Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: The Foundation-Funded 'Progressive' Left

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

It might be a stretch to call today's 'progressive' leftists "wolves in sheep's clothing". After all, many if not most of them display the viciousness of wolves quite openly, showing nothing of the soft, docile disposition associated with the archetypal lamb. However, those wolves rattle on ceaselessly about how committed to progress and social justice they are, while sending their followers down regressive paths and increasing injustice and strife, so I feel the characterization is appropriate.

After many years of close acquaintance with the left, I've realized that they tend to speak in inverted language, labeling their campaigns and crusades with terms opposite to their true practices , methodologies and goals. (see the current 'anti-fascist' Antifa movement for many shining examples of this inverted language) Like true wolves in sheep garb, they describe their violent, illiberal, collectivist social movements in glowing, floral language, and portray themselves as champions of the poor and the underdog while lobbying for tax hikes, carbon pricing schemes which fill the pockets of folks like Gore, and Draconian regulations which hurt the poor and small business far, far more than the rich and the offshore elite.


It's no surprise that their movements virtually always tend to achieve the opposite of what they claim to strive for. Those who direct the movements plan it that way. The organized left is a rear guard movement of the global economic elite, aimed at eliminating market economies to the greatest extent possible, in order to destroy competition and further consolidate their power monopolies.

When one follows the funding trails, one quickly finds that the chief financial backers of the organized left are some of the wealthiest robber barons in the world ( Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Carnegies, Soros etc.), who shell out billions to fund everything from the academic left to arts endowments, from leftist lobby groups to children's education programs, to violent far-left 'protest groups' like Antifa . It's hard to find any major leftist groups which don't take their funding from the tax-shelter foundations of the elites, and the majority of the 'grass-roots' organizations get funding from those same troughs as well.

The global oligarchical elites seek to implement hard left policies domestically all across the West, because they want us all pushed further into debt slavery to their central banks, and they don't want any competition. It's all about pushing punitive taxes and outrageous over-regulation on the small businesses and smaller corporations, while the elites keep all their money offshore and spend billions lobbying to have the regulations written in their favor.

The work of Naomi Klein is a great example. She's funded by the Standard Oil Rockefellers and the Ford Foundation, and she pushes global carbon taxes and total U.N. control over our lives, all while screaming about the need to end capitalism. Could it be that she promotes global U.N. taxes and U.N.-enforced regulations because her patrons the Rockefellers have long been one of the main forces behind the U.N., even providing the land for the U.N. Headquarters? Does she accompany her screeds about the need for increased taxes on average people with screeds about her elite patrons hiding their money offshore? When she preaches of the need for UN interference in all aspects of our lives and smart-meters on everything that can be smart-metered, does she preach that the Rockefellers should have their vast estates taken from them and made into bio-reserves? When folks like her tell us we all need to get used to living in micro apartments and having less, do they lead by example? Of course not, they know not to bite the hand that feeds them, and they fly around the world staying in luxury hotels. They have tasted the foundation teat, and there they will stay with the rest of their ilk.

Of course, it's not only the big foundations which fund the Left; obscene amounts of money are also handed out to the little packs of stunted, snarling ninnies by corporatist states (who take it from working people through coercion and violence). And it's never enough. Trendy ideologues never stop bleating that more government funding is needed for more bleating.

It's hard for me to imagine how leftists can actually see themselves as being part of a "counter-culture" or "resistance" when they're swimming in government funding and being backed by the world's biggest oligarchs. Do the useful idiots among them ever wonder why the same corporatist billionaires who enslave us with debt and rape the planet are also funding their 'grass-roots' 'social justice' movements?

I don't think they wonder about anything much. These days, they tend to be more into shrieking and throwing pee at people than critical thinking. Today's leftists are smug, spoiled little tyrants, delighting in pack animal violence and online witch-hunts. The PC culture they enforce was designed by Frankfurt School think tanks run by the global elite, who want to eliminate free speech and destroy healthy public discourse to pave the way for their corporatist world order.

It's no wonder anyone who speaks out against global government gets attacked by the left, and attacked viciously. They're simply doing the bidding of their masters, who designed the global government that's being rolled out. And those masters want as much violence as possible. That's why today's far left agitators tend to act more like 1930s fascists and Blackshirt thugs than crusaders for justice. Those who oppose their collectivist agenda and their language policing are singled out, ridiculed, targeted by mobs of paid protesters, fired from their jobs, and deluged with online death threats. And through all this violent behavior, the left are praised by a sympathetic mainstream media owned by those same oligarchs who fund them.

The left can throw their weight around with impunity, because the left is the new establishment. They're mouthpieces of the power elite, though most of them don't even realize it. They're as rebellious as automatons and as subversive as tapioca. They've become what they always claimed to hate. Most of them even sound like 50s era McCarthyite right wingers, with their wildly hyperbolic, paranoid accusations of Russian influence. Their trappings are tired and their 'subversive' subsidized art was edgy about 50 years ago (these 'subversive' artists love to recycle the shitty Fluxus movement and ape Joseph Beuys, who I actually love) .

What it all comes down to is that those of us who oppose the collectivist agendas of the left must stop letting them claim underdog status. We must stop letting them preach to us from some perceived moral high ground. We must expose them for the slaves to the system they really are.

Working people in the West are turning away from the leftist political establishment in droves, especially in the United States and some of the more heavily balkanized areas of Europe. We who believe in individual liberty and voluntary action must do all we can to steer these disillusioned people towards the path of liberty, and away from the reactionary fascist movements which are springing up in response to the left's excesses.

The 'radical' left in the West today is largely composed of spoiled, hysterically incoherent rich kids who try their best to look poor in their shabbiest lumber jack shirts and black jeans, all while engaging in 'activism' on behalf of organizations funded by capitalist billionaires. We need to mock them for this as much as we can, and spread the meme that they are spoiled brats. It's already happening to great effect, and being a Marxist "SJW" is not nearly as trendy as it was a few years ago.

Culture wars are won by those who use language most effectively and capture hearts and minds. It's only through the apathy and cowardice of silent majorities that bland, soulless apparatchiks and spoiled trust fund brats (who can barely talk let alone form cogent arguments) are able to dominate public discourse. If you stand for liberty, it's time to speak loud and speak often, and call out these addled Mao-wannabes for the establishment puppets they are.

It's time for these wolves to be put to out to pasture.

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Hey ,
Thanks for sharing

Thanks to @joshsigurdson for the sweet thumbnail.

No problem! :P

LOL, and it goes without saying that the Koch-funded right suck some serious ass too.

Most of these leftist morons get brainwashed at school and university( re education camps)

Yes indeed. You don't need to herd people into Soviet-style re-education camps when you can convince them to voluntarily shell out tens of thousands of dollars to be brainwashed with the same communist propaganda at a university.

All these leftist groups are doing is political violence. It breaks my heart to see how brainwashed these people are. When you try talking to them, it's easy to tell that their spirit is gone, they only exist in body, not in mind. When they talk, they talk with the same logic as autistic children. They have become slaves to a system that feeds on divide and conquer.

Great article. Straightforward and well put. Will watch for more of your writing.