds cool!

I think that in India the politics is in bad condition and needs to be changed the way it is but in US it is still worse than India.

USA is rising and the USA is coming back and I wish you could know that. USA is the best in the world. I wish you would stop laughing. Go read a book.

It feels like paradise after reading it.

This is satire right?

Truth hides in comedy.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I take it back. @jerrybanfield for president

Good luck!! Anyone's better than Trump...

Contrary to popular opinion, the president has almost no influence on the lives of most people. The real movers and shakers are those who build businesses. Real changes don't come from government edicts, they come from entrepreneurial innovation.

I think that your time and talents are too valuable to waste on a run for political office, particularly president.

Regulations strangle business prosperity.

You have my up Vote for Jerry Banfield! Oh, wait, i am not from USA so i am not eligible :) Maybe then someday election will be done on steemit and the one who gets most upvotes will win lol

we can make that happen

If united we can make happen anything.

You would have my vote!!


I think the fixed person you are, more chance you have to become US president. As long as you do as you told and prosper in your president.

Are the rumours true, President Gerry is changing the name of the White House?.

If Trump can be president
Pluto can be a planet
and yes @jerrybanfield can be president lol good luck .

I like that the USA stock market went up over 4 trillion USD in 2017, this year, the same year that Trump has been the President so far in the USA. The USA debt is going down now.

Getting delusional Jerry?

"getting"? Lol. Seems like he's off his rocker. Or just wanting those lovely SteemIt votes

Your service is really needed on steemit nation, your "excellency"@jerrybanfield.

Why limit yourself to the USA?. Go the whole hog and run as the first "President New World Order ".

The NWO does not allow for voting because the NWO is mostly an oligarchy.

Well, I heard they decided to change all that and let President Gerry run the show.

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Jerry for president :D

If you can't raise $100M+ you'll never be president. Money goes hand in hand with politics 🤑

Disagreed. Money is not required and we live with crypto which is new money.
The future is changing.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sure, try campaining with cryptos and explaining it to farmers and simple people.
"Huh? What's a bitcoin? Can I hide it under my mattress?"

The Crypto Fairy will collect it like the tooth fairy under the pillow.

You have a corrections officer look about you.

With all due respect, you would be wasting your supporter's time and money if you have no chance of winning. Also, you need to show a political platform to be taken seriously. I see nothing like that on this blog post.

Why not run for local/state government? The USA is in disarray because people don't vote where they would have more influence to make changes -- local elections. It's democratically very sad.

Jerry the dreamer.

If I was American, I would vote for ya!

Congratulations @jerrybanfield!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 6 with 509 upvotes
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While I appreciate your posts and videos and everything you´re doing to promote steemit I can´t understand your infatuation with the presidency.
At best you would be the mascot of an evil system, at worst you would go the way of JFK.
Maybe you should look deeper into the motivation of people like Dan Larimer with a philosophical eye and you probably would come to the conclusion that it is all about finding solutions to make the current systems of violence and oppression obsolete without firing a single shot and that voting in a "better" president is not part of the solution but part of the problem.

thanks for share. really like your post!

You look like a youngster.... Younger than thirty five year age requirement... but...
It's never too soon to start the Dream.

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

That rule was broken.

If I had the chance I would absolutely vote 4 ya.

hah i upvited 4 of your posts today and this one i was expecting to see someone actually photoshop a photo of you making a gofy smile onto mt rushmoe...nan do that and youl end up with anothr $200 post real fast

you really inspired people with your partial nudity lol