The British police officers In the below video are deliberately harassing Tommy Robinson on his day out with his family, he had just come out of a pub when very aggressive police officers, bullied and tried to provoke Mr Robinson. He hadn't done anything at all, he was out with his family and this Intimidation and attack was completely unprovoked and Illegal. Mr Robinson's children can be clearly heard crying In the background and I'm calling these police officers out for the degenerates they are. Tommy has since served a court warrant against the officers and will have his day In court to put his case forward.
I want to send a message to the police officers who like abusing their authority and doing the dirty work for the elites that are obviously behind this harassment, designed to get Tommy to react, he showed great restraint and Intelligence to restrain himself, but no reasonable person would of blamed him If he had of reacted, seeing his kids upset like that. You so called police officers, Involved In this, are enforcing a government, controlled by a Rothschild banking cartel, evil people that worship the Talmud, the same elites who are Involved In pedophilia. You police, that did this to those children, are no better than criminals who do the dirty work for the mafia, that's what you are, criminals with a uniform. You should be ashamed of yourself, what would you feel like If someone did that to your children.
Tommy Robinson Is a British hero fighting against corrupt elite pedophiles and Sunni Muslim pedophile gangs, that have wreaked chaos In our country, he Is like Julian Assange, a modern day freedom fighter, exposing the corruption. Britain Is a corporation, a country under control by a tyrannical group of elites.