Governments Use Reverse Psychology on YOU!

in politics •  8 years ago 

I have a hard time wrapping my head around the logic society uses. Our government makes a statement and then the people just repeat it without even thinking about what they are saying. For example, have you ever heard the saying, "We need to go to war so we can create peace." How does that even make sense? You can not create peace by starting a war. It does the complete opposite of what they are trying to say, and it goes this way with most government legislation. We can point out example after example of the government reacting to a situation and making it worse.


In the city

In San Francisco, where I live, we were given rent control by the local government. This was supposed to make apartments more affordable for people who can't afford to live in San Francisco. It sounds like an amazing thing, but in reality, it made it harder for less fortunate people to move into the city. When the city made some apartment buildings rent controlled, it caused the prices of non-rent controlled apartments to skyrocket in price. It also decreased the amount of low-income housing construction. Builders don't want to build apartment buildings if they have to provide rent controlled units. Instead, they end up building luxury high-rises that only the millionaires and billionaires of San Francisco can afford. Plus, try finding a rent-controlled unit in today's market. It's going to be extremely hard, the reason is, the people who have rent controlled apartments will never leave them. Landlords also don't take care of their properties under rent-control. If they can't increase the rent, they'll be reluctant to make sure everything is up to date. In a truly free market, builders and landlords could stay competitive in a free and open market. This will drive rental costs down, increase construction, and save the tax-payers money.


The past

I remember a few years back when everyone was talking about increasing the debt. I would constantly hear, we have to spend more money to stimulate the economy and get out of debt. Again, another reversal of the truth. If you are in credit card debt, you don't spend more money on it. You stop spending money, you pay down your debts, and you start saving. So the real way to change things is to spend less money, way less. The United States government borrows 3 billion dollars a day, every day, and have been doing so for many years. This is not sustainable. You can borrow a million dollars a month and have a great time, but eventually, the lenders will want their money back. The sad part about all of this is the fact that The Federal Reserve loans us most of our money. Yes, that's right, the bank that is supposed to provide stability to our markets actually loans our government money at interest. So, we are basically paying for everything with inflation or printed money.


Keep it flowing

Every dollar that is printed, is just a new loan from the bank at interest to the US taxpayer. This has two effects, our money has less purchasing power and our taxes increase. You see, the more money borrowed the more taxes the government has to add. The original intention was for the treasury to mint the money with gold and silver. Gold and silver always retain their value. The problem comes in when we allow our government to manipulate the value of gold and silver by printing more vouchers than money available. What ends up happening is the gold and silver become worth more than the certificate. This leads to bank runs and shortages in money. I've always wondered about how a gold backed Bitcoin system would work. I don't know how you could work, but it would be cool because it would be a decentralized system to prevent a small group of people from controlling it. A real open money community. Bitcoin is already there, but people are skeptical because it has no intrinsic value.



Some other areas we are deceived are, we need to tax the rich more, illegal immigrants are stealing our jobs, abortions are not murder, immorality is cool, humans come from apes, without college you can't be successful, marijuana is bad, holistic medicine doesn't work, and list can just keep going and going. We are literally being taught the opposite of what is true on a regular basis. You can keep going to deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole and realize our whole life is based on lies that are shoved down our throats on a daily basis. It is sad how backward the world is today. There are even groups pushing for communism again, even after history shows how badly it can go. People argue that free market solutions aren't the answer, but we haven't had a free market in a long time to be able to prove it. I just hope more people start opening their eyes to whats going on. It's important to educate people, but even more important to prepare for the coming collapse. They have everyone confused about the truth and when the collapse comes no one is going to know what to do. So start stocking up on whatever you have available to you. We can't prevent the collapse, but if we wake up enough people to the deception we can steer ourselves into the right direction.

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