911, NWO Agenda, Predictivly Programmed False Flag, Part 1

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

The war on terror and the Invasion of the Middle East was started with the false flag of 9/11, an event which over many decades of TV media, was predicatively programmed In to the masses. This Is the main reason why many people, without question, accepted this event exactly the way the controlled media told It.


The final plans were worked out, a year In advance, at The Project For The New American Century, a neoconservative think tank. At this meeting people like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and last but not least Jed Bush, discussed the need for the mass populations approval for the upcoming wars, and that a ”catastrophic and catalyzing event— like a new Pearl Harbor” would have to take place. The PNAC group Is funded by the energy Industry & military Industrial complex, MIC, which through Washington Is directly linked to the Rockefeller and Rothschild banking cartels.

There are three city states In the world, the New World Order Is London ( Rothschild's, Financial Centre ) Rome ( Vatican Jesuits, luciferian Centre ) Washington D.C ( Rockefeller, Military Industrial Complex ) These people own and run US government, CIA, NASA, Hollywood, Disney, MSM News Media, Education System, Science, UK, MI5, MI6, BBC, Israel Mossad, EU, UN, IMF, World Bank plus the majority of the worlds governments, through their control of the money system. Their new control systems are Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and the majority of media and Internet companies.

The false flag of 9/11 was one of the biggest staged events In world history, an event done for the purpose of forwarding an evil, luciferian, New World Order agenda. The plan was to stage the event, get the reaction from the media and scared masses, then present their agenda as the solution, this Is an old roman template, Problem, Reaction, Solution.

The Patriot Act and the mass surveillance of the western world was a huge Orwellian cog they wanted and the other huge cog they needed, was the Invasion and overthrow of multiple countries, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Iran. The majority of these wars was to overthrow the leaders, Install a Rothschild central bank and put In a puppet government that works for the NWO bankers and enslaves the peoples of said countries. The plan to Invade Iraq had already been decided long before the Twin Towers fell, the lies about, Saddam Hussein's, weapons of mass destruction just add to the lies that have been told ever since.

Anyone that doubts 9/11 was a false flag needs to look at the fact that the towers fell at close to free fall speed, buildings can only fall at free fall speed If they are blown out by explosives. They are the only buildings to have ever fell straight down at free fall speed after an apparent plane Impact and the resulting office fires. Many engineers who build these high rise towers have stated that the Twin Towers would of been able to withstand, multiple strikes from multiple planes. The highest possible temperature that jet fuel burns at Is 1796 degrees Fahrenheit, but the WTC fires were open air burning fires so the temperature would of been no higher than 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Structural steel melts at 2750 degrees Fahrenheit, so the official story that the steel structure of the buildings was compromised, by the fires, Is Impossible. The only way that those buildings could of collapsed In the manner they did Is by using Thermite and a controlled demolition. It Is also worth mentioning that many people have put forward the Idea that a magnatron ( microwaves ) was also used and this may explain the almost complete dustification of the buildings.

Another thing to note, Is that the BBC reported that WTC 7 fell, before it happened with Information they claim was from Reuters. The below video shows the BBC reporter clearly announcing WTC 7 has fallen, while It Is still standing In the background behind her. This shows how the BBC Is, Rothschild Zionist, controlled through Intelligence services like the CIA and MI6. They are exactly what CNN Is In the United States, a propaganda arm of the UK state, Britain Is under maritime admiralty law, It Is a corporation run by the Rothschild bankers.

I want to conclude this article, which Is the first of a sequence about 911, by thanking everybody who Is working to get the Truth out. We all must continue to support each other In this Information war, we really are In a spiritual battle of good vs evil. Whether your Truth is slightly different to my Truth, as long as It comes from the heart and you feel It to be true, then If we all speak from that place we will eventually overcome and find our freedom.
A good example of Truth being different was a few months back I wrote an article about the Cabal and In It I talked about 911. I knew controlled demolitions had been used, but I thought real planes were crashed In to the buildings. Someone messaged me and said they used CGI planes, at that time this just didn't compute, my memory of the event was that It looked so real on the MSM, I just believed they must of used real planes. I now am quite certain they used a combination of things to achieve the visual effect that we saw on TV and It Is very obvious when you meticulously research everything that no actual planes were crashed In to the buildings It was just CGI. So even though we may disagree as long as we are all genuinely searching Truth then we will continue to shine light on to the darkness.

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Dont depend on the fake news to report any of this. The fake news is one of the primary reasons we are in this mess to begin with. They masquerade as journalist and real news but when it matters the most they fail to hold power to account. The reason the fake news fails in this regard is because they are owned by the oligarchy themselves.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Jesus Is the light of the world.

Ouch! This is not a cool. You can't be asking for upvotes like that. Just saying.

Good post but I can't vote it now I've seen this. Sorry.

I'll keep following though.

The person gave me a good response then didn't upvote what's wrong with reminding him that he forgot to upvote?

You've just edited the comment. Do you really need to ask that?

There Is nothing wrong with asking someone for an upvote or support as long as you are writing Truth.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We are In a spiritual battle against very evil forces, and your worried about whether somethings cool or not, we all need to work together as Individuals, peace.