Men in Dresses, Dildos not Guns, and a State of Concern.

in politics •  8 years ago 

The Agenda to Turn Men Into Woman

There has been a slow process that has been taking over this country, maybe even the world. Our governments, media, and news outlets are blurring the lines between men and woman. Numerous celebrities are pushing this trend forward. Male celebrities have been painting their nails, wearing dresses, and including hidden messages in their movies and music. The majority of the celebrities wearing skirts are black. I'm not sure why they are putting black men into skirts..Maybe it's because Hip-Hop and rap music gained so much momentum over the last 20 years and these celebrities can bring it to the masses. There are many movies with black actors being put into dresses. Dave Chappelle has spoken about how they tried to do the same to him, but he refused to wear a dress. They kept trying to get him to wear the dress, but after consistently refusing, they had a new scene written in 10 minutes.

Dave Chappelle Interview

I'm not a homophobic person, but it seems there is a gay agenda at play. Only 2% of the world population is gay, give or take. Yet, we have the gay culture being shoved down our throats by the media. Naturally, humans want to reproduce, so it would make sense that the gay population would be very small. Although, the majority of people you ask will guess it's 40% of the population.

I've noticed that many comedy movies today show men kissing, like its a joke. I just watched the movie 'Sausage Party' and multiple times there was referencing to having sex with a man. What is happening to our culture? We have Caitlyn Jenner, a transgender, who wins the 'Woman of the Year' award. Which is similar to Obama winning the 'Nobel Peace Prize'.. I mean come on!

Pictures of Celebrities in Skirts

Vin Diesel and Snoop Dogg

Eminem and P. Diddy

Kanye West

Watch this Video

Snoop with his nails did? You're a gangster?


Dildos Instead of Guns?

In recent news, there have been hundreds protesting at the University of Texas at Austin. The reason for the protest was Texas's open carry law on school campus. As long as a student is over 21 and has a concealed weapon license they can stay armed at school. The country has been brainwashed into thinking that guns are for murdering and not for protection. You'll never be able to get rid of guns, so the only solution is to allow anyone to own a gun. They have started chanting a slogan, "Cocks not Glocks". Demonstrators gathered with sex toys in the air or strapped to their backpacks.

“We have crazy laws here but this is by far the craziest, that you can’t bring a dildo on to campus legally but you can bring your gun. We’re just trying to fight absurdity with absurdity,” said Rosie Zander, a 20-year-old history student.

She goes on to say, “We wanted something fun that people could really engage in. Because it’s hard to get involved in the political process at our age, people our age don’t tend to vote or get involved, and this is so easy. Strap a dildo on and you’re showing the Texas legislature this is not a decision we wanted.”

Jason Buckelew, is a 36-year-old who believes in second amendment rights decided to mingle with the protestors . He says, “Shooting sprees happen in gun-free zones. It’s just crazy not to arm yourself. You should be able to defend yourself wherever you go,” and “They say that having guns on campus will stifle their free speech but then they’re walking around with sex toys, so they’re not very stifled, really.”

Watch the video here:

A New World Order, not the law of the jungle.

I think we have lost our morals in this country. I mean people protesting with dildos? We have the right to bear arms for one reason, to protect ourselves from government. This whole thing is just another way the government can take our guns away and make us more feminine. Take away our guns and put skirts on us, best way for us not to start a revolution. It's truly amazing to me that people aren't able to see this. Everyone is blinded. Just don't be surprised if you see people on the streets wearing skirts..The New World Order is here.

A book was published Jan. 1st, 1990 called, 'The New World Order' was written by Author A. Ralph Epperson. He makes some interesting predictions.

An excerpt from the forward-
The old world is coming to an end. It will be replaced with a new way of doing things.
The new world will be called the "New World Order."

This new structuring will re-distribute property from the "have" nations and will give it to the "have- not" nations.
The New World Order will include changes in:

The Family:
homosexual marriages will be legalized, parents will not be allowed to raise their children (the state will) all women will be employed by the state and not allowed to be "homemakers", divorce will become ex- ceedingly easy and monogynous marriage will be slowly phased out,

The Workplace:
the government will become the owner of all of the factors of production, the private ownership of property will be outlawed,

religion will be outlawed and believers will be either eliminated or imprisoned, there will be a new religion: the worship of man and his mind, all will believe in the new religion.

It's already started


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Sincerely Yours,



#politics #anarchy #anarchism #freedom #liberty

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Good post. Perversion, deviance, and the abnormal as the "new normal" are the guideposts of our era. The ship is sinking.

Summed it up perfectly.

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